Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation :) Flashcards
done to identify potential risks and complications from exercise
- could involve ecg to detect heart problems
- examines musculo-skeletal system to see current or past injuries
disadvantage as tests aren’t 100% accurate so could produce false positive or false negative
protective equiptment
wearing appropriate equipment can help reduce injuries
-must follow ngb regulations
helps prepare body for exercise
- cardiovascular exercise such as jogging
- stretching/flexibility exercises
- sport specific movement patterns
warm up benefits
- reduces possibility of injury - increased flexibility
- psychological benefit - mental rehearsal/relaxation
- rehearsal of skills in activity
- adequate blood flow to heart
- increased body/muscle temp
- better oxygen delivery and blood flow
- better chemical reactions/metabolism
- synovial fluid released - elasticity of connective tissue
active stretching
stretched position held by own muscles providing resistance to improve flexibility - flexing muscle opposite target muscle
passive stretching
stretch occurs with the help of external force such as another part of body, wall or partner
static stretching
muscle stretch is held in fixed position for 30 secs…
ballistic stretching
performing stretch with swinging or bouncing movement to push body part further
taping a weak joint with elastic to still allow movement but provide support too
hinged support that gives extra stability after injury
proprioceptive training
uses hopping, jumping and balancing exercises to restore lost proprioception (ability to sense movement within joints)
teach body to control position of injured joint subconsciously
strength training
uses resistance such as weights machines or body weight
increases strength and counteracts muscle wastage as result of injury
hyperbaric chambers
use of high pressure chambers with 100% oxygen to reduce recovery time
pressure increases amount of oxygen that can be breathed in meaning more oxygen to injured area
excess oxygen dissolved into blood plasma to reduce swelling and stimulate white blood cell activity to increase blood supply at injury site
use of cold temperatures to treat injuries
ice baths and cryogenic chambers are often used as part of post-match recovery.
constricts blood flow - reducing swelling and aiding recovery
whole body cryotherapy treats whole body not just one muscle
use of water to treat injuries
buoyancy of water supports body weight so allows more exercise to be performed
increased temperature promotes circulation and flexibility whilst decreasing swelling and relieving pain
compression garments
compression prevents blood from pooling, helping circulation and stopping muscle fatigue
treatment that can prevent or relieve soft tissue injuries
- increased blood flow
- removal of lactic acid
- stretching soft tissue to relieve pressure
- breakdown of scar tissue
release tension and tightness in muscle
used to prevent injury and improve mobility
cold therapy
cooling surface of skin causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels decreasing blood flow and reduces swelling
reduces muscle spasms by decreasing motor activity
whole body cryotherapy sometimes used
ice baths
5-10 mins in ice bath causing blood vessels to tighten reducing blood flow and swelling
upon leaving- fresh oxygenated blood rushed into muscles
old blood leaves flushing out lactic acid
should get minimum of 8-9 hours sleep night
non-REM sleep is deepest part of sleep
- brain waves at their slowest
- blood flow directed away from brain to muscles
- restores energy in muscles and repairs damage
glycogen should be replenished in first 20 mins after exercise to enhance performance the next day
acute injury
sudden injury caused by specific impact or traumatic event where sharp pain is felt
acute - break or crack in the bone
simple/closed is a clean break that doesn’t penetrate the skin
compound/open is when the soft tissue is damaged and can lead to infection
acute - ends of bones are forces out of positions at joints
acute - ‘pulled’ MUSCLE when it is stretched too far or torn
acute - when LIGAMENTS are pulled too far or tear
chronic injury
injury that occurs after playing sport or exercise for a long time. it develops slowly and can last a long time, often ignore which makes it worse and stay for longer
achillies tendonitis
tendonitis causes pain and inflammation of the tendon
located at the back of the ankle - connecting the gastrocnemius to the heel bone
stress fracture
most common in weight-bearing bones of legs
happen when muscles become fatigued and so arent able to absorb shock of exercise - transfers stress overload onto bone causing a tine crack and swelling
tennis elbow
muscles and tendons become inflamed and tiny tears occur around elbow
activities that produce repeated stress on elbow through overuse can cause this