Learning, memory and higher cognition Flashcards
retrograde amnesia
loss of old memories
anterograde amnesia
inability to form new memories
damage to hippocampus causes
anterograde amnesia, old memories still remain
declarative memories
memories that we are aware we formed, associated with hippocampus
nondeclarative memories
memories shown through performance rather than conscious recollection, associated with amygdala, cerebellum, and basal ganglia
information goes to short term memory
transfer from short to long term memory
use of stored information
antibiotic that inhibits protein synthesis necessary for synaptic changes
Every time a memory is reactivated it undergoes
decreased response to repeated presentation of a stimulus
prior strong stimulation increases response to most stimuli
Nonassociative learning
a single stimulus presented once or repeated
Example of habituation
gill withdrawal response in sea slugs
neurons that fire together
wire together
The number of synapses between the sensory cell and the motor neuron _____ during habituation
Sensitization typically occurs in the presence of
sudden, novel stimulus
ex. shock presented to the sea slug at the same time as a water jet, enhancing the gill withdrawal response
Sensitization occurs via
a serotonergic interneuron
Long term potentiation
the change in amplitude of an excitatory postsynaptic potential in response to stimulation at a synapse
Long term potentiation is dependent on _____ receptors that work with _____ receptors in CA1
Normally NMDA and AMPA respond to
In the hippocampus, NMDA receptors are blocked by
magnesium ions
NMDA receptors can be unblocked by
exposure to a strong stimulus at a neighboring synapse or repeated stimulation at one synapse
Large calcium influx causes activation of
-causes more AMPA receptors to be produced and inserted into the postsynaptic membrane
-increases the conductance of sodium and potassium ions in membrane-bound AMPA receptors
cerebral hemispheres are specialized for different functions
Lateralization is not the same as _________
hemispheric dominance
Right hemisphere is specialized for
processing emotional tone of language
controlling attention
spatial processing
face perception
Left hemisphere (right visual field) shows better recognition of
words and letters
Right hemisphere (left visual field) shows better recognition of
faces and geometric shapes
planum temporale
superior surface of the temporal lobes
usually larger in the left hemisphere than it is in the right
Important regions for control of language
Broca and Wernicke’s areas
dorsal areas of the frontal lobes
motor and somatosensory areas that control facial, tongue, and throat muscles
grande burritos
Broca’s area
produces movements needed for speech
Wernicke’s area
regulates language comprehension
Supplementary speech area
speech production region on the dorsal surface of the frontal lobe
insertion of incorrect sounds or words.
Entirely novel nonsense words.
inability to read
inability to write
reading music is processed in the
left hemisphere
people fail to recognize familiar faces, including their own.
Bilateral damage to the fusiform gyrus
Regions of prefrontal cortex
lateral PFC
frontal pole
medial PFC
ventromedial zone
People with frontal lobe injuries are unable to _______
organize their behavior
If the temporal association cortex is destroyed, the person will develop
visual agnosia
Inattentional blindness
subjects fail to perceive unattended stimuli when two or more stimuli are presented simultaneously
Sustained visual attention
effects in contralateral LGN, visual cortex
Sustained auditory attention
effects in auditory cortex
Damage to the frontal association cortex
focusing excessively on external stimuli and difficulty shifting attention
Damage to the parietal association cortex
can produce contralateral neglect- patient ignores stimuli that are contralateral to the side of the brain injury
best part of the brain
pons <3
should you take a class with jessica green
what could jessica green talk about forever
Orbitofrontal damage
tend to bring up impolite and overly personal topics
Orbitofrontal cortex is necessary for
accurate self-assessment in real-time
Prefrontal affected region:
Dorsolateral, orbitofrontal, mediofrontal
Syndrome type:
dysexecutive, disinhibited, apathetic, respectively