Pregnancy HY Flashcards
Endometrial glands invades myometrium.
Symmetrical, soft large (globular), boggy uterus.
± Myometrial thickening on u/s
Dx/Tx & Definitive Tx?
Mirena IUD
(levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device)
Definitive tx: Hysterectomy
Irregularly enlarged uterus
Well-circumscribed masses in the myometrium on u/s
Uterine leiomyoma - Fibroma
(Elevated risk of spontaneous abortion)
1 hour Oral Glucose Tolerance test done at
24w visit
(if abnormal do 3hr test)
When 1st dose of Rhogam if pt is Rh (–) & no antibodies
when do all pregnant women get the Tdap vaccine?
Other recommended vaccines in pregnancy?
T-Dap (27w–)
HepB (if non-immune)
Flu vaccine (non-live)
1st Prenatal Visit (~10w) screening (5):
HIV, HBVsAg, Syphillis
UA/Ucx (Asymptomatic Bacteuria- test of cure)
Rh Status check (Indirect Coombs if blood type is Neg)
Anal Vaginal GBS swab indicated when
(if premature labor, do it at that time)
Pre-Term Labor <32w
what is given
± Indomethacin (tocolytic)
Pre-Term Labor <34w
what is given
2 doses Betamethasone
± Nifedipine (tocolytic )
Premature rupture of Membrane <34w
Mom or Fetus have compromise (like infection, bleed, etc)
Immediate Delivery
(Mg if <32w +Betamethasone + Ampicillin/Amoxicillin)
Premature Rupture of Membrane <34w
Mom & Fetus have no infection, bleeding, or distress
Fetal Monitoring
Expectant management
<32w Magnesium
3 days post-partum what care does the mother receive?
2nd RhoGam dose (if no Abs)
(Baby should get 1st HBV vaccine and Vit K)
at 10w visit if mom is Rh (–) NBSIM?
NBSIM: If results (–) or (+)?
Indirect Coombs test
(check for ABs)
Negative ABs → RhoGAM at 28w (& again 3d PP)
Positive ABs → Check Father’s Rh status
FYI (out of test’s scope)
if father Rh + baby will need Doppler u/s of MCA for anemia
Polyhydraminos happens when baby pees a lot
or isn’t swallowing/drinking enough.
Causes (4)?
Diabetic Mother
Anencephaly (can’t swallow)
obstruction to swallowing (esophageal/intestinal atresias)
Oligohydraminos happens when baby can’t pee.
List 3 causes & feared complication?
Renal Agenesis
Urinary Obstruction (PUV/VUR)
Mom used ACE-I/ARBs (teratogens)
Urinary tract anomaly→olygohydraminos→Fetal Compression→ Potter Sequence:
Lung Hypoplasia/NRDS, Limb deformities, Face deformities
2 mcc of new born seizures:
Hypoglycemia → Diabetic mom, Beckwith Wiedemann
Hypocalcemia → Digeorge syndrome
Belly Size and Baby Age size discrepancy
NBSIM? Interpret outcome.
NST (Non-invasive Stress Test)
Reactive= 2 acceleration in 20 minutes → GOOD
Non-Reactive= get a BPP (or try waking baby up)
Non-Reactive Stress Test
NBSIM? Interpret Outcome.
Biophysical Profile (BPP)
Sore 0-2 = C-section now
Score 4,6 = Contraction Stress Test
(BPP Score will be given on test!!!)
(CST Results out of scope)
11 weeks gestation (< 20w)
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Heavy vaginal bleeding
Huge Size >Date discrepancy
± theca lutein cysts
Note: The NBME may mention these as speculum blue lesions indicating vaginal mets.
Gestational trophoblastic Dz
Theca lutein Cystic mass causing size discrepancy
30F at 35 weeks
2 day (ACUTE) history of N/V
RUQ Abd Pain + Jaundice
Leukocytosis, Normal/↓PLTs
↑PT/PTT/Fibrin degradation
↑ ↑ AST/ALT ± ↑ GGT
Indirect Bilirubin > direct Bilirubin
↑ Creatinine
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
(DIC like picture)
Tx: immediate delivery
30F at 35 weeks
2 week (chronic) history of Itchiness
RUQ Abd Pain/ Jaundice
Leukocytosis, Normal PLTs
↑ Total serum bile acid
↑ /nl Bilirubin
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Tx: Ursodeoxycholic acid + Deliver at 36w
(or immediately if 37w)
Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia patient with MAHA (schistocytes) with HTN, Anemia & low PLTs
Evidence of hemolysis
(↑LDH, ↓ Haptoglobin, ↑Indirect Bilirubin)
HELLP syndrome
Immediately Deliver
+ Magnesium (mom) + Hydralazine (for HTN)
Hemolysis (↓ Hb/Haptoglobin, ↑ LDH, ↑ Indirect Bili)
Elevated Liver enzymes (↑ AST/ALT)
Low Platelets
How to differentiate between HELLP syndrome and Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy?
