Lucy's Revision Notes Flashcards
Endocrine Boost:
You need the following Nutrition
1) Gladular (Mastergland, Kelp & hops, Siberian Ginseng)
2) B-Complex
3) Vit C
4) B5 &/or B3
Seven Factors of IVF
Neuro Lymphatic
Neuro Vascular
Acupuncture Meridian Connector
Cerebro Sinal Fluid
Nutritional Reflex
Emotional Energy Reflex
MEI: Stomach
St41 and SI 5
St43 and GB 41
MEI: Large Intestine
LI 11 and St36
LI 5 and SI 5
MEI: Triple Warmer
TW3 and GB41
TW2 and BL66
MEI: Small Intestine
SI3 and GB41
SI2 and BL66
Spleen 21 - either side
Blood Chemistry
Spleen 21 - left side
Spleen 21 - right side
Cross Crawl
Food Test Points
Hidden - TW22
Quantity Overload - TW17
If someone had EMOTIONAL issues, what treatments could you consider
Emotional Tissue Scanning
ESR - Past, present, future
Past Trauma recall
Stomach 1
If someone had ELECTRICAL issues, what treatments could you consider
- Atlas
- Aura Leeks
- Chakras
- Gaits
If someone had STRUCTURAL/PHYSICAL issues, what treatments could you consider
Back H Technique??
Retrograde Lymphatics
If someone had NUTRITIONAL issues, what treatments could you consider
Dural Torque
Emotional Tissue Scanning (for Emotions) - Explain treatment
Used for: Injuries, Surgeries, Accidents, Scars, things that happened a long time ago but still cause pain or discomfort
Test: 1) Maintain light continuous pressure on SIM (Anterior Deltoid) whilst using the other hand, palm face down (front of body) or palm up (back of body), skim over body w/o touching, until SIM goes weak.
FIX: ESR points and problem area simultaneously. Retest.
Alarm Points x12
Page 29 - draw image. (12 points)
First or Past Trauma Recall:
Explain treatment
Test: (1) Using a SIM, asking CL to think back to the first time in their life it affected them. If SIM weakens - P/L.
(2) If CL cannot remember, explain conscious recall isn’t needed - we can do it w age + SIM
(3) If weak, P/L
Blood Pressure Test - Treatment
1) Using a LEG SIM
2) PreCheck1: CL Places 1 hand over 1st TV = Strong. If weak consider (neck balance or TL + (T1+ESR) OR Laser T1
3) PreCheck2: CL places hand over Heart = Strong. If weak, Heart balance
4) TEST: With both PreChecks strong, CL touches both T1 and Heart and retest SIM. If weak = inappropriate Blood Pressure.
5) CORRECTION: P/L in weakness and test Nutrition etc before using magnets
5) FIX: (1) Place South side of magnet under CL hand on Heart and retest SIM. If Strong, this is the correct side of the magnet. If weak, turn magnet over.
(2) Place 2nd magnet in opposite polarity on T1 and leave for a few minutes and retest.
Aura Leak - What can effect the Auric Vitality
Poor Diet
Insufficient Exercise
Poor Posture
Negative thoughts
Antagonistic thoughts of others
Emotional trauma
Aura Leak - Test
TEST: Using a SIM maintain gentle pressure on the indicate, and scan the Clients aura, 1st time 1-2” away from skin, 2nd time sweep 2-3” fro skin.
FIX: Using Palm of hands, move in a clockwise direction over area of lesion.
PHANTOM PAIN: This technique can be used to relieve phantom pain for amputees
Blood Pressure - Nutrition
- Glass of Water
- Proargi 9
- Herb Capsicum
- Hawthorn Berry
- Garlic
- Vit E
Blood Type exercises
Blood Group:
A - Gentle (yoga/plitates)
O - Running HITT
B - Cardio - low impact, swim, cycling (smooth flow)
Chakras: short cut
spleen 21 (L)
Chakra: Finger Mode Test
Pad of index finger over the top of thumb joint. Scan body 2-3” away whilst testing the SIM to see which Chakras are out.
