Foundation Level 1 Flashcards
Mental Fatigue and Learning Stress
Correct Supraspinatus and rub points
Mental, Chemical, Physical and Emotional
Improves Cerebro-Spinal Fluid circulation, memory and more….
Drink more Water (not tea/coffee)
Meridian Energy lines
Neuro Vascular points
To enhance blood flow to muscles and organs
Nutritional Reward..
Makes a balance last longer; each tablet will become more effective;
… the language of muscle testing and the correction points tell the body where to send the nutrient and how to use it.
Neuro Lymphatic points
… to enhance lymphatic drainage and cleaning
Switching - What can cause it?
Negative thought, Bad personal interaction, food sensitivty; car accident, a slip , mobile phone use; overhead electric cables
Switching Test
Test the SIM
1) Up/Down: Upper and Lower lip - retest
2) L/R: K27 points - retest
3) Front/Back: tip of Coccyx
Correct points + Rub points w Naval
Fuse Principle - How long will it last?
… become more responsible for our own health and well being; otherwise fuse will continue to blow!
Take care of Food, Emotions, physical and electrical stresses
Cramp Relief
Fan over the belly of the muscle
lack of minerals; too much salt; poor circulation; toxic residue in muscles
Priority Mode
Corrections in Priority are more effective and last longer
Pad of middle fingers to crease on thumb at the joint
Wrist Pulses for Over energy
Leg SIM; 3x light / deep on each wrist.
Rebalance from the next muscle on wheel balance
Breast Congestion Technique
… (and other congested areas around the body)
Fascia Lata Lymph points:
- Front: Up side of leg knee to hip
- Back: soft traingle area beneath ribs, Lumbar 2-5
(1) CL identifies area,
(2) TL lightly touches congested area + Rub firmly up Fascia Lata NL x6, or until soreness has gone
(3) CL re-evaluates congested area
(4) GP to be notified
Circuit Food Testing - Give examples
Relevant Food types against particular areas of the body:
1) Coffee - Psoas (Kidney) or Upp Trapz (Lung)
2) Wheat - Supraspinatus - Brain fog/memory OR Fascia Lata (Lg Intestine for Constipation
3) Milk /cheese - Ant Deltoid (G Bl)
4) Fats, sugars, fruit - Lat Dorsi (Sp)
Fix in Motion - Expand
CL moves weak limb in the direction of the muscle test (back and forth) whilst making the correction with nutrition in circuit and rubbing NL, NV points.
Where are the Parietal Eminences located
Widest part of the skull
Posterior Fontanel - location?
Centre of the back on the skull, in the dip b-w skull and spine
Trace Mineral deficiency - expand
Mental fatigue… chew nail + SIM.
Herb and Mineral blend
Ears as Aerials
Effected by being crushed, sleep, covered up. May affect hearing and attention span.
Children - slow learners
Adults - recalling information
SIM + CL turns head L&R.
If weak, unfurl ear(s) and retest
Visual Inhibition
Sometimes people don’t move their eyes because of interference from poor eye muscle connection - people can become off centre, dizzy. Dry eyes, weeping, painful looking in certain directions, needing glasses or pink eye.
Learning Difficulties, reading writing, comprehension and coordination, eye health, sure footed
SIM + Up,Down, L, R
If weak, rub K27 & Naval + weak direction (30 secs) and retest
Self Esteem - Self Talk
Negative self talk can suppress the IMMUNE system.
Ensure GOOD listening to children
Visual - I see
Auditory - I hear
Kinaesthetic - I feel
Positive Affirmations
Strong Supraspinatus + CL says positive Affirmation out load
“I AM or I …confident “
if weak CL to repeat 20-30 times and retest.
… voice will relax, get stronger, louder, no stumbling, write it down & RETEST.
Homework 21 day repeating.
GOAL Setting
Useful for emotional or traumas, worry, exams, job interviews.
Change the bodies cells from negative response if it happens again.
SIM (Quad) + All Over energies are fixed…. Ask CL to think of emotion and RETEST pulses. If more than one, see which is Priorty.
Tap Begs & Ends of Meridian whilst talking about issue.
+ ERS ponits if CL is upset.
Protein Test
SIM + Hair (Rub hair in nape of neck).
If weak - CL may/maynt have enough Protein, OR might not be digestion and absorbing it property.