Foundation Level 6 Q&A Flashcards
Where does the Gall Bladder Meridian Begin?
Side of the Eye Outer Corner
Name two muscles you would test for a wrist balance?
Brachiodradialis - St
Pronator Teres - St
Name two muscles in an Immune Balance?
Pectoralis Minor
Middle and Lower Trapz
Latissimus Dorsi
Name 2 muscles in a Bladder Balance
Anterior Tibial
Posterior Tibial
Name 2 muscles in a Neck Balance
Anterior Neck Flexors
Posterior Neck Flexors
Levator Scapulae
Middle & Low Trapz
Name 5 Muscles in a shoulder Balance
PMC - hard raising / fwd
Subclavius - Raising arms
Pec Minor - pushed fwd
Latissimus Dorsi - one higher than the other
Mid &Low Trapz - Run down
What is the finger mode for the emotional Realm
Ringer finger
which meridian to Abdominals relate to?
Small Intestine
where does the Bladder Balance END?
Outside of little toenail “this little piggy went to market…. Wee wee wee all the way home”
Name 3 Shoulder Muscles
Subclavius - Raise arms
PMC - Raising / fwd
Mid low Trapz - Run down
Which are the muscles related to Cystitis?
Bladder Muscles: Sacrospinalis, Peroneus, Anterior and Posterier Tibials
What muscle is linked to ICV
Illiacus - Kidney
With Cloacles, what does Ipsilateral mean
Same side
How do you correct Cloacles?
Front: Holder centre of Eyebrow and side of Pubic bone (1st on side of weakness)
Back: Temporal Bone and side of junction of Sacrum and Coccyx
Which Meridian is associated with Middle and Lower Traps?
Spleen - linked to Immune system
Which Meridian follows Bladder on Wheel?
Where are the NL points for the Tibials - Bladder
Front: (1) Middle of pubic bone (downwards)
(2) above naval and 1” either side of midline
(3) Mickey Mouse
Back: T11-T12 and T12-L2
Where is the NV point for Sartorius (TW Adrenals)
Posterior Fontanel