Chapter 25 Urinary needs Flashcards
Painful or difficult urination. Burning on urination
Functional incontinence
The person has bladder control BUT cannot use the toilet in time
Blood in the urine
Mixed incontinence
The combination of stress incontinence and urge incontinence
Many older women have this
Frequent urination at night
Scant amount of urine. Less than 500 mL in 24hrs
Over-flow incontinence
Small amounts of urine leak from full bladder
Abnormally large amounts of urine
Reflex incontinence
Urine is lost at predictable intervals when a specific amount of urine is in the bladder
Nervous system disorders and injuries are common causes
Stress incontinence
When urine leaks during exercise and certain movements that cause pressure on the bladder
Often called (dribbling), occurs when laughing, sneezing, coughing, lifting, etc
Transient incontinence
Temporary or occasional incontinence that is reversed when the cause is treated
Transient means - short time
Urge incontinence
The loss of urine in response to a sudden, urgent need to void, the person cannot get to the toilet in time
Urinary frequency
Voiding at frequent intervals
Urinary incontinence UI
The involuntary loss or leakage of urine
Urinary retention
Not being able to completely empty the bladder
Urinary urgency
The need to void AT ONCE
How much urine a healthy adult produces a day
1500 mL
Seven factors that affect urine production
- age
- disease
- amount of fluid ingested
- salt
- body temp
- perspiration (sweating)
- drugs
When assisting with urination, you need to observe for:
- dysuria
- hematuria
- oliguria
- polyuria
- urinary retention
If person is unable to use the toilet, what are other equipment used for voiding:
Bedpans are used for:
When person cannot get out of bed.
- voiding and BM
- BM
Standard bedpan
Wide rim at the back goes under the buttocks
Fracture pan
Has a thin rim. 1/2inch. Smaller end goes under buttocks
persons with casts
person in traction
person with limited back motion
older people with osteoporosis
after surgery
hip fracture
Urinals are used for
Plastic urinals are designed for
Men are common
Men use urinals when:
lying in bed
To assist with urinals, you need this information from the nurse and care plan:
- how the urinal is used (standing, sitting, lying in bed)
-if help is needed to hold the urinal - if the man needs help standing
- if you need to stay with the person - if the nurse needs to observe the urine
- what to observe and record
Why do you need to empty the urinals promptly
To prevent odors and the spread of microbes
A _______ is a chair or wheelchair with an opening for a container
How to transfer person to the commode
Use transfer belt
The goals of managing UI are to
Prevent UIT
restore as much bladder function as possible
What are incontinence products?
Adult diapers
Bladder control promotes
quality of life
increase self-esteem
Pelvic floor muscle exercises
Kegel exercises
The person is taught to contract pelvic muscles as if trying to stop a urine stream. muscles contract 3-5 sec.
Bladder re-training
Bladder rehabilitation
The goal is to increase the time between the urge to void and voidin
Scheduled (timed) voiding
Voiding is scheduled at regular times to match the person’s voiding habits
every 2 hrs is common
Prompted voiding
The person learns to recognize the need to void and ask for help or void without help