Chakra - Crown
7th - Violet:
Cerebral Cortex, Pineal, Central Nervous System - Pineal
Chakra - Brow/Third eye
6th - Indigo
Hypothalamus - Pituitary, Autonomic: Nervous System - Pituitary
Chakra - Throat
5th - Blue
Ability to verbalise, Protection, Self Epression, Comminucation
Chakra - Heart
4rd - Green
Heart Plexus, Circulatory, Thymus
Chakra - Solar Plexus
3rd - Yellow
Growth, vitality, personal power
Chakra - Sacral
2nd - Orange
Earth, Nature, Emotion, Sexuality
Chakra - Root/Coccygeal
1st - Red
Energizing, Vitality, Creativity, Grounding
Reproductive, Gonads
Chakra - Correction/Fix
Balance Chakra that it out with the Crown.
Hands 2” above Crown and supine body at each Chakra
Sandwich b/w front and back if CL is sitting.
TMJ - Reasons to use it are
- Bad hip
- Digestive problems
- Headaches
- Lack of coordination
- Confusion in any motor function of the body
- Post dentist appointment
- Whiplash
- Neck problems
- Clicking jay
- Irregular opening
- Pain in jaw
- Loose jaw
- Tense jaw
- Grinding teeth
- Hip pain
- anything Structural
3 Major Muscles in TMJ are
TMJ Test
Client CLs tip of chin + SIM
If weak, it is a problem and IS Priority
Fixing the TMJ can fix what other imbalances
Atlas and Sacrum
Temporalis Muscle is involved in … and is where
A fan shaped muscle around the ear
Masseter Muscle fibres run …
Down the side of the face from the cheekbone to the back of the jaw.
Buccinator Muscle is the cheek muscle, running …
from the side of the mouth towards the ear
What is Dural Torque
Pia, dura and Arachnoid Mater are the 3 covering sheaths of the brain.
Dura separates at the head and is attached to the left and right side of the skull, the Atlas, Axis and 3rd Cervical vertebra.
To support the brain w/i the skull,
To surround & protect the spinal cord
To protect all delicate nerve tissues
Survival reflex
an integral part of the Cranio-Sacral mechanism
Dural Torque TEST:
1) SIM (hamstring)
2) Press down and toe ward on sacrum and check SIM. If its weak there is a Dura imbalance
Dural Torque FIX:
… technique used for dealing w allergies.
Test using Hamstring (SIM) + Sacrum
1) Block hip and shoulder with the combination that strengthens the Hamstrings
2) Grasp Upp Cervicals (lymph pressure) AND hook fingers under Coccyx (w persmission), and on an IN breath push towards each other. Repeat 6-12x times.
Centering - Shortcut Test is…
and what does it check
Thump to the arm to give body a jolt and check SIM
Atlas (although not officially)
Testing to see if relevant: Check SIM at the same time as hooking 2 fingers up under the mastoid process
To Correct: Hook 2 fingers under mastoid process and on opposite side of the head, hold 3 fingers in b/w top of ear and eyebrow
Hyoid - Orientate ourselves, feel centred
Testing to see if relevant: Wiggle the hyoid bone back and forth and check SIM.
To correct: Massage the sides of the neck (the mandible) on both sides, pushing from down the top and up from the bottom
Temporal Manibular Joint
TMJ info
Most complex joint in the body
50% of brains messages filter through the TMJ
Symptoms of a TMJ dysfunction x5
- Clicking Jaw
- Pain in jaw
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Grinding teeth
Components of TMJ
1) Temporalis (around ears) - related to headaches. Involved in chewing
2) Masseter (over the cheek) - fibres run from cheekbone to back of jaw
3) Buccinator (near mouth/chin) - fibres run from side of mouth towards ear
When 2 or more adjacent vertebra move as a unit rather than separately
Test w BLACK card in front of eyes + SIM.
If weak, there is a fixation.
Balance the relevant Bilateral muscles
Rub immediately to the left and right of the spinous processes, one side at a time, linear (up and down) against spine.
