Preclinical Flashcards
The purpose of Rehabilitation
restore function and independece
someone who supports or promotes the needs and interest of another person
Which agency is responsible for publishing the document that explains a person’s rights and expectations during hospital stays?
American Hospital Association
Which law requires that nursing centers provide care in a manner that maintains or improves the quality of life for the patient?
Closing curtains, doors, and window coverings during patient care maintains which of the following patient’s rights?
right to privacy
Why are restraints used on a resident?
for protection
Types of paralysis
- monoplegia
- hemiplegia
- diplegia
- paraplegia
- quadriplegia
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 OBRA is a federal law that
sets standards for quality of nursing center care
Negligence by a professional person is known as
What type of violation occurs when a person shares photos or videos of a patient or resident on social media?
Invasion of privacy
Abuse means
- willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, punishment that results in physical harm
- depriving the person of goods or services needed to attain well-being
Assault means
intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a person’s body without their consent
Battery means
touching a person body without consent
Defamation means
injuring a person name and reputation by making false statements to a third person
False imprisonment
unlawful restraint of a person’s freedom of movement
Libel meaning
making false statements in print, in writing etc
when a caregiver or responsible person fails to:
-protect a vulnerable person from harm
- provide food, water, clothing shelter, or ADL
an uninentional wrong in which a person did not act in a reasonable and careful manner and a person property was harmed
making false statements through the spoken word, sounds, sign language, etc
Oral temp normal range
97.6 - 99.6 F
Rectal temp normal range
98.6 - 100.6 F
Axillary temp normal rage
96.6 - 98.6 F
Tympanic membrane temp normal range
98.6 F
Temporal artery temp normal range
Normal pulse adult
60 - 100 beats/min
12 - 20 breathes/min
BP normal range
systolic -
90 mmHg - 120mmHg
60mmHg - 80mmHg
Nectar-thick liquid
Mildly thick
the liquid coats and drips off of the spoon. Can flow through a straw
Honey-thick liquid
Moderately thick
liquid flows off of a spoon like honey. Can drink from cup
Pudding-thick liquid
Extremely thick
liquid stays on the spoon in a soft mound. can be sipped or served with a spoon
Right upper quadrant contains RUQ
part of pancreas
parts of small/large intestine
Left upper quadrant contains
rest of liver
rest of pancreas
parts of small/large intestine
Right lower quadrant contains
parts of small/large intestine
part of bladder
left lower quadrant contains
parts of small/large intestine
part of bladder
Basic needs of life
safety and security
love and belonging
Comatose meaning
being unable to respond to stimuli
blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
a very tiny blood vessel
nutrients, oxygen, and other substances pass from capillaries into the cells
The basic unit of life is
the process that breaks down food physically and chemically so it can be absorbed for use by cells
substance that in red blood cells that carry oxygen and gives blood its color
How the body uses nutrients to provide energy and maintain body functions
blood vessel that carries blood to the heart
the process of supplying cells with oxygen and removing CO2 from them
Epithelial tissue
covers internal and external body surfaces
Connective tissue
anchors, connects, and supports other tissue
Muscle tissue
stretches and contracts
nerve tissue
recieves and sends impulses to the brain and back to the body parts
the largest body system is
integumentary system or skin
The steady state of the human body is known as what?
Which nervous system controls the heartbeat?
Autonomic nervous system
Which of the following occurs when a person has protection against disease?
When the health care team follows practices to prevent the spread of infection, it is known as what?
infection control
An infection that involves the whole body is known as what?
In the chain of infection where does the pathogen grow and multiply?
Which of the following is a sign of infection in an older adult?
Long bones
bear the bpdy’s weight
short bones
allow skill and ease movement. wrist, fingers, ankls, and toes
flat bones
protect the organs
skull, pelvic, ribs, shoulder blades
irregular bones
vertebrae in the spinal column. thye allow various degrees in movement, flexibility
ball and socket joint
allows all movement in all direction
hinge joint
allows movement in 1 direction
pivot joint
side to side turning
skill and spine
central nervous system
consist of the brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
involves nerves throughout the body
the 3 main parts of the brain
sympathetic nervous system
speeds up functions
parasympathetic nervous system
slows down functions
the bodys reaction to certain threat
specific immunity
normal body substances that are involved in destroying abnormal or unwanted substances
substances that can cause an immune response
white blood cells that digest and destroy microorganisms and other unwanted substances
white blood cells that produce antibodies
the body’s reaction to anything it doesn’t recognize as a normal body substance
nonspecific immunity
cells that destroy invading cells
T cells
cells that cause the production of anitbodies that circulate in plasma
B cells
Practices used to reduce the number of microbes and prevent their spread from one person to another
Medical asepsis
clean tecnique
practices used to remove all microbes
surgical asepsis
sterile technique
the chain of infection
-portal of exit
-method of transmission
-portal of entry
-susceptible host
Microbes need _______ to survive
- need a reservoir (/host)
-water - nurishment
-oxygen - warm, dark environment with body temp
Microbes that resist the effects of anitbiotics
multi-drug resistant organisms
process of destroying all microbes
pathogens and non-pathogens
process of killing pathogens
CDC precautions
used in all situations for all persons is called___
standard precautions
used when persons have or may have certain infections
isolation precautions
transmission-based precautions
1 ounce to mL
30 mL
1 cup to mL
240 mL
1 liter to mL
1000 mL
1 teaspoon to mL
5 mL
1 tablespoon to mL
15 mL
1 cup to oz
8 oz
Head of the bed is raised between 45 to 60 degrees
Fowler’s position
the head of the bed is raised 30 degrees
semi-fowlers position
head of the bed is raised 60 - 90 degrees
high-fowlers position
Needs doctor note for it.
