Chapter 37 Oxygen needs Flashcards
The lack or absence of breathing
Slow breathing, less than 12 per min
Cheyne-stokes respirations
Respirations gradually increase in rate and dept and then become shallow and slow. Apnea may occur for 10-20 seconds
Bluish color to the skin, lips, mucous membranes and nail beds
Difficult, labored, painful breathing
Breathing is rapid and deeper than normal
Breathing is slow and shallow and irregular
Cells do not have enough oxygen
Kussmaul respirations
Very deep and rapid respirations
Breathing deeply and comfortably only when sitting
Orthopneic position
Sitting up and leaning over a table to breathe
Oxygen concentration
The amount of hemoglobin containing oxygen
Pulse oximetry
Measures the oxygen concentration in arterial blood
Rapid breathing, more than 20 per min
Pulse oximeter
is used to measure oxygen concentration. It attaches to finger, toe,earlobe, nose or forehead
Deep breathing
Inhale through the nose, exhale through pursed lips
Nasal cannula
- prongs are inserted into the nostril. the prong opening face downward
-tubing goes behind the ears and under the chin
Simple face mask
- a mask covers the nose and mouth
- an elastic strap goes around the head to secure the device
- small holes in the side of the mask allowing CO2 to escape when exhaling
Non-rebreather mask
- the mask has a reservoir bag for O2
- exhaled air leaves through holes in the mask. vent covers do not let room air into the mask
- only O2 from the bag is inhaled