PR 2| WEEK 3-4 Flashcards
creator of guidelines in writing the title of the study
(Barrot, 2017)
refrain from using _________and ______________
avoid using phrases such as ___________ and ______________as they show __________
“A Study of…”
“An Investigation of…”
indicate the _______and ________ of the study by specifying the __________and___________variables or the _________ involve in the study
subject and scope
independent and dependent
key factors
refrain from specifying the _____and the ______________________________
specific group of respondents
employ __________or__________ form
declarative or question
use _________________terminologies
current acceptable
written in _____ _______
caps lock
presented in _________________format
inverted pyramid
The title summarizes the _______________or___________ of your study.
main idea or ideas
A good title contains the _______ _________ ______that _________ _______ the contents
and/or _________of your research paper (Backer, 2012).
fewest possible words
adequately describe
The ______ is without a doubt the part of the paper that is read the most, and the first
If the title is too long it usually contains too many ___________ _____, e.g., “A Study to
Investigate the nature and causes of ….”
unnecessary words
On the other hand, a title which is too short often uses words which
are _____ ___________. For example, “Graft and Corruption” could be the title of a book, but it does
not provide any information on the focus of a research paper.
too general
who identified four characteristics of a research title
Harrison and Kane (2003)
Harrison and Kane (2003) identified four characteristics of a research title:
- Predicts the content of the research
- It should be interesting to the reader
- It reflects the tone of writing
- It contains important keywords
- captures the relevant aspects of the study.
- What if you come up with a title “Eight Months and Counting”? What do you think the study is
all about? It’s very hard to guess because it’s vague and uninformative. After deliberation, you decided to name it “ The Effectiveness of Plastic Barriers as Protective Shield among Transport Groups”, which clearly shows the research method; the reader can also predict the objective of the study: to measure the effectiveness of plastic barrier as protective transport groups’ attitude towards plastic barrier policy implemented by LTFRB.
Predicts the content of the research
To make the title interesting, attention-grabbing, and easy to read, use words that create a
positive impression and stimulate the reader’s interest. The example above is catchy enough to
become a memorable title. When trying to add some zest in the title, make sure your title conveys information in an unambiguous and precise manner, communicates the message
clearly, and doesn’t encourage multiple interpretations.
It should be interesting to the reader
It’s very important to define the tone of your research in the title and keep it throughout the
paper. If it’s a serious and conventional academic study, avoid a casual or fun title containing ornate or conversational language.
It reflects the tone of writing
Keywords are important words and concepts that are frequently used in your research paper.
Using them in the title will let you introduce the topic, problem, or solution right away.
Let’s take a look at the examples from the book How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper by
Bjorn Gustavi: The effect of calcium antagonist felodipine on blood pressure, heart rate … in
patients with essential hyperextension According to Gustavi (2008), this title is not very effective as it reveals which disease was studied only at the end. He advises to place keywords at the beginning of the title. This
makes it immediately clear what you studied, and your research will be easier to find: ―Essential hypertension: The effect of …
It contains important keywords
presents essential aspects that establish the overall perspective where the study revolves
The background of the study
-It may describe the subjects or the history involving the research (Barrot, 2017).
-You need to provide several aspects describing your study.
The background of the study
Another important part of the background of the study is introducing the ________ _____.
research gap
is an issue that was not fully addressed by prior studies (Barrot, 2017).
Research gap
4 components of establishing the research gap: Barrot (2017)
1.The current state of the field
2.The current and conventional practices in addressing the issue.
3.The research gap
4.The contribution of the present study in addressing the research gap.
Explain that the current field is an interesting field of study for many research practitioners.
The current state of the field
Relate the advantages of their studies to your field of study
The current and conventional practices in addressing the issue
The aspect of your study from which other researches failed to address or failed to provide
conclusive findings and is something you will provide answers to.
The research gap.
Explain concisely how your study will address the research gap
The contribution of the present study in addressing the research gap.
Following the order of presenting the content of the background of the study will provide a __________ and ________ presentation of ideas and information that can ____________ ________ the reasons for pursuing the study.
chronological and logical
comprehensively justify
Since you will be using related literature and studies that directly become the bases of your current study. Don’t forget to ____________ and _________________________ either from ____________ and ________
cite sources of information
published articles
Consider the format of presenting the perspective of your study. It’s either ______________ or
deductive or inductive
means from general to specific aspects
from specific to general
usually follow a __________ approach of information presentation.
Ideas should be presented in a _________ manner.