Aim Laser lihgt at Glabella
FIXATIONS - Muscles that are bilaterally weak AND corresponding vertebra to correct for a fixation
1) Abdominals (Sm.I)- Sagitall Suture (pulling apart the skull)
2) Piriformis (CX) - TMJ
3) Psoas (K) - Superior Occiput fixation, C1
4) Gluteus Maximus (CX) - Upper Cervicals
5) Popliteus (Sm.I) - Lower Cervicals
6) Deltoids (Lu) - Cervical - Dorsal junction C7-T1
7) Teres Major (G) - Mid Dorsal (T2-L1)
8) Lower Traps (Sp) - Dorsal Lumbar (T12 - L1)
9) Hamstrings (LgI)- Sacrum
51% Technique
Touch the organ itself whilst testing to detect a more subtle imbalance. CL
Now and Then Technique
NOW: CL touches alarm point for time currently on + SIM.
If weak, the body clock is correct.
If remains strong thel TL the alarm pont for the Partner of the now time and tap GV20 (middle of head 30x times)
THEN: Find the “problem” time by talking to the Cleint
CL the relevant alarm point for that time
TEST SIM. It should stay strong.
If weak, balance the Over Energy bu going to the next weak muscle and correcting that.
NOW & THEN: CL touches “now” alarm point and the problem “then” alarm point. If there is an issue that can be addressed, the SIM will go strong. If weak, then this technique is not relevnt.
CORRECTION: Find the junction points for each of the meridians. Tap them both firly togehter. when finished, get the CL to touch both the “NOW” and “THEN” alarm points again. If you balanced, the SIM should go weak.
IF client has persistent pain in any of 3 joints: elbows, shoulders and wrists or any fingers/toes then consider Ligament Interlink
R-shoulder - L-Hip
R-Elbow - L-Knee
R-Wrist - L-Ankle
R-Thumb - L-Big Toe
TL the original pain and p/l
TL the interlinkin g pain and p/l (two pointing)
Find nutrition etc
Then correct physically: CL holds Hyoid sideways away from the original site of pain. TL rubs boht areas of pain intermittently towards each other.
Ligament Interlink: Test for Manganese for Ligaments (info)
Manganese helps strengthen ligaments and tighten joints.
Stretch any ligament around any joint for 5 secs and check SIM. If change, CL needs Manganese. Also check for Calcium and Magnesium
Ligament Interlink: Bone Stock (info)
A useful way to get Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus in the correct proportion for the body is to eat bone stock.
CL touches T1 + SIM. If weak (TL hold T1 and ESR)
CL then touches heart. If weak (TL to heart and ESR again) or heart balance
When both test strong, CL touches both T1 and HI at the same time, and retest.
If SIM goes weak, there is a blood presure imbalance.
P/L if checking for Nutrition (Herb Capsicum, Garlic, Vit E, Hawthorn Berry extract)
1) Strong magnet (south side) facing down onto heart + SIM.
If strong, the magnet is facing the right way. If not flip the magnet over (north side).
2) Put second magnet underneath T1
3) Leave for a few minutes and retest
Very often out on people due to STRESS< dehydration, and Food Sensitivities
Attached to the DURA - hence the connection with food sensitivities.
SIM + CL poke tongue to Left and Right.
Which ever side goes weak (v rare both but is so check the “P”), then address the weak side.
TL Gently Push into C3 on weak side with 2-3 fingers and carefully move the head into your fingers.
EG: If weakness is on left, push fingers in on (NOT on it) on
left and move head left in your fingers (without turning face).
First Aid for Backs
Muscles involves in LOW Back Pain (NL points are all located in low back):
Hamstrings - SI
Transverse Obliques - SI
Rectus Obliques - SI
SHOCK ABSORBERS - Screening Test
1) SIM (Quads)
2) w Straight Leg, thump heel of 1 foot + SIM (each side). If weak, need to establish if its an ankle, knee or hip issue.
