HY Review #1 Flashcards
2 reasons for
Failure to pass nasogastric tube in an infant + Associated defects
Esophageal Atresia w/ TE fistula
Choanal Atresia
Vertebral, Atresias, Cardiac, TE fistula, Renal, Anal, Limb defects
Coloboma (pupil)
Heart, Atresia (choanal), Retarded (growth), Genital, Ear defects
White pt. (+) FMH
RUQ pain, Splenomegaly, Jaundice, Anemia
↓ Hgb ↑ MCHC
Indirect Hyberbilirubinemia
↓ Haptoglobin
Dx/Tx/Dxt (2)/cx?
Hereditary Spherocytosis (AD)
Osmotic Fragility test/ Eosin 5 Maleimide binding test
Cx: Pigmented Gallstones (s/t hemolysis)
Ankrin/Spectrin mutation– congenital hemolytic disorder
RBCs lack central pallor
Patients present with swelling of the eyelids, lips, and/or tongue.
Cx: laryngeal edema requires intubation
Hereditary Angioedema
avoidance of triggers (ACE-I)
Bradykinin-mediated → C1 inhibitor
Bradykinin receptor ANTagonists
Kallikrein inhibitors.
Histamine-mediated→ antihistamines, steroids
History of rheumatoid arthritis
multiple lower lobe nodules on CXR
Caplan Syndrome
(aka Rheumatoid Pneumoconiosis)
Before obtaining surgery, doing sports, or after trauma what is indicated in pts with RA or Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Cervical X-Ray
Atlantoaxial instability (C1-C2 Subluxation)
History of rheumatoid arthritis
Felty Syndrome
1st: Methotrexate
2nd: TNF 𝛼-Inhibitor
(etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab)
Before starting immunomodulators (TNF inhibitors) for RA, IBD, etc. what do we screen for 1st? (3-4)
Cx associated with immunomodulator use?
Cx: Lymphomas
List 2 classic opportunistic infections in pts on TNF inhibitors?
Listeria Infections (Granulomatous illness)
RA treatment in pregnancy?
Sudden onset limb pain
absent pulses
h/o recent MI
Acute Limb Ischemia
IV Heparin (1st)
CT Angiogram (+ct)
Embolectomy (last/definitive tx)
Recent MI & cardiac cath.
transient vision loss (golden spot on fundoscopy)
netlike, purplish discoloration LEs
↑ Cr
(+) Eosinophiluria
Aortic Atheroembolic disease
(Cholesterol Emboli Syndrome)
Pt suspects they were bitten by a bat. NBSIM?
Rabies Immune-globulin (in one arm)
Rabies Vaccine (in other arm)
Red urine + flank pain minutes after a blood transfusion begins
Hemolytic transfusion rxn
(ABO incompatibility → T2HSR)
Normal Saline (flushes out bad blood)
Respiratory Distress + stridor/wheezing minutes into a blood transfusion
Anaphylactic Transfusion rxn
(IgA deficiency → T1HSR)
Fever and chills 2-3hrs into transfusion reaction
Febrile non-hemolytic
(prevent with leukocyte irradiation)
Acetaminophen (anti-pyretic)
If a pt has ANY transfusion reaction what test should be done?
Direct Coombs TEST
(to see if antibodies caused it)
Classically presents as an elderly female (or person who recently hung out with elderly person)
with malaise, night-sweats, weight loss, and productive cough.
CXR: Lower lobe/ Mid-lobe (hilar) opacities
Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) infection
REC: Rifampin + Ethambutol + Clarithromycin
aka Lady Windermere Syndrome
Presents very similar to TB
Sputum is acid-fast bacilli (+)
Involves the lower lung lobes (TB involves upper lobes)
Traveler/Inmate/immigrant (India, Phillipines, China, Indonesia)
present with fever, weight loss, night sweats, and a productive cough (with or without hemoptysis)
Sputum is acid-fast (+) pink bacilli
Tuberculosis (Active)
RIPE + Vit B6
Rifampin + Isoniazid + Pyrazinamide + Ethambutol
h/o sickle cell disease recent URI
Hb of 2
low reticulocytes
Aplastic crisis
(s/t Parvo B19)
Typically in a sickle cell crisis there are ↑ Reticulocytes.
If this presents with ↓ reticulocytes consider aplastic crisis s/t Parvo B-19.
