Axial Skeleton: Cranial and facial bones Flashcards
Name the 6 cranial bones
Frontal, Occipital, Pariental, Temperal, Sphenoid, Ethmoid
- internal (butterfly bone)
- Superior Orbital Fissura (split into eye)
- Sella Turcica (pituratary gland)
- Lesser greater wing
- Optic foramina
- rotundum foramen
- ovale foramen
- Lacerum Foramen
Temporal Bone
- Squamousal Suture (connecting pariental and Temporal bones
- Zygomatic process
- Mandibular fossa (dip in bone where the mandible connects
- External auditory meatus
- Styloid Process
- Mastoid Process
- Stylomastoid foramen
- Juglar foreman
- Carotid Canal
Frontal Bone
- supraorbital foramen
- coronal Suture
Ethmoid Bone
- Located inside the nose
- Crista Galli- sharp piece point superiour, anchor membrane for brain
- cribriforma Plate-the cristagalli attached-holy
- Olfactory forman Lacerum
- Perpendicular plate-septum
- superior and Medial Nasal Conchae
- Sinus
Occipital Bone
- Lambdoidal Suture (connecting occipital and parietal bone)
- Foramen magnum (large hole spinal cord meets brain)
- Occipital Condyles (articulates c1)
- Hypoglossal Canal (inside the foramen magnum)
- External occipital crest and protublerance
Parietal Bone
- 2 L&R
- Sagittal Suture (above holding two together)
- Coronal Suture (down sides connecting to frontal)
typical features of vertabra
- body and arch (pedicle body, Lsminse between processes)
- Transverse process (lateral out each side, anchor muscles)
- Spinous process (center spine protrusion)
- Vertebral Foramen (formed by body and arch where spinal cord goes)
- Intervertebral foramina (hole between 2 vertebrae)
- Intervertebral disc (fibrocartilage)
3 main portions of the sternum
- manubrium (has juglar notch-dip in center)
- Body ( attaches ribs)
- Xiphoid process (cartilage tail turns to bone around 40)
Difference between true, floating, and false ribs
- True- 7- defined by having its own piece of cartilage attached to sternum
- False- 5- defined by sharing or absense of cartilage
- Floating- 2- no cartilage
Structure between vertabrea
intervertebral disc made of fibrocartilege
Vertebral regions
Cervical-7- Atlas and Axis Thoratic- 12- Articulates with ribs Lumbar-5- Large=support Sacral- 5 fused= Sacrum Coccygeal- 3 fused= Coccyx
Bones that contain Alveoli
- Maxilla
- Mandible
The structure that is housed in the sella turnica
the pituatary gland
The peg like process of c2
odontoid process- Dens
Allows head shaking how c1 and c2 connects
Name of c1 and c2 vertabre
Bone that anchors tounge and why its unique
hyoid- b/c there is not articulation to another bone, kept in place by muscle tendenion
Bones that comprise the hard palate
Maxilla and the palatine process
The 7 bones that contribute to the orbit
- Frontal
- Sphenoid
- ethnoid
- maxilla
- palatine
- zygomatic
- lacrimal
Name the bones that comprise the nasal septum
- Vomer
- Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
4 main cranial sutures and locations
- Coronal- connect frontal and parietal
- Squamous- connects temporal and parietal
- Lambdoid- connects occipital and parietal
- Sagittal- connects parietal bones down middle
Maxillary Sinus
-Largest most superior sinus
Ethmoidal Sinus
- Interior to frontal superior to sphenoid
- sinus
- small, multiple, behind eye orbit
- Horseshoe like
- interior to mandable
- no articulation, held in place by muscle
- tongue is anchored to this
lower portion of nasal septum
- 2 bones (each side)
- Medial side of orbit
- Lacrimal Fossa- canal into nose (why our nose runs when we cry
- Roof of mouth further back
- 2 bones (L&R)
- Coronoid Process (muscle attached to move jaw)
- Mandubular Condyle (attaches to Mandibular fossa of temporal bone)
- Rami- edge of mandible
- body
- Mandibular angle
- Alveolar margin
- Mandibular symphysis (chin)
- Mental formina (external)
- Mandibluar foramen (internal)
Bones that comprise the zygomatic arch
Zygomatic and temperal
Soft spots on fetal skeleton
Shenoid Sinus
- Superior to the maxillary
- interior/posterior to ethmoidal
Frontal SInus
top most superior above orbital
Inferior nasal concae
Creates more surface area
Bridge of bone where glasses sit (2)
Cheek Structure (2)
- Upper Jaw
- Alveoli
- Palatine process
- Infraorbital foramen
Name the facial bones (8)
Vomer 1, Maxilla 1, mandible 1, inferior nasal concha 1, Lacrimal 2, zygomatic 2, Palatine 2, Nasal 2