Muscles Flashcards
Orbicularis oris
Muscle of facial expression (kissing muscle)
-Closes and protrudes lips
Orbicular oculi
Muscle of facial expression (blink and sleep)
-closes eyelids
Zygomaticus (major and minor)
Muscle of facial expression (smile)
-Raises angle of mouth to smile
Muscle of facial expression
-Compress cheek; blowing and sucking
Muscle of facial expression
Superficial plate down neck
-deperesses mandible, draws lips down, tightes/wrinkles neck: opens mouth
Muscle of facial expression (on eyebrow sheet like)
-Raises eyebrow, wrinkles forehead, draws scalp forward
Muscle of mastication (pitbull jaw)
o= Zygomatic Arch
I= Ramus of mandible
a= elevates mandible (chewing)
Muscle of mastication
a=elevates and retracts mandible
Hyoid bone
Muscle of mastication
-Elevates hyoid and larynx, depresses mandible
Muscle that moves head (carrots in neck)
- If both sides contract, flexes neck
- if one side contracts, ratates head towards opposite side
Splenius capitus
Muscle that moves head
- Both sides=extends head (hyperestend too)
- one side= rotates heas ot the same side as the contracting muscle
Serratus Anterior
Muscle that moves shoulder (hug yourself)
-Abducts scapula
Pectoralis minor
Muscle that moves shoulder
-depresses and protracts scapula
Rhomboideus (major and minor)
Muscle that moves shoulder (touch elbows together)
-Adducts scapula
Muscle that moves shoulder
o=occipital bone, ligamentum nache spines of c7-t12
i=clavical, acromian, and spine of scapula
a= elevates (upper portion) or depresses (lower portion) scapula, adducts scaplua, extends head
Pectoralis major*
Muscle that moves shoulder (anterior)
o=clavical, sternum, costal cartilage of ribs 2-6
i=greater tubercle of humerus
a=flexes, adducts, and medially rotates arm
Latissimus dorsi*
Muscle that moves shoulder (armpit muscle)
o= spinous process of t7 through all lumbar and sacrum, posterior iliac crest, lumbodarsal fascia
i=intertubercular grove of humerus
a= extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm
Muscle that moves shoulder
o= clavical, acromion, spine of scapula
i= deltoid tuberosity of humerus
a= abducts arm
Muscle that moves shoulder (rotator cuff)
o= supraspinous fossa
i= greater tubercle of humerus
a=abducts arm
Muscle that moves shoulder (rotator cuff)
o=infraspinous fossa
i= greater tubercle of humerus
a= rotates arm laterally
Muscle that moves shoulder (rotator cuff)
o=subscapular fossa
i= lesser tubercle of humerus
a= rotates arm medially
teres major
Muscle that moves shoulder (rotator cuff)
-medial rotates and adducts arm
Teres minor
Muscle that moves shoulder (rotator cuff)
-rotates arm laterally
Biceps brachii*
Muscle that moves the forearm
o= above the glenoid fossa, coracoid process of the scapula
i=radial tuberosity
a=flexes forearm (elbow) and supinates forearm
Muscle that moves the forearm
-flexes forearm
Triceps brachii*
Muscle that moves the forearm
o= long head-below glenoid fossa, lateral head- lateral and posterior shaft of humerus procimally; medial head- posterior surface of humerus distally
i=olecranon process of the ulna
a=extends forearm (elbow)
Muscle that moves the forearm (palms up)
-Supinates forearm
pronator teres
Muscle that moves the forearm (palms down)
-pronates forearm
pronator quadratus
Muscle that moves the forearm
-pronates forearm
Flexor carpi radialis*
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits (fist, the tendon that pops out)
o=medial epicondyle of humerus
i=ventral surface of metacarpals II, III
a=flexes and abducts palm
flexor carpi ulnaris
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits
-flexes and adducts palm
Palmaris longus
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits
-flexes palm
flexor digitorum superficialis
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits
-flexes phalanges
Flexor digitorum profundus
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits
-flexes phalanges
extensor carpi radialis (longus)
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits
-extends and abducts palm
extensor carpi ulnaris
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits
-extends and adducts palm
Extensor digitorum*
Muscle that moves the wrist and digits
o=lateral epicondyle of humerus
i= dorsal surface of phalanges
a= extends phalanges and palms
Gluteus maximus*
Muscle that moves the thigh (posterior muscle)
o=iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx
i= gluteal tuberosity of femur
