BIO 2|Genetic Engineering Flashcards
- Artificial manipulation, modification, and recombination of DNA or other nucleic acid molecules to modify an organism or its population
- Manipulation/Alteration of the structure of a gene to create a desired organism
- Does not include SELECTIVE BREEDING
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering is done by:(5)
- Combining DNA
- Removing a gene
- Genome doubling
- Altering genetic sequence
- Inserting a gene
How organisms may be modified:(6)
- Parts of organism are genetically altered to enhance certain properties that certain organism can do.
- gene insertion from two different plants/combination.
- manipulated manipulation
- deletion of a section of DNA
- transduction
altering by adding DNA fragment
- Combining selected traits
- Does not alter genetic makeup
- indirect genetic engineering
Selective Breeding
- Contains base pairs
- No hydroxyl group
- Has nitrogenous bases
- Has a sugar-phosphate backbone
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
4 base pairs
Double-ring structure
Single-ring structure (Includes Uracil in RNA)
Part of a DNA (Usually the one being modified)
- Father of Genetic Engineering
- Made significant contributions to molecular biology and genetic engineering
- Achievements include
- 50 years in genetic engineering
Paul Berg (1926 - 2023)
Paul Berg contributions:
- Recombinant DNA technology
- Gene Splicing
- Biochemical Research
- Rudolph Jaenisch & Beatrice Mintz infected mouse embryos with SV40 (monkey) virus
- Showed that the viral DNA was integrated in the germ line
1974 (Mouse Embryos)
inventor of 1974 (Mouse Embryos)
Rudolph Jaenisch & Beatrice Mintz
First Transgenic Plant and A significant milestone in the field of plant biotechnology
1980s (First Transgenic Plant: Tobacco)
Pioneered by:
- Richard B. Flavell
- Mary-Dell Chilton
- Elliot Meyerowitz
- Done by researchers led by Genentech
- Produced synthetic human insulin using recombinant DNA technology
- Marked a major milestone in biotechnology and medicine
1978 (Synthetic Human Insulin)
who led 1978 (Synthetic Human Insulin)?
led by Genentech
- Regulates blood sugar
- Harvested from the pancreas of animals (uses e.coli)
- Developed by Calgene
- Longer shelf life, delayed ripening and bigger
- Introduced to the market (FDA approved) by 1994
1994 (Flavr Savr Tomato)
who developed 1994 (Flavr Savr Tomato)
Developed by Calgene
Genetic Engineering Techniques
- Introduction of new traits to an organism
- Enhancement of a present trait by increasing the expression of the desired gene
- Enhancement of present trait by disrupting the inhibition of desired gene’s expression
Protein produced by bacteria that cleaves DNA at specific sites along the molecule
Restriction Endonuclease (RE)
earranges the sequence
Sequence only an RE can cut
- Base pair
- Leaves a sticky end from GAATTC and another DNA (from bacteria)
- DNA ligase seals both segments
Cut at the ends
Restriction Exonuclease
Circular fragments of DNA from bacterial cell
- Opens a plasmid to insert a gene
- Uneven ends (sticky)
- Complementary sticky ends
Restriction Enzyme (Restriction En)
- Cleave DNA from two different sources with the same restriction enzyme
- Mix fragments from both digestions and allow sticky ends of fragments to join by base pairing
- Incubate with DNA ligase to link both strands covalently
steps in Restriction Endonuclease
- Collection of gene clones that represent the genetic material of an organism
- In molecular biology, it is a collection of DNA fragments stored and propagated in a population of microorganisms through the process of molecular cloning
Gene Library
steps in Gene Library:
- Isolated genome
- Cutting isolated DNA into suitable sized fragments using restriction enzymes
- Vector (plasmid) with a DNA fragment
- Introduction to a suitable host like bacterium multiplication, screening, identification, and characterization of clones
- Maintenance of such set clones (genomic library)
- Play a crucial role in genetic engineering by serving carries for the transfer of genetic information
- For example, DNA fragments (genes) into target cells or organisms
steps in vector:
- Restriction enzymes cut out the DNA of interest and open the vector
- DNA ligase joins the two DNA sequences together
