PQ9 Flashcards
Regarding brain lesions, which parts of the brain can be distinguished?
A)Forebrain, brainstem, cerebellum
B) Forebrain, diencephalon, cerebellum
C) Cerebral hemisphere, pons, medulla oblongata
D) Forebrain, Diencephalon, spinal chord
Forebrain; Brainstem; Cerebellum
Which statement is correct for the clinical signs of oesophageal disease in general?
Appetite is always decreased
appetite is always incraised
appetite is never changed
appetite can be decreased or increased
Appetite can be decreased or increased
Which breed is not predisposed for primary Cu accumulation
Bedlington terrier
german shepherd
Labrador retriever
German Shepherd
Which is the first drug of choice in the treatment of primary Cu accumulation?
In case of intestinal obstruction…
acute vomiting is the most characteristics symptom
urgent gastric lavage is required
profuse bloody diarrhea is the most characteristics symptom
most of the cases can be managed with conservative therapy
Profuse bloody diarrhoea is the most characteristic symptom
Chronic inflammatory enteropathy (CIE)…
involves lymphangiectasia as its subgroup
is one of the chronic form of bacterial enteritis
can result in protein loosing enteropathy
is not known in cats
Can result in protein-losing enteropathy
In which of the following does megaoesophagus not occur?
Cushing disease
Myesthenia gravis
Addison disese
Cushing’s disease
Granulomatous colitis is caused by…
Campylobacter coli
Enteropathogenic E coli EPEC
Adherent invasive E coli AIEC
Clostridium perfringens
Adherent invasive E. coli AIEC
Not suggested medication in IBD
Azathioprine for cats
Azathioprine for cats
Which hepatic division posses the gall bladder?
Right division
central division
left division
caudal division
Central division
Which of the following procedures has a modification called Roux-en-Y technique?
Which anal zone involves Circumanal hepatoid glands?
zone cutanea
linea anorectalis
zona intermedia
zona columnaris
Zona Cutanea
Which suture technique is recommended for the closure of the colon in cats?
Single layer simple interrupted
single or double layer simple interrupted or continuus
single or double layer but always simple interrupted
single or double layer but always simple continuus
Single or double layer simple interrupted or continuous
In case of anaemic condition, which cell increase is indicating the regenerative property of the disease?
Which of the following non-regenerative diseases has the best prognosis?
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Addisons disease
- Sertoli cell testicular tumor with hyperoestrogenism
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
addisons disease
Which platelet number can we expect bleeding because of thrombocytopenia?
< 50 g/l
Which statement is true?
- In case of hemolytic anaemia the blood plasma can be clear
- In case of pancytopenia the thrombocyte number is elevated
- In case of acute bleeding, the microcytic hypochromic anaemia occurs in a few hours
- Babesia and Mycoplasma cause non-regenerative anaemia
In case of hemolytic anaemia the blood plasma can be clear
Which cannot cause secondary immunohemolytic anaemia?
Deviations in thrombocytopenia
Haemoperitonem , epistaxis, bleeding time inc., thrombocyte inc.
Petechia, haemothorax, bleeding time inc., thromboccyte dec.
Petechia, epistaxis, bleeding time inc, thrombocyte dec.
Petechia, epistaxis, bleeding time dec., thrombocyte dec.
Petechia; Epistaxis; Bleeding time increases; Thrombocytes decrease
Is the congenital underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex groove
Consequence of hydrocephalus
Is a form of cerebral storage disorder
The rabies (lyssa) histopathological consequence in cerebrum
Is the congenital underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex groove
Which statement can be true?
In case of hemolytic anaemia the blood plasma can be clear
- In case of pancytopenia the thrombocyte number is elevated
- In case of acute bleeding, the microcytic hypochromic anaemia occurs in a few hours
- Babesia and Mycoplasma cause non-regenerative anaemia
In case of haemolytic anaemia, the blood plasma can be clear
Which symptom is not common with acute gastric catastrophe?
- Abdominal pain
- Shock phases
- Vomiting
Where are vertebral body tumours most common?
In the vertebral body middle third
On end plates
On processus multifidarius
On Processus articularis
In the vertebral body middle 1/3 or end plates !!! :-( 50/50
Which one of the following is true in case of tubular proteinuria?
● Small sized proteins appear in the urine
● UPC >2
● UPC <0.
● Ketonuria
Small-sized proteins appear in the urine
IRIS stage 1 chronic renal failure is associated with…
Decreased specific gravity of the urine
Abnormalities that are typical for chronic renal disease, which answer is wrong?