a= Extends thigh (hip joint) and laterally rotates thigh (pulls posterior)
Gluteus Medius
Muscle that moves the thigh (deep to the maximus in front of the hip joint)
-abducts and medially rotates thigh
Gluteus Minimus
Muscle that moves the thigh (deep to medius in front of hip joint)
-abducts and medially rotates thigh
Tensor fasciae of tibia
Muscle that moves the thigh (very lateral muscle, pulls thigh outward)
-tenses lateral fascia, flexes thigh (hip) and abducts thigh
Adductor longus*
Muscle that moves the thigh (runs down medial side)
i= linia aspera of femur
a= adducts thigh
Adductor magnus
Muscle that moves the thigh
-Adducts thigh
adductor Brevis
Muscle that moves the thigh
-adducts thigh
Quadraceps femoris*
Muscle that act on the leg (all muscles insert on tibial tuberosity, 4 different orgins)
- rectus femoris
- vastus lateralis
- vastus lateralis
- vastus medialis
- vastus intermedius
Rectus femoris*
Muscle that act on the leg (Quadraceps femoris)
o= anterior inferior iliac spine (only one that originates on the coxal bone
i= tibial tuberosity fia patellar ligament
a= extends knee, flexes thigh (hip) (only quad with action at hip joint, pulls hip forward)
Vastus Lateralis*
Muscle that act on the leg (Quadraceps femoris)
o= greater trochanter and lateral to aspera of femer
i= tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
a= extends leg (straightens knee)
Vastus midalis*
Muscle that act on the leg (Quadraceps femoris)
o=medial to linea aspera of femur
i=tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
a=extends leg
Vastus intermedius*
Muscle that act on the leg (Quadraceps femoris)
o=anterior surface of femur
i=tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
a=extends leg
Muscle that act on the leg ( posterior thigh muscle 3 muscles make up)
- Biceps femoris
- semitendinosus
- semimembranosus
Biceps Femoris*
Muscle that act on Leg (part of hamstring)
o= ischial tuberosity and linea aspera (2 orgins)
i= lateral condyle of tibia and head of fibula (lateral shin bone)
a=flexes leg (knee), extends thigh (hip)
Muscle that act on Leg (part of hamstring)
o= Ischial tuberosity
i= Medial surface of proximal tibia
a= Flexes leg and extends thigh
Muscle that act on Leg (part of hamstring) (most medial "more m's in the name) Most medial on thigh o= ischial tuberosity i= medial condyle of dibia a= flexes leg and extends thigh
Muscle that act on Leg (long medial muscle running the inner thigh)
a= flexes leg and adducts thigh
Muscle that act on Leg (crisscross)
a= flex thigh and leg, rotates thigh laterally
Tibialis Anterior
Muscle that moves the foot and toes (antagonist of gastrocnemius)
a=dorsiflex foot
Extensor digitorum longus* Longus=leg
Muscle that moves the foot and toes
o= Lateral condyle of tibia, anterior surface of fibula
i= dorsal surface of phalanges 2-5
a= extends toes, dorsiflex foot
Peroneus longus
Muscle that moves the foot and toes (aka fibularis)
a= planter flexes (stand on toes)
Muscle that moves the foot and toes (huge calf muscle)
o=Above lateral and medial condyles of femur
i= calcaneus by way of achilles tendon
a=planter flexes foot and flexes knee
Muscle that moves the foot and toes (deep to gastrocnemius)
a= planter flexes foot
Flexor digitorum longus*
Muscle that moves the foot and toes
o=posterior surface of tibia
i= distal phalanges 2-5
a= flexes toes (curls toes), planter flexes foot
External abdominal oblique*
Muscle of the abdominal wall (most superficial)
o= lower 8 ribs
i= linia alba and iliac crest
a=compresses abdomen (sucking it in), flexes spine (doesnt attach but allows movement), depresses ribs
Internal abdominal oblique (@ angle)
Muscle of the abdominal wall (deep to external)
a=compresses abdomen, flexes spine, depresses ribs
Transversus Abdominis
Muscle of the abdominal wall
a= compresses abdomen
Rectus Abdominis*
Muscle of the abdominal wall (deep to the oblique, aka 6 pack, covered in apanorisis)
o= xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
i= symphysis pubis
a= compresses abdomen, flexes vertebral column, depresses ribs
Muscle used in breathing
a= increases size of thoracic cavity for breathing
External intercostals*
Muscle used in breathing
o=one rib
i=to the next
a= breathing (elevates ribs)
Internal intercostals*
Muscle used in breathing
o=one rib
i=to the next
a= breathing (elevates ribs)
Erector Spinae
Muscles that move the vertebral column
a= extends the vertebral column
Muscle of facial expression
a=draws scalp backward