Pregnancy and development Flashcards
Name the site of human fertilization. Define fertilization
- Oviducto
- fertilization is the joining of the egg and sperm
- Sex of baby is determined
- if sperm is carrying a Y chromosome it is a boy— X it is a girl
Define capacitation
-change in head of sperm weakening the acrosomal cap so that it may release its enzyme upon the layers around the egg
Define zygote
- Fertilized egg
- Diploid
Contrast dizygotic and monozygotic twins
- Dizygotic- fraternal, 2 different eggs fertilized by 2 different sperm
- Monozygotic are identical with one egg plus sperm forming zygote that then splits into 2
describe the events immediately following fertilization
- Egg wall changes so that no other sperm can enter
- nucleus of egg and sperm unite
- cleavage begins (30hrs-4days)
- In oviduct, mitosis devisions begin
define cleavage, morula and blastocyst
- Mitosis as zygote travels down oviduct
- a ball of identical cells formed from cleavage is morula
- once in uterus, the cells rearrange to become a blastocyst
Devine implantation and where and when it occurs
-When the blastocyst burrows into the endometrium on day 7-8
Describe the 3 germ layers and the organs that arise from each layer.
- Gastrulation is the state where the germ layers form
- depending which layer a cell ends up in determines which organ it will become
- Ectoderm-outer layer nervous tissue and skin
- mesoderm- skeletal, heart, muscles, vessels
- Endoderm- lungs, GI tract, Viscera
- Neurulation is the formation of the neural tube (brain and spinal cord)
- organogenesis is the beginning of formation of all major organs in the body occurring at week 4
Define embryo and fetus
- When you cannot tell what it is- embryo
- when you can tell it is human- fetus (about 10 weeks)
- at the end of the second month of gestation
Describe the function of HCG and where and when it is produced
- HCG is made by embryo from about weeks 2-12
- It is the hormone that is tested in home pregnancy test (also associated with morning sickness)
- It keeps the corpus luteum alive so that endometrium won’t shed like an normal menses cycle
- by keeping the corpus luteum alive, estrogen and progesterone continue to be produced
Describe the functions of the placenta
- By week 12 the placenta takes over role of making estrogen and progesterone (till end of gestation)
- the placenta is where mom and baby blood meets with out actually mixing
- allows for diffusion of nutrients and oxygen to travel from mom to baby
- allows for diffusion of baby waste and carbon dioxide to travel baby to mom
Name the tissues that comprise the placenta
- Moms endometrium (decidua basalis)
- baby Chorion
Describe the decidua basalis
-Decidua basalis- moms endometrium
What is the average length of human gestation
- 40 full weeks- 280 days
Define parturition and labor. the water breaking refers to what?
- the uterus has weak contractions due the the high levels of estrogen towards the end of pregnancy (braxton hix)
- when these contractions are about 30 minutes apart, labor has begun
- a contraction will finally be strought enough to break the amnion and thus releasing amniotic fluid (water breaking)
Describe the positive feedback mechanism for parturition
-as the weak contractions force the babys head into the cervix, it stretches
-the stretching causing the hypothalamus to make oxytocin which is released fromt he posterior pituitary gland
-oxytocin causes a uterine contraction which forces babies head more into cervix, releasing more oxytocin
== stronger contractions, more stretching== more oxytocin== bigger contractions (positive feedback loop_
describe the effects of relaxin and oxytocin. Where are they produced?
- Relaxin is made by the placenta and relaxes the mom’s pelvic structures making it easier for baby to pass
- Oxytocin causes uterine contractions, forcing babys head into the cervix (positive feedback, as cervix pressure causes more oxytocin to be released)
Define afterbirth-
- After the birth of the baby, the oxytocin is still causing uterine contractions
- empties uterus causing a shearing and passing of the placenta
Describe trophoblast cells
-Are the outer cells of the blastocyst stage of the embryo that develops into the outer membrane called the chorion
Describe chorion
-The chorion is vascular and has finger like extensions digging into mom’s endometrium called villi
Describe chorionic villi
-there is the location of deffusion between mom and baby
Describe umbilical artery and vein and umbilicus
- the umbilical artery and veins comprise the umbilical cord and connect the baby to the placenta
Describe amnion and amniotic fluid
- The fetal membrane immediately surrounding the fetus is the amnion and in it is filled with fetus plus fluid (amniotic fluid)
- this fluid allows for movement, protection, and temperature control