Pratitioner 3&4 Q&A Flashcards
Name two muscle that may switch off in connection with Malfunctioning Valves
Digestion Muscles:
Fascia Lata
Quadratus Lamborum
Name two symptoms people may have with Valve problems
Low Back pain
Elbow / Shoulder
Nervioius instability
Adrenals Fatigue
Where do you push to correct an Open ICV
Right - UP
half way b-w belly button and r-hip, push in middle, pushing in and upwards in direction of L-shoulder
What acupunture point do you contact when testing for a hidden sensitivity
List 3 nutrients that you would think of testing for someone with loose bowels
Bowel build
slippery elm
List 3 nutrients that you would think of testing for someone with constipation
Black Walnut
Psyllium hulls
Fibre Plus
List five causes for Malfunctioning Valves
Lowered HCL
Poor Gut Microbiome
Bacterial Infection
Where does the Large Intestine Meridian END?
Side of Nose, next to nostril
Where are the main Lymphatic points for the Illiacus?
Around the Hip
Supraspinatus points (Banana)
T12 + L1 close to spine
Where is the Quadratus Lumborum located
In the soft space on the low back b/w ribs and pelvic bones
List 5 things to do as homework for keeping the valves intact
Avoid Raw fruit and veg or nuts
Avoid sugar and alcohol
Eating in a relaxed state
Avoid sensitive foods
Water 1 hour after a meal, 15mins beforehand
Where do you push to correct a Closed ICV
Right down to opposite hip
Describe the riddler points for food enzyme deficiency
Tuck in and under costal boarder - r-side
Where does the Large Intestine Meridian begin
Index Finger, side of nail bed closest to thumb
Where does the large Intestine Meridian begin
Index finger, side of nail bed, closest to thumb
Where does the small intestine meridian END
Side of face in middle of ear
Why is the Psoas related to the ICV
Energy feedback loop b-w kidney and ICV
Is it good to drink water with meals
15 mins before
60 mins afterwards
Stops digestive Enzymes working
What is the optimum Number of bowel movements to open daily
Describe the perfect motion
No smell
Easy to pass
No strain
Easy to flush
Wipes clean
What emotions are linked to the Small Intestine
Joy Sadness Grief Letting Go
What is the best position to sit on the toilet when emptying the bowels
Knees raised higher than hips / pelvice
Where is Kidney 1
Mid point in the centre under foot