Practice and Guidance :) Flashcards
whole practice
skill is presented as a whole and not broken down
skill is:
- highly organised
- continuous
- simple
- discrete
performer is:
whole pros and cons
pros: kinaethesis developed, fluency maintained, not time consuming, clear mental image, easily transferred to game, helps understanding
cons: not good for cognitive/new performers, can cause fatigue or information overload, need to be physically able to perform whole skill
progressive part practice
first subroutine taught and perfected then next subroutines gradually added until whole skill is done
skill is:
- low organisation
- serial
- complex
- dangerous
performer is:
progressive pros and cons
pros: reduces chance of overload or fatigue, helps understanding, confidence increases, danger reduced
cons: time consuming, fluency can be hard, kinaethesis not properly developed, can get boring
whole-part-whole practice
learner attempts full skill then breaks into subroutines then back into whole skill
skill is:
- complex
- fast
performer is:
- cognitive (working on specific parts)
- autonomous (practicing specific weakness)
whole-part-whole pros and cons
pros: kinaethesis maintained, weak subroutines can be improved, fluency maintained, confidence increases
cons: time consuming, can’t use on highly organised skills, kinaethesis could be affected if not quickly integrated
cognitive stage
- starts creating mental images of skills (mental rehearsal used)
- trial and error used (mistakes made)
- accurate demonstration needed
- extrinsic
- positive
- knowledge of results
associative stage
- models performance on more skilled athletes
- begins focusing on finer details of skill
- demonstrations and mental rehearsal
- smoother and more co-ordinated movements
- intrinsic (kinaethesis)
- extrinsic
- knowledge of performance
autonomous stage
- fluid, efficient and habitual movements
- skills are automatic
- fully formed motor programmes (long term memories)
- concentrate on fine details, tactics and advanced strategies
- intrinsic (kinaethesis)
- extrinsic
- knowledge of performance
learning plateaus
period of performance when there are no signs of improvement
causes of plateau effect
- loss of motivation
- mental/physical fatigue
- limit of ability reached
- poor coaching
- incorrect goals set
solutions of plateau effect
- set new tasks/challenges
- variable practice
- offer tangible rewards
- allow rest periods
- distributed practice
- alternative coach
- set SMARTER goals
cognitive: insight learning (gestalt)
learn through whole skill rather than isolated sub-routines
-learning skill as whole develops kinaethesis and full understanding
performers think about what to do but use previous experiences to help
- use insight and adapt to sporting situation
- uses creativity to develop own strategies and tactics
behaviourism: operant conditioning (skinner)
learning happens by strengthening a link between stimulus and response
-once sr bond is made it increases chance of desired response happening
coach should:
- allow use of trial and error
- manipulate environment to allow desired behaviour to be achieved
- offer a satisfier when correct response shown so its repeated
- offer an annoyer (such as lap) for incorrect responses
social learning: observational (bandura)
learn by watching and replicating actions of ‘models’ around us
more likely to copy:
- significant others
- models with similar characteristics
- successful skills
- reinforced skills
- Attention- need to concentrate on accurate model
- Retention- remember by repetition + mental image
- Motor Reproduction- be able to physically copy model
- Motivation- determination to copy skill