Prefixes Flashcards
the absence of one or both testicles
inflammatin of the glans penis and the mucous membrane beneath it
benign prostatic hypertorphy
a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, creating pressure on the upper part of the urethra or neck of the bladder (causing obstruction of the flow of urine)
carcinoma of the prostrate
malignant growth within the prostate gland, creating pressure on the upper part of the urethra.
carcinoma of the testes
a malignant tumor of the testicle that appears as a painless lump in the testicle; also called testicular cancer
condition of undescended testicle(s); the absence of one or both testicles from the scrotum.
a congenital defect (birth defect) in which the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis at some point near the glans
an accumulation of fluid in any saclike cavity or duct, particularly the scrotal sac or along the spermatic cord.
a congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis instead of at the end.
The inability of a male to achieve or sustain an erection of the penis.
inguinal hernia
a protrusion of a part of the intestine through a weakened spot in the muscles and membranes of the inguinal region of the abdomen. The intestine pushes into, and sometimes fills, the entire scrotal sac in the male.
inflammation of the testes due to a virus, bacterial infection or injury. The condition omay affect one or both testes. Typically results from the mumps virus
a tightness of the foreskin (prepuce) of the penis that prevents it from being pulled back. The opening of the foreskin narrows due to the tightness and may cause some difficulty with urination.
premature ejaculation
the discharge seminal fluid prior to complete erection of the penis or immediately after the penis has been introduced into the vaginal canal.
inflammation of the prostate gland
an abnormal dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord leading to the testicle.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIDS is a deadly virus that destroys the body’s immune system by invading the helper T lymphocytes (T cells), which play an import part in the body’s immune response. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replicates itself within the T cells, destroys the lymphocyte, and then invades other lymphocytes
a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) in women and inflammation of the urethra (urethritis) and the epididymis (epididymitis) in men.
genital herpes
a highly contagious viral infection of the male and female genitalia; also known as venereal herpes. Caused by the herpes simplex virus (usually HSV-2), it is transmitted by direct contact with infected body secretions (usually through sexual intercourse). It differs from other sexually transmitted diseases in that it can recur spontaneously once the virus has been acquired.
genital warts
small, cauliflower-like, fleshy growths usually seen along the penis in the male and in or near the vagina in women. It is transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The tie span from initial contact with the virus to occurrence of symptoms can be from one to six months
a sexually transmitted bacterial infection of the mucous membrane of the genital tract in mend and women. It is spread by sexual intercourse with an infected partner and can also be passed on from an infected mother to her infant during the birth process (as the baby passes through the vaginal canal). Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the causative organism.
a sexually transmitted disease characterized by lesions that my involve any organ or tissue. It is spread by sexual intercourse with an infected partner and can also be passed through the placenta from an infected mother to her unborn infant. The spirochete Treponema pallijum is the causative organism of this highly contagious disease. If left untreated, this disease progresses through three stages (each with characteristic signs and symptoms): primary syphillis, secondary syphillis, and tertiary syphilis.
a sexually transmitted protozoal infection of the vagina, urethra, or prostate. It is usually spread by sexual intercourse and affects approximately 15% of all sexually active people. The causative organism is Trichomonas vaginalis
the surgical removal of the testicles in the male (or the ovaries in the female); also known as an orchidectomy or orchiectomy in the male and as an oophorectomy in the female