Which statement is incorrect? The progression of renal disease is caused by…
● Proteinuria
● Isosthenuria
● hyperparathyroidism
● Glomerular hypertension
It prolongs the survival of dogs & cats with chronic kidney disease…
Increased phosphorus intake
● Medical reduction of proteinuria
● Urinary diet
● ABC are all true
urinary diet
Which of the following is indicated in the case of unilateral hydronephrosis?
● partial nephrectomy
● Unilateral nephroureterectomy
● Kidney drainage
● Euthanasia
Partial nephrectomy
In case of elevated blood creatinine concentration…
● The animal is uremic azote
● The animal has kidney disease
● The animal has azotemia
● The animal was fed with too much protein
The animal has azotaemia
Which of the following findings indicates the diagnosis of the urinary bladder
if the cystourethral catheterisation cannot harvest
urine in a traumatised patient
- if the urine is blood obtained via cystourethral
catheterisation in a traumatised patient
-if the contrast leakage is confirmed py positive
anterograde cystography
-ff the contrast leakage is confirmed by positive
Retrograde cystography
If the contrast leakage is confirmed by positive retrograde cystography
Postrenal azotaemia…which answer is wrong?
May be due to urethral obstruction
May cause kidney damage without treatment
May be due to severe dehydration
May be due to ureter rupture
May be due to severe dehydration
Which of the following is not typical in case of acute kidney injury?
Metabolic acidosis
Uraemic ulcers
Which of the following protocols are to followed in case of acute obstruction form of
feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)?
stabilisation perineal urethrostomy
- stabilisation cystocentesis
- stabilisation urinary bladder expression
- stabilisation urethral catheterisation
Stabilisation & urethral catheterisation
Which aren’t typical of babesiosis?
● Myoglobinuria
● Icterus
● Vomitus
● Acute kidney injury
Which of the following therapeutic steps is to be taken first after diagnosing urethral obturation in a male dog?
● Urethral Hydropropulsion
● Prescrotal urethrostomy
● Scrotal urethrostomy
● Perineal urethrostomy
Urethral hydropropulsion
Which circumstances may cause nephrosis/acute kidney injury? Which answer is wrong?
- Hypotension, dehydration
- overhydration with crystalloid infusions
- hypothermia, NSAID therapy
- antibiotics, chemotherapeutics
Hypothermia , NSAID therapy
Oliguria definition in dogs?
Urine output less than 50ml/kh/day
● Urine output less than 100ml/kg/day
● Urine output less than 30ml/kg/day
● Urine output less than 6-10ml/kg/day
Urine output is < 6-10 ml/bwkg/day
Which is least important to establish diagnosis of kidney disease?
Blood urea creatinine measurement
Measurement of blood phosphorus, calcium and
potassium levels
Urine sediment evaluation and urine specific gravity
Detection of proteinuria
Measurement of blood phosphorus, calcium and potassium levels
. Which of the following uroliths appears in case of ethylene glycol toxicosis?
- struvite
- calcium-oxalate dihydrate
- calcium-oxalate monohydrate
- purine
Calcium-oxalate monohydrate
Symptoms of lower urinary tract disease in small animals. which is wrong?
● Hematuria, pollakiuria
● stranguria, dysuria
● Polyuria, azotemia
● Periuria, incontinence
Polyuria, Azotemia
The most important aspect of struvite urolithiasis treatment in dogs?
● Diet
● AB
● Urine acidification
● All 3
Diet; Abx; Urine acidification
D) All 3
Acute causes of nephrosis. Which is wrong?
● Immune complex deposition
● Renal ischaemia
● Nephrotoxic materials
● Hemoglobin, myoglobin
● Immune complex deposition
Renal cysts
- Are always congenital
- Are always bilateral
- Are mainly incidental findings
- Generally cause renal failure
Are mainly incidental findings
Most common cause of struvite urolithiasis in dogs?
- Neutering in bitches
- Chronic bacterial urinary tract infection
- Dietary anomaly
- Inadequate response to stressors
Chronic bacterial UTI
Which therapies are not recommended for treatment of dehydration in CKD?
- Administration of intravenous infusion
- Administration of subcutaneous infusion
- Increase of water consumption
- Dialysis treatment
Dialysis treatment
Renal amyloidosis is usually found in…
Abyssinian cats
What is not true about renal glycosuria?