ANKLE: Bend knee then hit heel
KNEE: Leg straight, grab calf above ankle and push up several times into knee
HIP: Grab above the knee and push up into body several times
ENDOCRINE - Hypotahlamus
Links nervous system to Endocrine system
Energy V
Siberian Ginseng
Sets our body rythms and is light sensitive
Master gland
ENDOCRINE - Pituitary
Regulates vital body activiites - growth, hormones, urinary output, influences milk production and oxytocin
Regulated Metabolism
Kelp & Hops
Energ V
ENDOCRINE - Parathyroid
Controls how much Calcium in our body
Kelp & Hops
Linked to Self Esteem, related to the Immune system
Defence Maintenance
ENDOCRINE - Pancreas
Converts food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells
Liquorice Root
Part of the Lymph system. Works as a drainage network that defends the body against infection
ENDOCRINE - Adrenals
Produce adrenalin for the fight or flight reaction
Nutri Adrenal
Vitamin C
Goal Balancing and Sabotage - Give examples of types of treatments that could be used
Techniques to use for achieving desired GOALS:
1) Balance in the “mode” whilst talking about it
2) Wrist pulses finding over energies w Emotion added
3) Balance Affirmations
4) ST-1
5) ESR Past present future
6) First Trauma Recall
7) MTT Meridian Therapy Tapping
8) ESR Programme
9) Eye Release
10) Temporal Tap
11) Fundamental Conflict
KNEE Balance
8 muscles
- Adductors (CX) - Medial pain below knee
- Sartorius (TW/Ad) - Knock knees, pain bending knee
- Hamstrings (LgI) - Weak knees, knock knees, piles
- Fascia Lata (LgI) - ISB, thigh turns inwards
- Popliteus (GB) - Hyperextended knees, pain bending knee
- Gracilis (TW) - Stress. Medial knee pain
- Quads (SI) - Walking, Running, Climbing stairs
- Gluteus Max (CX) - Walking down hill
Neck Balance
- Levator Scapulae (St) - L/R
- Neck Muscles - Ant&Post (St) - Fwd/Back tension
- Mid & Low Traps (Sp) - Run down
- Sacropinalus (Bl) - Feels like a Rod down neck
- Upper Traps (Ki) - Head leans inwards to shoulder, dizzy
- Gluteus Max (CX) - Upp Cerv bones are tender
- Infraspinatus (TW, Thymus) - Persistant neck problem
- Psoas (if bilateral) (K)
Ankle Balance
- Tibials (BL) - Arches, Rectal fissures
- Peroneus (BL) - Foot turns in
Low Back Balance
7x muscles
SPx1, SI x1,K x2, BL x1, CX x1, LI x1
- Latisimus Dorsi - (Sp) One shoulder higher
- Abdominals (SI) - Cant do sit ups/ crunches
- Psoas (K) - Lumbar curve is flat, exaggerated, dehydrated
- Iliacus (K) - Ab pain, Constipation, Loose bowel, IBS
- Sacropinalis (Bl) Sideways bending of spine
- Gluteus Maxiimus - (CX) - Pain walking, or standing
- Quadratus Lumborum (LgI) - Back leans to one side
Immune Balance
- Pec Minor - Infections, Lympth
- Infraspinatus - Infections, neck, low self esteem
- Mid & Low Traps - Throat, coughs cold
- Lat Dorsi - Sugar
- Triceps - Sugar, Elbow
- OPL - Grip, thumb pain
The spleen is all wrapped you in the Immune system
Elbow Balance
- Brachioradialis (St) - Hard to get arm behind back
- Supinator (St) - Tennis/Golfers elbow
- Pronator Teres (St) - Tennis/Golfers elbow
- OPL (Sp) - Tennis elbow (from Wrist)
- Triceps (Sp) - Hard to straighten elbow
- Subscapularis (H) - Pain behind shoulder blade
- Sacropinalis (Bl) - Bursitis, sideways bending of spine
- Iliacus (K) - Ab pain, Constipation, Loose Bowels, IBS
- Abductors (CX) - Adductor exercises in gym/horse riding
- Teres Minor (TW/Thyroid) - Arm weakness, crying
Foot / Calf Balance
- Gastronemius (TW/Adrenals) - Stress, hard to stand on toes
- Soleus - (TW/ Adrenals) - Fatigue, forward bend in body
When 2 or more adjacent vertebrae move as a unit rather than separately
TEST: Black Card 3-4” away from eyes + SIM.
