Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Name the bones of the Pectoral Girdle, what articulates, and major feature
-Holds arms- greatest mobility in body
- Clavicle- collar bone
- -articulates with manubrium of sternum and acromion of the scapula
- Scapula- shoulder blade (spine, acromion process, coracoid process, glenoid fossa, supraspinous fossa, intraspinous fossa_
- -articulates with glenoid fossa with the head of the humerus
Acromion Process
- Scapula
- Rough projection from the spine, connects deltoid muscle
- connects with the clavical
Spine (of Scapula)
ridge located on the posterior side of bone
Coracoid Process
rough bumpy, bicep muscle connection
anterior point of shoulder joint
Glenoid Fossa
articulates with the humurous (shoulder dip)
Infraspinous Fossa
Superior side of bone
Supraspinous Fossa
Superior side of bone
Subscapular fossa
Anterior suface for muscle connection
Name the bones of the Pectoral Appendages (upper)
30 bones
- Humurous- bone of the branchium
- Radius- Lateral bone of four arm
- Ulna-medial bone of four arm
- Carpals- 8 bones arranged in 2 rows
- metacarpals- 5 bones of the hand
- Phalanges- 14 bones- proximal, medial, distal
- Articulates with glenoid fossa of the scapula
- Head- smooth ball at proximal end
- Shaft- (aka) diaphysis (long part of bone)
- greater and lesser tubercles-proximal point of head, for muscle attachment
- Deltoid tuberosity-connects with deltoid muscle, on shaft
- trochlea- condyle- medial (pinky side) (SPOOL OF THREAD) inferior part of bone
- Capitulum-condyle-lateral surface-articulates with the head of the radius-distal end(elbow side)
- lateral bone of four arm (thumb side)
- head like a button cap, articulates with capitulum of humerus
- Styloid process-for stabilization
- Medial bone of four arm (pinky side)
- Olecranon process-elbow-rough projection
- Semilunar=Trochlea notch- articulates with the trochler of humerus
- Styloid process- wrist nob, stabilizes carpal joint
Olecranon Process
Ulna- elbow superior process of semilunar arch (trochlear notch)
Trochlear notch
Ulna- articulates with the trochlea of humeros
Condyle- spool of thread-superior of humerus
Distal end towards elbow of the humerus
articulates with head of radius
- 8 bones in two rows of 4
- short bones
- Proximal row articulates with radius
- Distal row articulates with metacarpals
- 5 bones
- numbered lateral to medial (thumb to pinky)
Phalanges (Phalanx)
- bones of digits
- arranged in proximal, medial, distal
- 14 phalanges per hand (thumb has only 2, others have 3)
Only has proximal and distal phalanges
Big Toe
latin root
fingers and toes
how many phalanges in each hand/foot
list the three fetal bones that make up the acetabulum
Ischium-inferior, posterior
Pubis-inferior, anterior
Name our largest sesamoid bone
Sesamoid bone
-bone formed in tendon
name the bones of the pelvic girdle
- Coxal bone
- -ilium, ischium pubis fused
- sacroiliac joint- articulated with sacrum (unlike most joints b/c its rough)
- Iliac crest- most superior edge (hipbone)
- Ischial Tuberosity- anchor hamstring rough bumpy, sticks out
- Obturator foramen- sciatic nerve and arteries pass
- Pubis symphysis-made of fibrocartilage, joining two sides of pelvic bone.
- Acetabulum- where femur articulates, points laterally, all three parts contribute to this socket
Coxal Bone
formed by the joining fetal bones the Illium, Ischium, and Pubis bone
the most superior bone of the coxal bone
inferior and posterior of the coxal bone
Inferior and anterior of the coxal bone
Sacroiliac joint
Articulates with the sacrum, posterior. (rough, unlike other joints)
Iliac Crest
most superior edge (hip bone)
Ischial Tuberosity
Sticks out, rough and bumpy, anchors hamstring muscle inferior posterior enge
Obturator Foramen
big hole where arteries and sciatic nerve passes
Pubic symphysis
connection between R&L fibrocartilge
The joint socket that articulates with femur, points laterally
Pelivc Appendage
- 30 bones
- Femur, articulates with acetabulum with the coxal bone, distally articulates with the patella. The condyles articulate with the condyles of the tibia.
- Patella-sesmoid bone of the knee, articulates only with the femer
- Tibia- medial bone of the shin(the larger) articulated with the fibula both proximally and distally. Also articulates with the tarsals
- Fibula-lateral bone- articulates with the tibia and tarsals
- Tarsals-7- then articulate with metatarsals and phalanges. (including the hallux)
Thigh bone
strongest bone in the body
Head- articulates with the acetabulum- proximal, medial
-greater and lesser trochanter- proximal, rough and bumpy for muscle attachment, (only one in body)
-Lateral and medial condyles- smooth and articular, medial side of head
-Lateral and medial epicondyles- bony projection above the knee
-linea aspera- posterior side for muscle attachment
Knee cap
articulates with the femur only
- Medial bone of the leg
- lateral and medial condyles-proximal end articulates with femur for knee joint
- Tibial tuberosity- bump on the proximal and anterior for quad muscle attachment
Lateral bone of the leg-
-lateral malleoulus- the outside ankle bone
Tarsal bones
7 of them
- Calcaneous- largest tarsal, heel bone,
- Talaus- second largest tarsal, articulates with the tibia and fibula
5 bones of the foot numbered 1 with the big toe to 5 with the pinkey side
same as hands 14 bones 2 in toe, called the hallux
Coronoid process
Ulna. Inferior process of the semilunar notch
Anterior superior spine
Posterior superior spine
Anterior inferior spine
ishial Tuberosity
Lesser and greater sciatic notches
Gluteal Tuberosity
Tibial Tuberosity