Chapter 5 Student and work ethics Flashcards
repeated attacks or threats of fear, distress or harm by a bully toward a target
a job stress resulting in being physically or mentally exhausted, having doubts about your abilities, and having doubts about the value of your work
trusting others with personal and private information
to spread rumors or talk about the private matters of others
to trouble, torment, offend or worry a person by one’s behavior or comments
the most important thing at the time
following laws, being ethical, having good work ethics, and having the skills to do your work
the response or change in the body caused by any emotional, psychological, physical, social, economic factor
staff members work together as a group, everyone does their part to give safe and effective care
work ethics
behavior in the workplace
Work ethics involves:
- how you look
- what you say
- how you behave
- how you treat and work with others
Qualities and traits involve:
- caring
- cheerful
- considerate
- cooperative
- courteous
- dependable
- empathy
- enthusiastic
- honest
- patient
- respectful
- self-aware
- trustworthy
What affects your health
- diet
- sleep and rest
- exercise
- your eyes
- smoking
- drugs
- alcohol
- body mechanics
Dress code for nursing agency
- good hygiene
- uniforms
- jewelry
- shoes
- hair
- nails, make-up, fragrances
A dependable student behavior:
- arriving on time for class and clinical experiences
- complete and turn in assignments on time
- pay attention and follow directions
- stay for the entire class and clinical experiences
- work when scheduled
- get to work on time
Teamwork involves:
- working when scheduled
- being cheerful and friendly
- completing assignments
- helping others willingly
- being kind to others
To avoid gossip:
- remove yourself from where people are gossiping
- do not make or repeat any comment that can hurt a person
- do not make or write false statements about another person
- do not talk about patients, residents, family members, visitors, co-workers, fellow students, instructor etc.
- do not send or post comments about others or the school or agency by e-mail, texts, video, social media etc
Speech and language must be:
- do not swear or use foul, vulgar, slang, sexual or abusive language
- speak softly and gently
- speak clearly, hearing problems are common
- do not yell or shout
- do not fight or argue with a patient or resident, family member, visitor, instructor, etc
is a polite, considerate or helpful comment or act
- do not take credit for another person’s deeds
- give praise
- help others willingly when asked
- stand to greet families and visitors
- let patients, residents, families enter the elevator first
- hold doors and elevators for others
- wish the person and family well when they leave
- be thoughtful, compliment others, wish others happy birthday etc
- apologize
- say thank you when someone does something for you or helps your
- say please
- address others by miss, mrs, Mr or doctor
Disruptive, distracting behaviors
- talking while the instructor or another student is talking
- talking while other students are finishing an assignment or exam
- making unnecessary noises (tapping, clicking etc)
- fidgeting or moving a lot
- not participating in learning activities or doing something other than what is expected
- bringing children to class
- sleeping in class
- arriving late or leaving early
- using electronic devices during class