Avoid _____ ideas because you’re just going around the bush.
________ your work and check the ____________ of ideas that it seems telling a short story.
- is the foundation and focus of a research report.
- It is a clear, stand-alone statement that makes explicit what it is you are aiming to discover or establish or research into
Statement of the Problem
- is the basis of preparing the statement of the problem.
- The ________ and the statement of the problem are almost identical except for some minor variations.
Research topic According to Garcia (1999)
The statement of the problem is in _______________with a simple introductory clause like “This
research study aims to investigate the …”
paragraph form
The researcher can have _________
or can have different ways of writing the introductory clause after which the researcher will simply copy the __________ to complete the statement of the problem.
research topic
It is important that the researcher will observe _____________________ and _____________________ (Garcia, 1999)
proper punctuations
correct capitalizations
If the Statement of the Problem is ______________, ___________, or _________, the rest of the
research is likely to go off track very early; you will do a great deal of unnecessary reading and
writing, losing sight of the big picture.
poorly worded, unfocused, or ambiguous
It is very easy to state the research problem. Simply use the ______________ as references. Make sure that the ___________ is accurately stated so that the statement of the problem will also be properly defined.
research topic
- are important components of your research which help define the research problem of your
study. - They indicate specific concerns related to your research problem that your study also intends to
answer (Barrot, 2017). - They are classified into general and specific types.
Research questions
Gives specific focus to our study while staying within the research context as set by our
research problem
Begins with a general concern that should been narrowed down to a concrete researchable issue
Defines exactly what we are going to do, how, and why
Helps to clarify what to expect as the findings of the research
Is the process of operationalizing our research
One critical concern: are we asking the question we want to study?
Or, is our research question compatible with our research purpose
Research questions
Research Questions are classified into:(2)
- General Research Question
2.Specific research questions
It is derived from the main problem of the study.
It must contain words related to quantitative research such as effects or relationship.
The words who, when or where shall not be placed in the general research question these elicit
factual questions that may not require extensive investigation and discussion.
General Research Question
are anchored on the general research question.
They are helpful in developing tools for collecting data, gathering related references, organizing
your paper, and drawing valid conclusions from findings.
How you write your specific research questions depends on the type of quantitative research you are doing.
However, they must always include the significant variables in the study and the subject
being analyzed.
Specific research questions
coverage or boundaries of the study in terms of area locality
subjects or population covered
duration or period of the study
research issues or concerns to which the investigation is focused. (Laruan, 2016)
It is the coverage of the research to be explored which includes facts and theories about
the subject.
It limits the scope and outlines the boundaries of the study.
These limitations include the following: (9)
- Sample size
- Lack of available and/or reliable data.
- Lack of prior studies.
- Chosen data collection method.
- Nature of the information collected.
- Access.
- Time period.
- Bias.
- Language.
Determines whether if it is small or large sample size and the quality
of data and the relationships that will be identified among the variables.
Sample size.
This will limit the scope of analysis and the ability of the researcher to determine meaningful trends and relationships among the data.
Lack of available and/or reliable data
This will limit the effectiveness of the literature review and initial understanding of the research.
Lack of prior studies
The quality of data collected must be clear to avoid erroneous answers from the respondents.
Chosen data collection method.
Researcher should not rely on pre-existing data
Nature of the information collected
The amount and quality of available data will depend on the ability of the researcher to access people, organizations, libraries, and documents
It is advisable to select a research problem and design
Time period
The researcher should be aware of his or her personal biases
This may have an effect on data collection, especially if the researcher is involved with respondents that speak a variety of languages
Note :
When writing the paper, the researcher should ensure that any delimitation factor is noted down at the_________, _________, and __________ sections.
He or she should clarify why the study included and excluded some ___________.
Chronological Arrangement of the components of the scope and delimitation of the study
according to Barrot (2017):
- Topic of the study
- Objectives of the study and the issues it will address
- Time frame in which the study will be conducted
- The locale or area where the study will be conducted
- Characteristics of the participants (age, sex, education, economic status, civil status,
and other traits.) - Response formats used in the study (If available)
Cristobal and dela Cruz-Cristobal (2017) summarizes the key points stating that :
the _____________ is determined by the _____________ of the study while
the____________ and their __________, __________, or ___________serves as
scope of the study
major variables
characteristics, attributes, or
You may use the following phrases when writing the Scope and Delimitation of the Study (Barrot, 2017):
This study covers…..
This study focuses on….
The coverage of this study….
This study is limited to…
This study does not…