Neck Triangles, Carotid And Branches, Thyroid And Salivary Glands, Brachial Plexus, Veins Of Head And Neck 2019 Flashcards
External Jugular catheterization is done in what part of the respiratory cycle?
A. Inspiration
B. Expiration
A. Inspiration
*The vein is catheterized about halfway between the level of the cricoid cartilage and the clavicle. The passage of the catheter should be performed during INSPIRATION when the valves are open.
What nerve supplies the omohyoid muscle?
Ansa cervicalis
A deep incised wound that cuts the sternocleidomastoid
muscle would also absolutely injure what adjacent muscle?
A complication that may be associated with thyroid surgeries is a metabolic disturbance in the serum levels of?
Superior thyroid artery drains into?
External Carotid Artery
Internal thoracic and vertebral arteries are branches of? (Vertebral artery is a branch of?)
1st part of Subclavian artery
*The first part of the subclavian artery extends from the origin of the subclavian artery to the medial border of the scalenus anterior muscle. This part gives off the VERTEBRAL ARTERY, the THYROCERVICAL TRUNK and the INTERNAL THORACIC ARTERY.
The subclavian artery is divided into 3 by what
Scalenus anterior
*The scalenus anterior muscle passes anterior to the artery on each side and divides it into three parts.
What is/are the branches of the common carotid artery?
No branches
*The common carotid has no branches except its two terminal branches.
What fascial space is involved in Ludwig’s angina?
Submandibular space
*Ludwig angina is an acute infection of the submanidbular fascial space and is commonly secondary to dental infection.
What encloses the strap muscles?
Pretracheal layer
Where does the external jugular vein drain?
Subclavian vein
*It descends across the sternocleidomastoid muscle and deep to the platysma muscle and drains into the SUBCLAVIAN VEIN behind the middle of the clavicle.
Patient with high blood pressure has a resulting lower blood pressure because of?
Carotid sinus is massaged
Frey’s syndrome?
Auriculotemporal nerve and greater auricular nerve
What is the action of the thyrohyoid?
Depresses the hyoid bone (also elevates the thyroid
Involved in Congenital torticollis?
The hyoglossus muscle forms the floor of what triangle?
A. Submandibular triangle
B. Carotid triangle
C. Muscular triangle
D. Supraclavicular triangle
A. Submandibular triangle
Branches of 3rd part of subclavian artery?
A. Costocervical trunk
B. Thyrocervical trunk
- Costocervical trunk - 2nd part
- Thyrocervical trunk - 1st part
Unilateral injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve will result to?
A 35 y.o. vendor was struck in the right temporal region with a bat. A hematoma developed in the same area. What vessels would be most likely involved? (Hit by a bat at the temporal area what vessels are likely to be hit?)
A. Superior temporal vessels
B. Posterior auricular artery
A. Superior temporal vessels
Baby with cervical rib? Occur in infants due to a fibrous tissue tumor in the sternocleidomastoid muscle that develops during utero-
Congenital torticollis
Hyoid bone articulates with?
It does not articulate with other bones.
6 cm skin laceration was sustained by a 28 y.o. male taxi driver in a vehicular accident. Laceration was sutured at the ER and wound healing was uneventful. One month after, he came back to complain of distortion of shape of the mouth. What was injured?
A. Spinal accessory nerve
B. Transverse cervical nerve
C. Lesser occipital nerve
D. Cervical branch of CN VII
D. Cervical branch of CN VII
Open biopsy of 1.5cm x 1.5cm lymph node was done. 3 months later, patient complained that he could hardly shrug his shoulders. What was injured during the biopsy?
Accessory nerve
Internal carotid artery lies _____ to external carotid artery.
A. Anterior
B. Posterior
C. Medial
D. Lateral
B. Posterior
Parotid gland is supplied by the:
Great auricular nerve (C2 & C3)
*The great auricular nerve (C2 and C3) ascends across the sternocleidomastoid muscle and divides into branches that supply the skin over the angle of the mandible, parotid gland and on both surfaces of the auricle.
Origin of great auricular nerve?
A. 2nd cervical nerve
B. 1st cervical nerve
C. 3rd cervical nerve
D. 4th cervical nerve
A. 2nd cervical nerve
What encloses the trapezius?
Investing layer
*The investing layer is a thick layer that encircles the neck. It splits to enclose the TRAPEZIUS and STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID muscles.
Union of superficial temporal and maxillary veins?
Retromandibular vein
Important route for spread of Infection?
Emissary veins
After an extensive neck surgery, paralysis of the right
diaphragm was noted. Which is most likely injured during surgery?
Phrenic nerve
A patient with huge goiter may present with symptoms of?
Difficulty of breathing
Case: Patient has an increased heart rate… then decreased. What is responsible for decreased cardiac heart rate?
Carotid sinus
A 35 y.o. obese patient came to ER with purplish face and with difficulty of breathing after eating seafood marinara. She was allergic to shrimps. Endotracheal intubation was attempted 4 times but failed due to severely swollen vocal cords and epiglottis. An emergency tracheostomy is to be performed by you. To encounter less bleeding, which incision would you make on the neck?
Transverse, about the level of the cricothyroid membrane
A nontoxic goiter was surgically removed to have a better exposure, some muscles have to be cut. What are these muscles?
Sternothyroid, Thyrohyoid, Sternocleidomastoid
A 40 y.o. male patient with HIV developed a dental abscess from a carious molar. after 3 weeks the patient
developed high grade fever, severe chest pain, and difficulty of breathing. A chest xray revealed a widened
mediastinum w/ min free air in the sup. mediastinum indicating mediastinitis. Are the 2 infections interrelated?
The dental infection spread via the fascial planes and
spaces, later entering the retropharyngeal space, eventually gaining access to the mediastinum.
What nerve supplies the carotid sinus?
A. Glossopharyngeal nerve
B. Phrenic nerve
C. Vagus nerve
A. Glossopharyngeal nerve
*The glossopharyngeal nerve also conducts sensation from the pharynx and the back of the tongue and carries impulses, which influence the arterial blood pressure and respiration from the carotid sinus and carotid body.
What vein drains into the external jugular vein?
Anterior jugular vein
Thyroid cancer would most likely spread/metastasize to which lymph nodes?
Tracheal lymph nodes
A 10 y.o. child has an external ear infection. Which group of lymph nodes would ultimately be most involved?
Mastoid nodes
65 y.o. female has had a tracheostomy for 2 yrs now. She suddenly had copious/massive bleeding from the tracheostomy. What vessel is involved?
Inferior thyroid artery
A 15 y.o. boy playfully choked his friend who transiently lost consciousness for 5 seconds. What is responsible for the fainting?
Carotid sinus
Which branch of the vagus nerve supplies the cricothyroid muscle?
External laryngeal branch
*Superior laryngeal nerve divides into the internal and external laryngeal nerves. The EXTERNAL LARYNGEAL NERVE is motor and is located close to the superior thyroid artery; it supplies the CRICOTHYROID MUSCLE.
During a thyroid surgery, one must carefully ligate which vessels?
Inferior thyroid vessels
What nerve is closely related to the lower border of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle?
Hypoglossal nerve
To determine if an anterior neck mass is part of the thyroid gland, you must ask your patient to?
Bleeding from the upper limb may be controlled by compression of this structure in the neck. What is this structure?
Subclavian artery
To avoid injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve during a thyroid surgery, one must carefully ligate which vessels?
Inferior thyroid vessels
The cervical dome of the pleura is ___ to the scalenus anterior?
Position to expose the external jugular vein?
Lying 30 degrees at a horizontal angle
Can be seen and palpated when acting unilaterally to flex and rotate