Foundation Level 4 Q&A Flashcards
What is the primary Vitamin support for:
a) Pectoralis Major Sternal
b) Neck Flexors
c) Sartorius
d) Quadriceps
e) Hamstrings
a) PMC (Liver) - Vit A
b) Neck Flexors (Stomach) - Vit B
c) Sartorius (TW: Adrenals) - Vit C
d) Quadriceps (Sm Intestine) - Vit B
e) Hamstrongs (Lg Intestine) - Vit E
Where does the Spleen Meridian begin
Medial side of the big toe nail (near others)
How do you find excess energy?
Wrist Pulses + balance 1 or 2 after on Wheel balance
Which Meridians do Hamstrings relate to?
Large Intestine
State Characteristics of YANG Energy
Male, part time, top down, shallow, outside, hot, light pulse points
State Characteristics of YIN Energy
Up fro Earth, ON all the time, Female, Soft, Deep pressure points, Receptive
Where does the CX Meridian END?
Ends at the middle/longest fingertip (index side) - inside of arm
Which points correct up/down switching?
Top & bottom Lip + Naval
What acupressure point is at the bottom of the Coccyx?
GV 1, Start of Governing Meridian
Where is the posterior NL point for Levator Scapular?
Front - in b/w Clavicle and second rib
Back: Base of neck - C7 & T1 AND Groove on outer side of Scapulae… Guitar string
Which points correct L/R switching?
K27 + Navel
Which points correct Front/Back switching?
K27 + Coccyx
Which muscles are involved in the basic Gait test?
anterior deltoid - arm
lower abdomen - leg
How do you correct figure of Eight Energies?
ESR + Top of Naval
Which NL reflex relates to breaast congestion?
Fascia Lata - outer thigh on side where the congestion is, rubbing upwards from knee to hip
Which meridian follows the Triple Warmer on the wheel
Gall Bladder
Where are the NL points for the Pectoralis Major Sternal
With wrist pulses, where is the
a) Stomach Meridian
b) Liver Meridian
c) Gall Bladder
a) Stomach - Right, middle, light
b) Liver - Left, Middle, Deep
c) Gall Bladder - Left, Middle, Light