Microbe responsible for the light production of bobtail squid is
Vibrio fischeri
How does the bobtail squid benefit from the V. fischeri?
The bioluminescence causes camouflage as it countershade the moonlight making the squid invisible to predators
How does V. fischeri benefits from the squid?
The host serves as a source of nutrients for reproduction
Bioluminescene is a process that is __________
density-dependent behaviour
low cell density = no bioluminescence
high cell density = bioluminescene
this density dependent behaviour is also termed as
quorum sensing
what is quorum sensing
detect or respond to cell population density by gene regulation
quorum sensing is a type of _____
paracrine signaling
when signals and receptors bind ___________ happen
transcription, translation and action happen
What is paracrine signaling?
secretion of mediators by one cell that acts on other cells in its immediate vicinity
What is autocrine signaling?
production and secrtion of extracellular mediator by a cell followed by the binding of that mediator to receptors on the same cell to initiate signal transduction.
population density of V. fischeri at different time of the day
day time - low cell density, no bioluminescence
night-time - high cell density; bioluminescence occur
High cell density of bacteria initiates the _____
gene expression for the production of protein responsible for the bioluminescence
bacterial signaling is named
quorum sensing