Female presents for amenorrhea.
Has T5 Breast+ No Pubic/Axillary hair
Blind Vaginal Pouch
Dx & genotype?
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (46XY)
testosterone receptor don’t work.
(poor axillary/pubic hair = Testosterone problem)
Soldier returns from deployment with nose papule that has evolved into a centrally ulcerating lesion with a raised erythematous rim
Cutaneous Leishmanaiasis
Liposomal Amp-B
(or sodium stibogluconate)
Erythematous rash on the face, neck, and torso 10 mins after an infusion is started for Staph Aureus endocarditis treatment. Dx/Tx?
Antibiotic induced infusion reaction
(Red Man Syndrome s/t Vancomycin)
Tx: slow infusion rate + antihistamine
Sudden onset of low back pain,
bowel and bladder dysfunction
Bilateral patellar hyperreflexia & weakness
(+) Babinski
Conus Medullaris Syndrome
(Acute + UMN sxs)
3w Gradual onset low back pain (radiates to the left thigh)
bladder/bowel dysfunction
saddle anesthesia (S3-S5)
decreased Rectal tone (or erectile dysfunction)
Unilateral, hyporeflexic, LE weakness
Cauda equina syndrome
(Gradual+ LMN sxs)
Most common cause of death in muscular dystrophy
Cardiac dysfunction
Hematologic association with restless legs syndrome? Treatment?
Iron deficiency anemia → Willis Eck Bomb Syndrome (restless leg syndrome)
1st line: Pramipexole / Ropinorole (dopamine agonist)
2nd line: Primidone (barbituate)
3rd line: Pre-pregabalin / Gabapentin
Treatment of aggression in individuals with Alzheimer’s?
Cardiac effect of Ziprasidone (atypical anti-psychotic)
prolongs QT
Tumor marker for hepatoblastomas?
alpha fetal protein (AFP)
associated w/ Beckwith-wiedemann syndrome
Hemodynamically Unstable
h/o Bipolar Disorder (well managed)
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus (s/t Lithium)
ppx → ENAC chanel blocker (Amiloride/Triamterene)
2 HY screenings that should be carried out in cirrhotic patients:
Need an annual EGD for risk of Variceals SCREENING
Need every 6m a LIVER U/S to screen for HEPATOCELULAR CARCIOMA
35 M is brought to the ED by police who found him walking leisurely between traffic. Needs help walking to hospital bed
Nystagmus and Severe Hypoglycemia
IV Thiamine therapy
(always give thiamine before glucose in alcoholic/malnourished pts)
Confusion, Ataxia, Nystagmus → Wernicke’s
≥50F Presents with fatigue + pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulder, and hip muscles.
↑ ↑ ESR
normal CK
Polymyalgia rheumatica
low dose of oral glucocorticoids
may resemble early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
However, presents with recent viral infection (low-grade fevers) and joint pain does not have swelling/tenderness. It self resolves.
versus RA and SLE which present as a chronic joint pain with tenderness and swelling.
Viral Arthritis
(s/t parvovirus B19)
History of recent stroke now develops pulmonary consolidation
Aspiration PNA
Clindamycin (for ANEROBE coverage)
(note that this can progress to an abscess with cavitation)
Anerobes involved: Bacteroides, fusobacterium, or prevotella
What malignancy likes to form cavitary lesions?
Squamous Cell lung cancer
Treatment of Lobar PNA in COPD Pt:
If, Gram (+) → (Bug & Drug)
if Gram (–) → (Bug & Drug)
Gram (+) → S. Pneumo → Ceftriaxone
Gram (–) → H. Influenza → Ceftriaxone
Fever, RUQ pain
Ultrasound → ExtraHepatic Duct Distended
Mirizzi syndrome
Extrinsic compression of hepatic duct by distended cystic duct
in order to make this dx Qstem HAS to say distended heptic duct ± bulging cystic duct
Pt Presents with Confusion, Nystagmus, and Ataxia.
What are they deficient in?
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
need supplementation has Wernicke’s
Wernicke’s is not a B12 deficiency
Pt presents with Bilateral LE paresthesias.
Absent DTRs
Impaired vibration/proprioception bilaterally
Vitamin B12 deficiency
(seen in Alcoholics & post Intestine resection s/t stuff like Chron’s)
Basophilic Stippling
Is seen in
Lead poisoning