Prefinals 2019 Flashcards
Origin of supratrochlear nerve
V1 ophthalmic n
What nerve gives rise to
auriculotemporal nerve
V3 trigeminal n
Carotid innervation
Glossopharyngeal n.
External jugular drains to
Subclavian vein
Hyoid bone
Glottic level
View of hard palate
Divides parotid gland
Facial n.
Divides submandibular gland
What is contained at the muscular
Thyroid gland
Lower subscapular innervates
Teres major m.
Long thoracic nerve innervates
Serratus anterior m.
Thoracodorsal n. innervates
Latissimus dorsi m.
Contains emissary veins
Loose areolar tissue
What passes through optic canal?
Optic n. and ophthalmic n.
2 internal carotid arteries and 2
vertebral arteries
Circle of Willis
Secretomotor parasympathetic
Submandibular and sublingual
salivary glands
Ectopic sebaceous glands evident as
yellow patches
Fordyce’s spots
True to tympanic membrane
Thin, fibrous membrane that is
pearly grey; umbo
Surprise or horror - muscle
Occipitofrontalis m
Superior temporal v. and maxillary v.
Retromandibular v.
Sphenopalatine a.
Nasal cavity blood supply
Maxillary a.
True about superior oblique
Cranial nerve IV (Trochlear nerve)
Ophthalmic artery arises from
Internal carotid artery
Nerve that innervates four muscles
surrounding the eye (superior rectus,
inferior rectus, inferior oblique and medial
rectus muscles)
Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Damaged nerve supply to the uvula
Deviates to the strong side
Oculomotor moves the following except
Accessory nerve
The opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve innervates: A. Mucous membrane of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity B. Skin of forehead and scalp C. Skin of eyes and nose D. Cornea E. AOTA
Long thoracic nerve innervates
Serratus anterior muscle
Serratus anterior muscle
A. Maxillary artery
B. Superficial temporal artery
C. Facial artery
A. Maxillary artery
Vessel involved in epistaxis
Sphenopalatine artery
What nerve arises from V3?
Mandibular nerve
What facial skin is not innervated by
the trigeminal nerve?
Angle of the mandible
Which is found within the temporal
Temporalis muscle
What nerve gives rise to the
auriculotemporal nerve?
Trigeminal nerve
Posterior division of mandibular
branch of trigeminal
Nerve supplies the skin of anterior to
lateral of the neck
Transverse cutaneous
External jugular vein drains to
Subclavian vein
How long is the external jugular vein
visible along its whole when a normal
individual is reclined in bed at 30 degrees
When is the plastic cannula inserted
and advanced during external jugular vein
Innervation of the platysma
Facial nerve
Function of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle on the hyoid bone A. Depresses hyoid B. Elevates hyoid C. None
B. Elevates hyoid
Muscular triangle
Thyroid gland
Innervation of carotid body
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Fusion of 2 vertebral artery and 2
internal jugular artery
Circle of Willis
Divides subclavian into 3 parts
Anterior scalene
Effect of thyroid surgery
Decrease serum calcium level
Lateral radiographic view shows
smooth depression in posterior cranial
fossa. What bone is this?
Temporal bone
Skull axial CT scan with contrast shows
pentagonal linear density
Circle of Willis
Venous manometer
Angle of Louis
Nerve supply to nasal cavity
Maxillary artery
Infection in scalp passes through the
brain. What is the possible route of the
Emissary veins
Cone of light during otoscopy
Four or Five o’clock
Ludwig’s angina
Submandibular gland
Retromandibular vein is formed from
fusion of
Superficial temporal v. + Maxillary v.
Foot of stapes attached in
Oval window
Maxillary sinus drains in
Middle meatus
Optic canal
Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
Middle cranial fossa
Parietal Bone
Hyoid bone
Vagus nerve innervates
Intrinsic muscles of larynx
Teres major is innervated by
Lower subscapular nn.
Innervated by glossopharyngeal nn. A. Submandibular gland B. Lacrimal gland C. Sublingual gland D. All of the above E. None of the above
E. None of the above
ANS: Parotid gland
Thoracodorsal nerve, a branch of the
posterior cord innervates
Latissimus dorsi muscle
What accompanies superficial temporal artery? A. Great auricular nerve B. Great occipital nerve C. Lesser auricular nerve D. Auriculotermporal nerve
D. Auriculotermporal nerve
V3 innervates
Anterior belly of digastric m.
Parasympathetic secretomotor nerve
supply of parotid gland
Inferior thyroid vein drain
Left brachiocephalic v.
Lymph drainage of the nasal cavity
Cranial nerve that innervates 4 out of 6
Oculomotor nerve
Skin of cheek is innervated by
Buccal branch of facial nerve
Where does the nasolacrimal duct
drain into?
Inferior meatus