- It is caused by glomerular disease
- Plasma glucose levels are normal
- Can have genetic causes
- May a be part of Fanconi syndrome
It is caused by glomerular disease
How would you treat a cat with interstitial cystitis?
- Urine acidifying diet
- Catheterization, flushing the bladder with
isotonic saline
- Increase water
Increase water
Creatinine level of dogs & cats with IRIS stage 1 CKD is…
Normal <140
Normal <130 umol/l
Which statement is true for animals with renal dysplasia?
`-kidneys are typically enlarged on US with a thick
-in such cases, there are usually no changes in the
urine, only in the blood
- common symptoms are polyuria and polydipsia
- on a physical examination the kidneys are usually
Common symptoms are PU/PD
Which therapeutic measure decreases blood potassium during the treatment of hyperkalaemia? Choose the wrong answer?
● IV calcium
● Potassium free infusion and furosemide
● Glucose containing infusions
● Rapid acting insulin applications
IV calcium
What is the main and initiating cause of the calcium-phosphorus imbalance in CKF?
● Inadequate vitamin D production
● Poor absorption of calcium from the GI tract
● Retention of phosphorous
● Nephrocalcinosis
Retention of phosphorus
In dogs, which type of urolithiasis can be affected by housing conditions, lifestyle &
body condition?
- Struvite
- Calcium oxalate
- Purine
- Cystine
Calcium oxalate
What is not true for polycystic kidney disease?
is often asymptomatic
-renal abscesses may develop in case of
bacterial infection of the cyst
-ultrasound examination is required to make a
-treatment is often surgical
treatment is often surgical
The most effective gastric protectant for dogs with CKD?
- pantoprazole
- famotidine
- sucralfate
- benazepril
Which urinary stone cannot be dissolved medically?
Calcium oxalate
calcium oxalate
It typically causes acute & chronic kidney disease – Pre-existing chronic disease + …
- Polypoid cystitis
- Hemodynamic disturbance
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hepatopathy
Haemodynamic disturbances
Which one of the following uroliths appears usually in cases of dogs with bacterial
Calcium oxalate monohydrate
Possible causes of hydronephrosis… Which is the wrong answer?
- Ureter stone
- Granuloma formation following neutralization
- Ascending infection
- Transitional cell carcinoma in the bladder
Urether stone
Until what level is it recommended to increase the Ht with erythropoietin/darbepoetin
therapy in chronic kidney disease?
- Until Ht is 22-25%
- Until Ht is around 30%
- To normal range
- The success of the treatment does not
depend on the ht value
Until the Ht is around 30%
Renal amyloidosis is typically found in which dog breed?
Hungarian vizsla
Shar pei
Oliguria in the dog – Aetiology
- Chronic renal disease, nephrosis/nephritis,
- Inadequate water intake, dehydration, acute
- Dehydration, renal insufficiency, chronic liver
- Endocrine disorders, hepatopathies
Inadequate water intake; Dehydration; Acute nephrosis
Hypercholesterolaemia is typically associated with the following kidney disease
- glomerulopathies of dogs
- chronic kidney disease of cats
- acute kidney injury of dogs
- fanconi syndrome
Glomerulopathies of dogs
Renal amyloidosis is not typically caused by…
Chronic inflammatory process
- Neoplastic process
- Chronic liver disease
- Genetic (familiar) causes
Chronic liver disease
What statement is true about immune-complex glomerulonephritis?
Urine protein/creatinine ratio is typically high
An important element of therapy is
broad-spectrum AB treatment
Serum albumin level is increased
Diagnosis can be made based on the typical US
image of the kidneys
An important element of therapy is broad spectrum Abx therapy
Which statement is correct regarding ectopic ureters?
It may cause dysuria
In acquired form, the incontinence recurring
The urinary incontinence might be combined with
normal micturition episodes
The urinary incontinence is always constant
The urinary incontinence might be combined with normal micturition episodes
What is the advantage of scrotal urethrostomy?