head of the bed is raised. foot of bed is lowered
reversed trendelenburg position
head of bed is lowered. foot of bed is raised
trendelenburg position
having the means to be completely free from public view while in bed
full visual privacy
the bed is ready for a new patient. not in use
closed bed
top linens are:
-fan folded to the foot of the bed. so the person can get in. is ready to use
open bed
bed is made with the person in it. in use
occupied bed
bed made to transfer a person from a stretcher to bed
surgical bed
a small sheet placed over the middle of the bottom sheet to keep the mattress and bottom linens clean
an absorbent pad with a quilted top layer and a waterproof bottom layer
waterproof underpad
a covering used for privacy and warmth during bath, hygiene
bath blanket
Bed linens in order:
bottom to top
bottom sheet
waterproof underpad
top sheet
the fuel/energy value of food
difficulty swallowing
a substance that is ingested, digested, absorbed, and used by the body
a soft waxy substance found in the bloodstream and all body cells
the process involved in the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and use of food/fluids by the body
1 gram of fat
9 calories
1 gram of protein
4 calories
1 gram of carbohydrate
4 calories
if breathing is harder than normal but the person can still have a conversation
moderate intensity
if the person can say only a few words before needing a breath
vigorous intensity
how long is moderate intensity weekly
2 hours and 30 min
how long is vigorous intensity weekly
1 hour and 15 min
the process of giving a tube feeding
the loss of appettie
giving nutrients into the gastro-intestinal tract through a feeding tube
enteral nutrition
breathing fluid and food into the lungs
the backward flow of stomach contents into the mouth
a table seats 4-6 residents
social dining
a buffet is open for several hours
open dining
distractions are prevented
low-stimulation dining
a feeding tube is inserted through the nose into the stomach
a feeding tube is inserted through a surgically created opening into the stomach
gastrostomy tube
during feeding which bed position is best
semi fowlers or fowlers
how long do they stay in the fowlers position after eating
1-2 hours
swelling of body tissues with water
an adult needs ______mL of fluid daily to survive
________ pain is felt at the site of tissue damage and spreads to another areas
_________pain seems to come from a body part that is no longer there
How to apply PPE
how to remove PPE
Sprain meaning
ligaments and stretched or torn
Strain meaning
muscles or tendons are stretched or torn
Limb holders
applied to the wrists
mitt restraints
hands are placed in mitt restrains to prevent finger use
belt restrains
prevent the person from getting out of bed, applied around the waist and secured to the bed or chair
vest restraints and jacket restraints
applied on the chest
Observe the person at least every ______min with restraints
15 minutes
remove or release the restraint, reposition the person to meet basic needs every ______ hours
2 hours
bed bath temp
110 - 115 F
tub bath or shower temp
105 F
perineal care temp
105 - 109 F
partial bath
and perineal area
To dress a person_____
put clothing on the affected side first weak side
to undress a person_______
remove clothing from the unaffected side first, strong side
painful or difficult urination
blood in urine
frequent urination at night
less than 500mL in 24 hours
large amounts of urine
urinary frequency
voiding at frequent intervals
urinary incontinence
the involuntary leakage of urine
urinary retention
not being able to completely empty the bladder
urinary urgency
the need to void at once
straight catheter
drains the bladder and then is removed
indwelling catheter
foley catheter
is left in the bladder. urine drains constantly into the bag
ostomy pouches is changed
every 2 - 7 days and when it leaks
relieves pain
relaxes muscles
promotes healing
reduces tissue swelling
decreases joint stiffness
reduces pain
prevent swelling
decrease circulation and bleeding
cool thee body when fever is present
non-blanchable erythema of intact skin
intact skin and not blanchable
partial-thickness skin loss with exposed dermis
wound is pink or red and moist. Intact blister
full-thickness skin loss
skin is gone, fat can be seen in ulcer
full-thickness skin and tissue loss
skin is gone, muscle,tendon,ligament,cartilage or bone is exposed
obscured full thickness skin and tissue loss
there is skin and tissue loss, tissue damage cannot be seen
persistent non blanchable deep red maroon or purple discolorization
intact or non-intact skin is deep. wound is dark and blood blister