A living cell (usually a microorganism or eukaryotic cell) used to carry and replicate foreign genetic material introduced
Host Cell
- Expresses the desired trait
- Usually eukaryotic
- Used to carry and replicate foreign genetic material
steps in insulin:
- Insulin gene from a cell is inserted to a plasmid (Recombinant DNA)
- Transgenic bacterium with plasmid containing insulin gene
- Recombinant bacteria gain ability to secrete human insulin
- Also known as gene delivery or gene transfer techniques
- Refers to the various methods and tech used to introduce foreign genetic material (DNA or RNA) into cells, organisms or tissues
Gene Transfer Method
- Process of introducing foreign genetic material (DNA) into an organism’s cells to alter its genetic makeup
- Usually on prokaryotic cells
steps in transformation:
- Gene is removed from the plasmid of a cell using restriction enzyme
- Introduction of the gene from the first organism to the plasmid of the chosen organism using DNA ligase
lysis -> rupture (if it has phages) -> spread of DNA
Used on the kidney, liver, and pancreas
- DNA is transferred from one bacterium to another using a virus
- Also refers to the process where foreign DNA is introduced into another cell via a viral vector
- Virus inserts its tail (piles) into another to spread DNA
- Phage inserts
- Ruptures or undergoes lysis, spreading DNA
Antibiotic: __________
Vaccine: ________
Antibiotic: Bacteria
Vaccine: Virus
steps in transduction:
- Viral DNA is injected to a host bacterium
- Bacterium replicates both its DNA fragments as well as the viral DNA copies
- Bacterium releases the virus containing the bacterial DNA
- Bacterial DNA from the other cell in injected into the chosen organism
- Homologous recombination occurs, where bacterial DNA combines with the chromosomal DNA of the chosen organism
- Use of high-voltage electric shocks to introduce DNA into cells
- 100 volts creates a pore (opening) in the bilayer (porous opening)
- Usually used in monocot plant cells
- Semi-permeable
- Selective
- Composed of phospholipid bilayer (heads and tails)
Cell Membrane
Head - __________
Tails - ___________
Head - Hydrophilic
Tails - Hydrophobic
steps in electroporation:
- Protoplast is harvested from a plant cell
- DNA with gene of interest is inserted into the protoplast using the high voltage shocks
- DNA goes inside the plant cell and produces the plant cell with the new gene
- Foreign nucleic acids are delivered into a eukaryotic cell to modify the host cell’s genetic make up
- Usually done on eukaryotic cells
- Naturally occuring
- Gene therapy (corrects genetic disorders)
- Can be Stable (Integration of DNA) or Transient (No integration occurs but uses both DNA and mRNA)
Short term, no trait
Long term
- Tungsten (W) - Wolfram
- Direct physical method (fast moving) of gene delivery
- Introduction of nucleic acids to cells
- DNA is coated with gold particles to propel sample cell with the use of Helium
- Expensive
- Tendency to damage the cell
- Inaccurate (cannot target the nucleus
- Device used to transfect cells with foreign DNA
- Bombards the target cells with DNA-coated microparticles
Biolistics “Gene Gun”
steps in Biolistics “Gene Gun”:
- Helium gas fills the chamber
- Helium propels the DNA-coated gold particles towards the screen
- DNA-coated gold particles are propelled through the screen into the target cells
- DNA is literally injected directly into the nucleus of a cell
- Applicable to animal cells (oocytes)
- Plant cells have cell walls
- In Vitro fertilization
Bigger cell
Plants that have been genetically engineered using a breeding approach the uses recombinant DNA techniques to create plants with new characteristics
Transgenic Plants
Genetically manipulated animal whose genome has been altered by gene transfer or genes from another species/breed
Transgenic Animals
- Father of Genetics
-Introduced the Mendelian Laws of Inheritance
Gregor Mendell
Seen traits (expressed)
Genes (unseen)
- Used to find out how long a contaminant is
- Jellyfish
Glofish (Glow Fish)
- Get rid of pests and dirt
- T.P corn
Maize (B.T. corn)
- Vector (Source of plasmid)
- Simple organism, easy to penetrate the membrane
- Separates by binary fission
Prokaryotic Cell (Bacteria)
What does B.T. mean
Bacillus thuringiensis
Bacteria eating virus
Scientists in Mouse embryo:(2)
Rudolph Jaenisch
Beatrice Mintz