If weak = Fixation
STRUCTURAL Fixation = Bilateral muscle Weakness
FIXATION - BILATERAL muscle weakness
Vit A, C, E, Zambroza, High Potency Grapevines
1) Each test that is imbalanced - check in “PRIORITY”
2) Rub L/R of spinous processes one side at a time, in a linear way, butting up to spine
- Abdominal - Sagittal Suture
- Piriformis - TMJ
- Psoas - Occiput, C1
- Gluteus Max - Upper Cervicals
- Popliteus - Lower Cervicals
- Deltoids - Cervical Dorsal jct C7-T1
- Teres Major - T2-T11
- Lower Traps - T12 - L1
- Hamstrings - Sacrum
FIXATION - BiLateral Weakness -
Abdominals w Sagittal Sutures - Digestive Aid / Intestinal aid
Psoas w Occiput, C1 - Zambroza, Omega 3,6,9, Urinary
Gluteus Max w Upper Cervical - Vit E, B-complex, glandular
Popliteus w Lower Cervicals - Zambroza, Omega 3,6,9 Fat Grabbers
Deltoid w C7-T1 Junction - Vit C, Fenugreek & Fennell, or F & Thyme
Teres Major w T2-T11 - Protein, Pea/syner Protein, B-Cpmplex, Skeletal Strength, Calcium, Everflex, Digestive Aid
Lower Traps w T12-L1 - Zambroza, Omega 3,6,9 Vit C, gladular/Immune
Hamstrings w Sacrum - Intestinal, Bowel Build, Vit E, Skeletal Strength
MCPE - Mind, Chemical, Physical, Energy
- Mind - Acknowledge of higher power, attitude, stress, trauma, feelings, EMOTIONS and spirit
- Chemical - FOOD/DIET, Supplements, water, drugs, meds, chemicals, preservatives, polluted air
- Physical - STRUCTURAL, bones, muscles, tendons, posture, exercise, rest, sleep positions
- Energy - Energy of life, chi, prana, ACUPRESSURE, MERIDIANS, AURAS, CHAKRAS
7 ways to Strengthen and Balance muscles
- Balancing in the Mode
- NV points - Electro energy reflexes, stimulate flow of lymph to muscle and related organ
- NV points - Enhance blood flow
- Nutrition - Magnifies the lasting effect. Nutritional reward, tags target area.
- Meridian tracing - Enhances meridian energy flow
- MEIs - Strengthens the energy source of the muscles. - jump lead, allowing energy to flow from 1 meridian to another.
