Pranayama Flashcards
What are some of the benefits of pranayama?
- Establishes regular breathing patterns
- Circulates Prana through the body
- Strengthens the heart
- Increases Dharana through focus of the breath
- Rebalances the nervous system Increases detoxification of the lungs
- Increase movement within the lymphatic system
What is Nadi Shodhana called in english?
Alternate Nostril Breath
What does Nadi Shodhana mean in sanskrit?
Channel Purification
How do you practice Nadi Shodhana?
Inhale through both sides of the nose and close left nostril (morning) or right nostril (night) with thumb or fourth finger and exhale right Inhale right, close right exhale left, inhale left, close left exhale right, inhale right
What are the benefits of Nadi Shodhana?
Rebalances the energy through the body and either induces sleep or builds vitality depending on the time of day
Increases volume of oxygen/carbon dioxide transfer
Brain centres are encouraged to work at optimum capacity Induces feelings of tranquillity, clarity and concentration
Lowers feelings of stress and anxiety by harmonising the pranas
Allows ida and pingala nadis to be balanced, causing sushumna nadi to flow
Increases the Alpha brain wave state, encouraging deep states of meditation and spiritual awakening
What is Samavritti?
When inhalation, exhalation and breath retention are all the same length
What is Ujjayi called in English?
Victorious Breath
Victory over our little self
How do you practice Ujjayi?
Gently contract the glottis at the base of the throat Inhale and exhale through the nose maintaining that contraction
- correct application of it will create a rhythm for moving in syncronisation with and we establish flow
- inhalation corresponds with expanding movements
- exhalation with grounding poses
- technique that brings victory over the distraction of the mind
- connects our mind to our body and vice versa
What is Kapalabhati called in English?
Skull Lightening Breath
How do you practice Kapalabhati?
Inhale deeply through both nostrils, filling the abdomen
Exhale forcefully by contracting the abdominal muscles. The next inhalation will take place by passively allowing the abdominal muscles to expand Exhale forcefully again, continue like this
Repeat 50-100 times
What are the therapeutic benefits of Kapalabhati?
Purifies Ida and Pingala nadis.
Eliminates distractions and energizes the mind
Prepares the mind and body for meditation.
It is a good practice for asthmatics and those with emphysema, bronchitis and tuberculosis.
Can be used by women in childbirth.
Strengthens and rebalances the nervous system
Massages and tones the digestive system and associated organs
What happens when you breath?
- diaphragm is the prime mover for the inhalation and exhalation
- Attention to the middle of the body – between the chest and abdomen
- Uddiyanah bandha stops the lower abdomen from inflating
- When you breathe in, or inhale, your diaphragm contracts and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, and your lungs expand into it. The muscles between your ribs also help enlarge the chest cavity. They contract to pull your rib cage both upward and outward when you inhale
- Air drawn into the lungs and the upper abdomen
- when breath out diaphragm relaxes
What do we aim to do with the breath in yoga?
- in yoga aiming to slow the breathing to facilitate activation of the parasympathetic nervous system to heal the body and calm the mind
What does ujjayi breath do?
- creates prana fuel for the body - energy into the blood, exhale releasing waste
- creates a rhythm to move in synchronisation with
- brings about victory over the distractions of the mind
- reduces stimulation of the sympathetic and increases stimulation of the parasympathetic
- connection mind and body
- nostrils - humidifies and warms the air before it passes through
- glottis - controls air at the base of the throat
Prana – energy, life force; ayama – to expand, extend
What is Savriti?
rhythmic breath
How do you do Savriti breathing?
Inhale for 4 breaths
Hold 2 breaths
Exhale 4 breaths
Hold 2 breaths
Increase to 6, 3, 6, 3
Constant ratio of 2:1 - inhalation and exhalation
Is Ida related to the sun or moon?
Is Pingala related to the sun or moon?
What side is Ida on?
Does Ida have male or female energy?
What side is Pingala on?
Does Pingala have male or female energy?
Which nostril would you focus on to energise?
Right nostril, leans to your sympathetic nervous system
Which nostril would you focus on to calm?
left nostril, right side of the brain, parasympathetic nervous system