Castration can prevent urinary incontinence
The perineal urethrostomy can be avoided
Easily dissectable urethrenlargeal section, wide
and safe stoma
The cystotomy can be avoided
Easily dissectible urethra, larger section, wide and safe stoma
Which treatment does not affect the PTH-level in chronic renal cases
Feeding real diet
Adding phosphorus binders to the diet
ACE inhibitor therapy
Vitamin D admin
ACE-inhibitor therapy
In case of renal traumatic bleeding…
The abdominocentesis is always positive (blood)
The plain abdominal radiography is usually
Retroperitoneal blood loss may even lead to
Retroperitoneal blood loss may occur but usually
does not lead to life threatening circulatory
Retroperitoneal blood loss may occur but usually
does not lead to life threatening circulatory
Which statement is incorrect regarding prostate ultrasonography?
a. It can detect fluid accumulation within the organ
b. It can detect parenchymal hypertrophy
c. It can differentiate cyst from abscess
d. It provides possibility of core biopsy
It can differentiate cysts from abscess urolithiasis
Cat with enlarged kidneys, which diagnosis is not probable?
Lymphoma of the kidneys
Renal fibrosis
Renal fibrosis
Which is the most important test for diagnosing glomerulopathies?
Determination of the blood creatinine and urea
Determination of the urine specific gravity by a
Detection of severe proteinuria
Examination of the urine sediment
Detection of severe proteinuria
Not a typical laboratory alteration in CKD
Metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis
What is your diagnosis if glucosuria appears in case of euglycemia?
Cushing’s disease
Addison’s disease
Addison’s disease
The most common LUTD of cats?
Prostate disease
Idiopathic cysts
Bacterial cystitis
Idiopathetic cysts
Causes of glomerular diseases in small animals. Not correct?
A)Adhesions of immune complexes to the
basement membrane
B) Ischemia, nephrotoxic materials
D)congenital/ acquired basement membrane/
podocyte injury
congenital/ acquired basement membrane/
podocyte injury
Causes of anaemic in CKD patients. The wrong answer?
Lack of erythropoietin
GI bleeding/ulcers
Decreased survival of RBC
Which statement is true for pyelonephritis?
-the bacteria usually reach the acute renal pelvis
from the systemic circulation
-we can get a sample from diagnostic tests by
aspirating the renal pelvis
-on the ultrasound examination we find shrunken
-usually the urinary sediment is unchanged
because the inflammation is limited to the
renal pelvis
We can get a sample for diagnostic tests by aspirating the renal pelvis
Subclinical bacteriuria…
Only mild lower uti symptoms
Pyelonephritis may be suspected
Bacteria in urine as usually multidrug resistant
Is asymptomatic
Causes of acute interstitial nephritis in small animals
E coli/ proteus
Ureter stone
False for polycystic kidney disease
In glomerular proteinuria large protein are
Tubular proteinuria, urinary protein/cret ration is
very high
Borderline proteinuria means UPC is between 0.2
and 0.4 or 5
Proteinuria of glomerular or tubular origin can be
differentiated by renal biopsy
Tubular proteinuria, urinary protein/cret ration is
very high
Requires good surgical skills
No sedation is required
Renal pelvis is connected to the bladder with
special shunt
May be suitable for removing small stones from the bladder
May be suitable for removing small stones from the bladder
Fanconi syndrome is not characterised by…
Central diabetes insipidus
Not Recommended for cystotomy wound closure
Double layer continuous lembert
Double layer penetrating lembet
Single layer seromuscular continuous
Double layer interrupted lembert
Double layer penetrating lembert
IRIS classification of CKD? Wrong answer?
4 stages determined by serum creatinine levels
Stage 1 the creatinine is only mildly elevated
Substages based on presence of proteinuria
Substaged based on degree of hypertension
stage 1 the creatinine is only midly elevated
When should you think of leptospirosis in a dog?
Elevated liver enzymes & creatinine values
Antidote of ethylene glycol toxicosis?
Ethyl alcohol; Fomepizole
Not typical of IRIS stage 1 CKD
Acute blindness due to hypertension
Renal amyloidosis is not typically caused by…
Chronic inflammatory process
- Neoplastic process
- Chronic liver disease
- Genetic (familiar) causes
Chronic liver disease
Which statement is correct about glomerulopathies?
75% of glomerulopathis is amyloidosis
50% of glomerulopathis is amyloidosis
15% of glomerulopathis is of Immune complex
50% of glomerulopathis is of immune complex
50% of glomerulopathies are of immune complex origin
Most likely diagnosis in cats in case of haematuria?
Bacterial cystitis
To determine the urine concentrating capacity, we use…
Blood urea levels
Urinary total protein/creatinine ratio (UPC)
Urine specific gravity with a refractometer
Blood creatinine and SDMA levels
USG with a refractometer
Monitoring BP is especially important in…
In young animals
In kidney disease
In case of heart failure
Kidney diseases