- Origin and insert massage - powerful structural fix
Which Vitamins are good for - Stress busting nutrition
- Vit C
- B-complex
DO NOT give to people on BLOOD THINNERS
Supraspinatus (G) - type of problem
Tasks that require a lot of concentration
Driving long distances
Brain fatigue
PMC (ST) - Type of problems relating to weakness
Stress (ERS release)
Poor digestion
failing to chew
Latissimus Dorsi (SP) - type of problems related to weakness
High sugar intake
Quads (SI) - Types of problems related to weakness
Where we absorb our food
… often linked to limited beliefs
Walking up stairs
Knee problems
Digestion - Absorption (Aloe Vera)
Circulate, NutriCalm,
Aloe Vera - Absorption
Slipper Elm - Inflammation
Psoas (K) - Types of problems related to weakness
Lumbar curve
Bilateral weakness - NECK
Low back ache
Kidney imbalances
Skin conditions
Foot problems
Hip flexing
Psoas (K) - Origin and Insertion
O: Attached to 12th TV and 1st four LV
I: Inserts into top of FEMUR, the largest bone in body, in upper leg
Anterior Deltoid (GB) - Type of problems related to weakness
Cant easily put hand behind back
Hard combing hair
Headaches (Wheat, sugar) (see Meridian lines)
Digestion of Fats (crisps, cheese)
Anterior Deltoid (GB) - Origin and insertion
O: `outer third of Collarbone
I: Attached to the bone in the upper arm, the humerus, about 1/3 down its length
Anterior Deltoid (GB) - NV
Anterior Fontanel
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Abdominals (SI) =
Sagittal Suture
Digestive Aid / Intestinal
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Psoas (K) =
Occiput, C1
Zambroza, Omega 3, 3-6-9, Urinary
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Piriformis (CX)
Minerals, Everflex, Skeletal strength
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Gluteus Maximus (CX) =
Upper Cervicals
Vit E, B-Complex, Glandular
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Popliteus (GB) =
Lower Cervicals
Zambroza, Omega 3, 3-6-9,
Fat Grabbers
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Deltoids (GB) =
C7 / T1 Junction
Vit C,
Fenugreek & Fennel
Fenugreek & Thyme
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Teres Major (G) =
T2 - T11
Pea / Syner Protein
Skeletal Strength
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Lower Trapezius (SP) =
T12 - L1
Vit C, Zambroza, Oemga 3
(Structural) Fixations = Bilateral Weakness
Hamstrings (LI) =
Bowel Build
Skeletal Strength
Vit E
Triple Warmer Muscles x6
Teres Major
Stomach Muscles x 8
Neck Muscles (post & anterior)
Levator Scapulae
Teres Minor
Spleen Muscles x 4
Latissimus Dorsi
Mid and Low Traps
Heart Muscle
Small Intestine Muscles x 2
Bladder Meridian Muscles x3
Kidney Musles x 3
Upper Traps
CX Muscles x 4
Glutues Medius
Gluteus Max
Triple Warmer Muscles x 6
Teres Minor (thyroid)
Gall Bladder Muscles x 2
Anterior Deltoid
Liver Muscles x2
Lung Muscles x4
Anterior Serratus
Large Intestine Muscles x3
Fascia Lata
Organ - Nutrition
Small Intestine
Vit B
Slipper Elm
Aloe Vera
Organ - Nutrition
Vit E
Organ - Nutrition
Triple Warmer
Vit B
Vit C
Organ - Nutrition
Vit E
Organ - Nutrition
B - Complex
Nutri Calm
Organ - Nutrition
Vit A
Organ - Nutrition
Large Intestine
Vit E
Aloe Vera
Slippery Elm
Fibre Plus
Organ - Nutrition
Vit C
Fennel & Funugreek
Thyme & Fenugreek
Organ - Nutrition
Vit A
Organ - Nutrition
Vit A
Organ - Nutrition
Gall Bladder
Vit A
Organ - Nutrition
Vit A
Emotion of WOOD
Anger, resentment and Shouting
Emotion of FIRE
Joy, Love, laughing
Emotion of EARTH
Empathy, sympathy, giggles
Emotion of METAL
Grief, guilt, regret,
crying, deep sigh
Emotion of WATER
Fear, Anxiety, Groaning
What is the DURAL TORQUE test
Factors that Effect the Dura:
- Stress / Red alert
- Allergic insults
- Gait / Stride length
- Scoliosis
- Upp Cervical Fixations
- Cranial Faults
- Pelvic Structural lesion
NOT if CL had a LUMBAR Puncture
Shortcut =
CL on tummy, SIM (L&R Hamstring), TL presses onto Sacrum. If SIM weakens = Dura Imbalance. Always Priority
FIX: Block Hip / shoulder w combo that strengthens SIM.
Grasp Upp Cervicals & Coccyx, breath in and PUSH together 6-12x, relaxing pressure on exhale.
Immune Nutrition
What is the TEST
What is the CORRECTION
Stress, Dehydration, Food Sensitivities
SIM (Anterior Deltoid) + CL moves tongue L&R.
If weak, massage the weak side.
FIX: Compress the muscle around C3 - PUSH into C3, NOT onto C3.
Moving head w/o turning face