- Improved Crop Yield and
Quality - Disease Resistance
- Medical Advances
- Research Tool
- Environmental Benefits
Ethical Concerns
- A field within applied ethics
- explores the ethical, moral, and philosophical issues related to biology, medicine, and healthcare.
- involves examining the ethical dilemmas and questions that arise from advancements in medical technology, scientific research, and healthcare practices.
- Hazardous toxins used as biological weapons
- GMO foods not independently tested could cause allergic reactions
- Large-scale release of GM plants may disturb the ecological balance and environmental equilibrium
- May have serious implications on humans
- Gene transfer process mistakes
- Careless handling of tools of genetic engineering
- Careless handling of tools of genetic engineering
- Animals fed by GM crops had abnormal young sperm
Genetic engineering of several organisms like botulinum toxin, neurotoxins, aflatoxins, etc.
Hazardous toxins used as biological weapons
- Food must be approved so that the health of consumers will not be threatened
- Based on a study Evaluation of Adverse Effects/Events of Genetically Modified Food Consumption: A Systematic Review of Animal and Human Studies (Shen, C., Yin, XC., Jiao BY., et al., 2021)
- GM consumption caused mortality, tumor/cancer, significant low fertility, decreased learning and reaction abilities, and some organ abnormalities
= Suggests that labeling GM food is necessary so consumers can make their own choices
GMO foods not independently tested could cause allergic reactions
Parents opting for designer babies
May have serious implications on humans
Antibiotic resistance marker genes might get introduced to the bacteria which are pathogenic
Gene transfer process mistakes
May result to the escape of organism carrying recombinant DNA molecule from the laboratory into the natural environment
Careless handling of tools of genetic engineering
May result to a progeny with deformities
Insertion of a foreign gene into the incorrect site
- Rats exposed to GM potatoes and soya had abnormal young sperm
- Cow, goats, buffalo, pigs and other livestock grazing on Bt-maize and certain biotech corn showed complications
- Early delivery, abortions, infertility, and death
Animals fed by GM crops had abnormal young sperm
what does BT stand for?
Bacillus thuringiensis
bacterium sa herbicide resistant
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens
5’-enolpyruvylshekimate-3’ phosphate synthase (EPSPS)
example of chemicals in herbicide resistant
bacterium sa insect resistant
Bacillus thuringiensis
toxin sng Bacillus thuringiensis
cry (crystal protein)
bacteria sa added nutrients
Erwinia Uredovorainto
gene from Erwinia Uredovorainto
phytoene desaturase
gene from daffodils
phytoene synthase (psy)
- Crops have been genetically modified
example: Natural pesticide
________ are used for food security, before, selective breeding and artificial selection was used
Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO)
- Selected organisms with desirable traits then breeding them
- Restricted to organisms that belong to the same species
Selective Breeding
Compatible genetic basis is not necessary
Gene Transfer
Was really popular in the market but was withdrawn due to unforeseen health concerns
Flavr Savr tomatoes have longer shelf life
- Precursor to vitamin A
- Insertion to genes from a daffodil and soil bacteria
Golden rice has beta carotene
- Inserting a growth hormone gene from a from a Pacific Chinook Salmon
- A promoter from an Ocean Pout
AquAdvantage Salmon is larger than normal salmons
- Genetically modifying pigs to grow organs that will not be rejected in transplantation in the human body
- Alleviated organ shortage
Human insulin gene was inserted into a bacteria which produced more insulin
GMO potential risk (5)(UUPEE)
- Unforeseen Health Risks
- Unintentional Exposure to Allergens
- Possible Antibiotic Resistance
- Ecological Imbalances
- Ethical Concerns
GMO fed lab rats showed indications of liver damage
Unforeseen Health Risks
- Transfer of genes from a bacteria to food may cause allergic reactions
- No reports of serious allergies
Unintentional Exposure to Allergens
Infections would be harder to treat
Possible Antibiotic Resistance
- GMOs will outgrow and compete with unmodified organisms
- Superweed (herbicide resistance from a GM crop)
Ecological Imbalances
Scientists are seen as playing god, creating unnatural organisms
Ethical Concerns
- Herbicide Resistant
- Insect Resistant
- Have added nutrients
- Pesticide Resistant
- Drought tolerant
- Extreme temperature tolerant
Accomplished by inserting gene 5’-enolpyruvylshekimate-3’ phosphate synthase (EPSPS) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Herbicide Resistant
Identifying and isolating a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis that produces a toxin called cry
Insect Resistant
Beta-carotene biosynthesis was done by inserting phytoene synthase (psy) from daffodils and phytoene desaturase gene from Erwinia Uredovorainto
Added Nutrients
- Biomedical Research
- Agriculture
- Conservation
- Biotechnology and Industry
- Scientific Research
- Drug Testing
- Animals serve as models for human diseases
- Allows researchers to test potential treatments and gain insights into disease mechanisms
Biomedical Research
Animals can be modified to improve their traits for food production
Can be used in conservation efforts to help endangered species
- Animals can be genetically modified to produce valuable biotechnology products
- Insulin or growth hormones
Biotechnology and Industry
- Manipulating genes of animals allows us to understand how genes work and how they influence traits and behavior
Scientific Research
- GM animals can be used in drug testing and toxicity studies
Drug Testing
- Biotechnology and Industry
- Medicine
- Environmental Remediation
- Agriculture
- Biocontrol and Pest Management
Microbes are used in production of pharmaceuticals, enzymes, biofuels, and specialty chemicals, etc.
Biotechnology and Industry
Can be designed to produce therapeutic proteins, vaccines, and antibodies for medical applications
Some can be used to clean up pollution, degrade toxic substances, or assist in wastewater treatment
Environmental Remediation
- Used as biopesticides or biocontrol agents
- Manage harmful pests and pathogens in agriculture
Biocontrol and Pest Management