Practice exam m/c and t/f Flashcards
More of the visual cortex is devoted to the fovea
Hippocampus is devoted to long term memory
Inferior temporal lobe uses spatial information to guide actions
The left planum temporale is larger in right handed people
Ependymal cells produce csf
Sodium potassium pumps at the nodes of ranvier aid in saltatory conduction
Dendrites develop on cells before differentiation
Calcium ions aid in neural response by causing an action potential
Endocannabinoids trigger hunger, stress relief, and sleep
fMRIs have high spatial resolution but low temporal resolution
ERPs are too sensitive for humans
The blood-brain barrier is made up of astrocytes connected to blood vessels
Effects of cocaine can be mimicked with amphetamines
Ions carry charges due to the gain or loss of protons
peptide hormones enter cells and attach to DNA, thereby altering gene expression
the ________ produces hormones that stimulate the _______ to secrete releasing hormones into the circulatory system
hypothalamus, pituitary gland
Dendrites of touch-sensitive neurons are activated by
the stretching of K+ channels
Action potentials can only travel in one direction because
the refractory periods prevent the backflow of ions
Sensory transduction is the process by which
energy is converted into a change in membrane potential
Wernicke’s aphasia is associated with
deficits in the comprehension of language
Substances that often result in a use disorder increase ______ activity in the nucleus accumbens
Which of the following is the correct sequence of brain development?
A) cell birth, cell differentiation, cell migration, cell maturation
B) cell birth, cell migration, cell differentiation, cell maturation
C) cell birth, cell maturation, cell differentiation, cell migration
D) cell birth, cell maturation, cell differentiation, cell migration
According to René Descartes, the:
A) body influences the mind.
B) pineal body is the mind.
C) mind resides in the pineal gland which influences the body by directing fluids
from the ventricles to the muscles.
D) pineal gland is the mind and influences the body by directing fluids from the
ventricles to the muscles.
Rats raised in “stimulating” environments solve mazes faster than those raised in
laboratory environments. This change in behavior is most likely mediated by:
increased dendritic complexity of cortical neurons
Cortical myelination
varies by cortical region
Which of the following is a criterion for identifying a neurotransmitter?
A) The transmitter must be synthesized in the neuron or otherwise be present in it.
B) When the neuron is active, the transmitter must be released and must produce a
response in some target.
C) A mechanism must exist for removing the transmitter from its site of action after
its work is done.
D) All of the above are criteria for identifying a neurotransmitter.
If you eat something that generates hydrogen ions in your mouth, you will probably detect a ______ taste
One practical issue researchers must take into account when deciding how to examine a
patient or study subject is temporal resolution. What does this refer to?
How quickly a measurement or image is obtained
Which of the following does not take place in the temporal lobe:
A. object identification
b. proprioception
c. sound processing
d. memory consolidation