Practitioner 9 & 10 Flashcards
How do you test for a TMJ imbalance?
CL touches 2x fingers to tip of CHIN + SIM
Where does the Small Intestine meridian begin?
Outer side of little finger, nail bed
What does it men if the ICV shows with a CL
It means its a “Priority”
How do you test for an iron deficiency?
R-Corner of pubic bone:
… if facia lata is bilaterally weak - test IRON
What are the MEI points to strengthen the Adrenals
TW3 & GB41
TW2 & B 66
Where do you tap if you have an emotion that blows the Liver?
Centre point under bra line on Ribs
Where are the NV points to strengthen the Popliteus
3 points at the back of the KNEE.
Inside leg upwards to outside on diagonal
What would you possibly think of testing for if your client was always tripping over?
Up/Down switching: Lips w naval
Which Gland is linked to Metabolism?
Which Gland suffers with low self esteem?
Would you test the Four Conditions of a strong muslce around the problem area if the muscles were weak?
What solution supports the liver and cleanses the Blood
Liquid Chlorophyll
Which two muscles would you test if someone has whiplash?
Assuming CL had had an X-ray, and NO whiplash in the last 2 yrs
= Neck flexors (ant& post)
What acupressure point do you rub on the elbow during an ICV correction
LI 11
Which finger mode do you use to detect that emotions are relevant
4th Finger pad to pad of thumb
Which meridian are you contacting with the right middle deep?
How do you correct Visual Inhibition?
CL rubs rubs both K27 + Naval whilst CL looks in the weak direction. Retest.
Learning difficulties
What acupressure point do you rub in the web of the hand for the ICV?
LI 4
What chakra responds to BLUE?
Throat No. 5
Name two of the three muscles we work on as part of the TMJ correction?
- Masseter
- Bucinator
- Temporalis
What muscle is involved with a fixation around C7/T1
FIXATION - Piriformis
C1 - Superior Occiput fixation
Upper Cervicals
FIXATIONS - Popliteus
Lower Cervicals
FIXATIONS - Deltoids
… Cervical Dorsal junction
FIXATION - Teres Major
… Mid Dorsal
FIXATION - Lower Trap
… Dorsal Lumbar
FIXATION - Hamstrings
Where is the riddler point for Zinc
R-side, ICV point.
Name two nutrients you would think of if someone had frequent urine infections
Cranberry and Buchu
Silver shield liquid (chastity belt)
Nutrition if someone was crying
Kelp (help = tearfulness)
What muscles would you test if someone has frequent urine infections
Cranberry and Buchu
Liquid Silver
What muscles would you test if someone has bronchitis
- Deltoids
- Diaphragm
- Anterior Serratus
- Coracobrachialis
What two muscles would yo think of testing for someone with ankle pain?
What muscles would you test if someone had heel / calf problems
What nutrient is an herbal glandular / alkalizes the body and suppressed the appetite?
Which wrist pulse is right wrist furthest away from the hand with deep pressure
Where are the front NL points for the tibials
- Either side of naval
- Mickey mouse
- Middle of Pubic bone
Where does the Gall Bladder meridian begin
Outer side of eye socket
Where is the alarm point for the HEART
Midline. Just before sternum
On CV 14
List three things you offer if someone starts crying during a treatment?
Name two muscles on the Gall Bladder meridian
Anterior Deltoid
On ICV - where is KID 10 located?
Inside of knee
On an ICV balance, where is BL 58 located
Lateral side of Calf
Bracioradialis Muscle is useful to test for
Hypoglycaemic Tendency TEST
T1: CL L-leg raised at 40 degrees
T2: L-Leg raised AND R-knee bent onto table and Retest the LEFT-LEG. If weak, blood sugar imbalance.
Nutrition: Liquorice Root
Blood Glucose
For a Stubborn Parasite, which nutrition could you test
Paw Paw
Immune Balance
Lat Dorsi
Mid and Low Traps
Pec Minor
EST - Emotional Stress Release Programme
- Eye Rotations - I release and let go
- Temporal Tapping - reprogramming subconscious - conscious mind
- Fundamental Conflict Resolution - release reversed psychology - I Can, I want, I deserve with S.I.3
MTT - Meridian Therapy Tapping
- Find correct statement, how do they feel?
“Even though…. I deeply and completely accept…. I give myself permission to….OR I choose to move forward
- TAP S.I 3 x3 times
- TAP all negative words associated w problem starting at top of head, working down to hands
MTT Tapping points.
SI 3, then 3x times on
Even though…
I deeply and completely…
Choose to accept…
- GV20
- BL 2 - eyebrow nose side
- GB 1 - Eyebrow ear side
- St 1 - Orbital bone
- GV 27 - Top Lip
- CV24 - bottom lip
- K27s - Under Clavicle
- SP21 - Middle of bra strap, side of body
LEFT hand
9. LU 1 - Corner of thumb (outer)
10. LI 1 - Index finger (thumb side)
11. CX9 - End of middle finger
12. TW1 - Ring finger (corner)
13. H9 & SI 1 - Little finger (both sides)