AFLP → has hypoglycemia &↑ PT/PTT/ fibrin degradation product. (DIC like)
HELLP → Normal PT & PTT (no fibrin degradation)
(classic presentation)
Severe SOB, cough, hemoptysis, and weight-loss 3 weeks after an abortion.
Hematogenous spread loves to go to the lungs!
MC kind of vaginal malignancy:
BRF for primary vaginal carcinoma:
vaginal malignancy → Squamous cell cancer
BRF → HPV 16/18/30s
Tx: Surgery & Radiation (adhesions/ vaginal stenosis)
Glandular cell vaginal malignancy.
Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Vagina
(fetus exposed to DES = T-shaped uterus)
B-HCG cutoff to see a gestational sac on an ultrasound.
bHCG > ____
> 2000
Pap-smear guidelines for pts after a Hysterectomy
(s/t endometrial hyperplasia/cancer)
Keep doing pap-smears of vaginal cuff
(only stop if hysterectomy was s/t benign reasons)
4ft tall female with amenorrhea.
Classify the hypogonadism
Turner’s Syndrome
Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism
Hypergonadotropic (↑ FSH/LH & ↑ GnRH)
Hypogonadism (↓ Estrogen) s/t streak ovaries
18F with Tanner 5 breasts & pubic hair with Amenorrhea
No uterus.
Mullein agenesis (MRKH syndrome)
Breast present = Estrogen is okay
Pubic hair present = Testosterone/Progesterone is okay
Supermodel having a BMI of 17 with amenorrhea.
Classify the hypogonadism?
GnRH FSH LH E2 levels?
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
HPG axis shut down= ↓ FSH/LH, ↓ GnRH (gonadotropins) & ↓ Estrogen (gonads)
1º Amenorrhea with severe lower abdominal pain at the end of the month. Bulge in vaginal vault on exam.
Imperforate hymen
Transverse vaginal septum (rare, 2nd option)
Tx: Surgery
Treatment for Primary Dysmennorhea?
PE is normal
1st line: NSAIDs
2nd line: OCPs
s/t prostaglandins causing violent uterine contraction
25F Infertile w/Painful menses, painful poop, painful sex.
Dx/BRF/Temporary & Definitive Tx?
(+) Family history
Temporary Tx: OCPs
Definitive Tx: Hysterectomy
Patho: Endometrial glands/stroma are outside the endometrium (mc in the ovaries chocolate cysts)
In Endometriosis
where is one common attachment point affected?
how is it definitively diagnosed & treated?
Can attach to utero-sacral Ligament (HY)
Definitive dx → Laparoscopy
Definitive tx → Hysterectomy
Heavy menstrual bleeding, symmetrically soft/tender uterus on bimanual exam.
Definitive dx:
Definitive tx:
Tx: Mirena IUD
Definitive tx: Hysterectomy
Definitive dx: Laparoscopy
(endometrial glands in myometrium)
Most effective emergency contraception.
Copper IUD
What kind of contraception should be avoided in a postpartum female?
Estrogen containing contraception
Contraception with the need for Vit D/Ca supplementation.
Reversible decr in bone mineral density
Delayed Return to fertility
(progestin injectable q3m)
23F abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding + Positive B-HCG
Ectopic Pregnancy
Tx: Methotrexate
MTX contraindications
bHCG > 5000
Fetal cardiac activity present
If pregnancy is viable bHCG should
DOUBLE every 48hrs
PCOS patient desiring pregnancy.
(Letrazole inhibits aromatase thus lowers E2)
PCOS criteria?
Must meet 2 for dx
Treatment of PCOS?
- Hyperandrogenism
- Irregular menses (Anovulation)
- Polycyctic ovaries on U/S
Tx: Weight-loss + OCPs
Mucopurulent vaginal discharge &
Lower Abdominal/ Adnexal tenderness
Now has RUQ pain → dx?
Pelvic inflammatory Disease
CTX + Doxycycline (or Azithromycin)
RUQ pain → spread to liver capsule (Fitz Hugh Curtis Syndrome)
19F persents with AMS, Sudden high fevers, Red skin, + palmar exfoliating rash; recent h/o menses
Toxic Shock Syndrome
(fyi emperic abx → Vanco + Clindamycin)