Prednisone Flashcards
What is the MOA for prednisone?
Prednisone is a corticosteroid with antiinflammatory and immunosuppresive properties
Inhibits the production of inflammatory meidators including prostaglandins and leukotrienes - reduces inflammatory and immune response
What are the indications for prednisone?
- Bronchospasm associated with asthma or CORD
- Prominent rash asssoicated with analphylaxis provided all systemic signs of anaphylazis have resolved
- Minor allergy assoicated with rash
Contras/Cautions/Pregnancy and Prednisone?
- Known severe allergy
- Age less than one year
Age less than 5 with asthma (doesnt generally have any affect on this age unless they have previous hx asthma and have received oral steroids)
Should be administered if bronchospasm but should be withheld if problem is minor
breastfeeding should stop
What dosage/means of administration should be used for prednisone?
40mg PO for adult - see paediatric tables for child
Usually come as 20mg tablets
Parents should always be asked if children can swallow tablets - do not crush, very bitter - need to be swallowed quickly
If pt has already taken a lower dose, go ahead and administer another full dose
What are the common adverse effects of prednisone?
Bitter taste
Sodium and water retention (may worsen hypertension and risk heart failure with prolongued dosage)
GI reflux