Foundation Level 6 Flashcards
Riddler points HCL & Enzymes - expand…
Many people suffer from indigestion and in the main it’s a lack…
Under stress and as we age, HCL and enzymes reduce significantly. Test points + SIM to determine which digestive aid will reverse the imbalance
Knee balance - 2 problems that effect knees are:
1) digestion issues
2) stress
Knee Balance Muscles (8 muscles)
1) Quadriceps - Sm Intestine - Walk-Running
2) Adductors - CX - Medial pain below knee
3) Gluteus Max - CX - Walking down hill
4) Popliteus - Gall Bladder - Hyper Extending / Bending
5) Sartorius - TW Adrenals - Knock knees, medial pain
6) Gracilis - TW - Stress or medial pain
7) Hamstrings - Lg Intestine - Weak legs, knock knees, piles
8) Fascia Lata - Lg Intestine -IBS, Thigh turns outwards
Rhomboids - Liver
Liver is working all the time to detox from diet and environment.
Great for mid back pain and headaches
Infraspinatus - TW Thymus - tapping
Thymus is associated with Immune and self esteem
Thymus is located behind the Angle of Louis on the Sternum
Strengthen ALL Meridians in the body and helps Lymph flow
Immune Balance (7 Muscles)
1) Pectoralis Minor (St) - Infections, contested Lymph
2) Mid & Low Trapz (Sp) - Sore Throat, coughs and colds
3) Latissimus Dorsi - (Sp) - Eats a lot of sugar
4) OPL - (Sp) - Weak grip or thumb pain
5) Infraspinatus - (TW Thymus) - Infections, Neck problems, low self esteem
6) Subclavius (St) - Lymph drains near this muscle, sugar issues, infections
Lung Meridian Muscles (4 Muscles)
1) Detoids
2) Diaphragm
3) Anterior Serratus
4) Coracabrachialis
Quadratus Lumborum - Large Intestine - Expand…
Lower back pain, Intestinal imbalances
V.Good SIM as its hard to cheat and rarely hypertonic
Cloacles - expand…
Deep Energies formed at conception
Front and back like a Grid
The body is formed around this energy
Good for Grounding and Structural imbalance
Bladder Balance: 6 Muscles
1) Sacrospinatus - Bladder - Sideways bending of spine, dehydration
2) Anterior Tibials - Bladder - Rectal fissures, fallen arches, dehydration
3) Posterior Tibials - Bladder - Rectal fissures, fallen arches, dehydration
4) Peroneus - Bladder - Foot turns inwards, dehydration
5) Piriformis - CX - Burning Urination
6) Adductors - CX - Cystitis
7 Factors of IVF: Inter Vertebral Foramina
1) Nerve
2) NL
3) NV
4) AMC - Acupunture Meridian Connector
5) CSF - Cérebro Spinal Fluid
6) NR - Nutritional Reflex
7) ER - Emotional Reflex
IVF - Inter Vertebral Foramina … Expand
All 7 factors are physical areas, but through muscle testing we are able to access and read them electronically
IVF is b/w each vertebrae. A passageway for the nerves to branch from the spinal cord to extend to the organs and muscles they control.
Riddle Points HCL & Enyzmes … expand
HCL Hydrchloric Acid
Food Enzymes level in the stomach