Poultry Common Diseases + Testing Flashcards
Deep intestinal scrapes (PME)
- Eimeria maxima
- Cocci deep in intestinal mucosa + villus crypts
Superficial intestinal scrapes (PME)
- Eimeria acervulina
- Superficial - cocci found in tips of villi
Intestinal smears (PME)
- Motile protozoa - histomoniasis, spironucleosis, or motile bacteria e.g. brachyspira
Electron microscopy (PME)
- Intestinal viruses on gut content
Cloacal swab (PME)
Gut histopathology (PME)
- Evidence of viruses, coccidiosis or brachyspira
Live bird (pet/backyard) gut Dx tests
- Faecal smear (cocci, overgrowth of bacteria e.g. clostridia)
- Worm eggs
- Brachyspira
- Cloacal swab for IBV PCR
- Biochemistry - liver parameters
Eimeria acervulina
- Duodenum
- Lighter infection - whitish round lesions sometimes in ladder-like streaks
- Heavy infection - plaques coalescing, thickened intestinal wall
Eimeria brunetti
- Ileum + moves down caecum
- Coagulation necrosis mucoid, bloody enteritis in lower intestine
Eimeria maxima
- Jejunum
- Thickened walls, mucoid, blood - tinged exudate, petechiae
Eimeria mitis
- Ileum
- No discrete lesions in intestine, mucoid exudate
Eimeria mivati
- Duodenum
- Light infection - rounded plaques of oocytes
- Heavy infection - thickened walls, coalescing plaques
Eimeria necartrix
- Jejunum + ileum
- Ballooning, white spots (schizonts), petechiae, mucoid blood - filled exudate
Eimeria praecox
- Duodenum
- No lesions, mucoid exudate
Eimeria tenella
- Caecum
- Onset - haemorrhage into lumen
- Later - thickening, whitish mucosa, cores clotted blood
Eimeria hagani
- Duodenum
- Pinhead haemorrhages, petechiae
Vacc/health monitoring - antigen (lab = swabs)
- EM = electron microscopy
- Oocysts - for coccidiosis
- VI = virus isolation (uncommon) - risk of identifying a notifiable disease
Vacc/health monitoring - Ab (serology)
- RPAT (rapid plate agglutination test)
- HAI - haemagglutination inhibition test, tests IgM + IgG
Health monitoring - non-specific inflam markers
- APP = acute phase proteins - Marker of inflammation
- Immediate result from gross observations - coccidiosis lesion scoring
- Worms
- Gumboro
- Histopathological sampling
In-house testing on site
- Snap test antigen kit
- AI (avian influenza)
- Campylobacter
Lab tests
- Lab processing = 1 - 5 d, quantitative/semi=quantitative results, min/max limit of detection
- 1). Environmental microbiology:
- Total viable count (TVT)/E. coli/Y&M (yeast + mould) - of water + surfaces
- Salmonella
- Campylobacter - faeces
- 2). Parasitology:
- Oocysts
- Worms - faeces
- 3). Antigen - must be sampled at same time when antigen still detectable, persistent; transient (7 - 14 d), dependent on disease/organ
- 4). Ab - Ig-specific
- 5). Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) - mainly used in research, for IgG/igM
Lab Ab test - IgA
- Rapidly produced, hours
- Mucosal surfaces
Lab Ab test - IgG/IgM
- Max titre 21 dpi
- Blood + tissues
Salmonella testing - Lion Code requirements in layers
- Flocks must be tested for
salmonella under the National Control Plan - Two pairs of boot swabs (per house) or composite faeces must be taken at day old, 2 weeks prior to transfer then every 15 weeks from 22-26 weeks of age
- Pre-placement specified
environmental sample - Tested in a Government
approved laboratory
Vacc monitoring admin on batch animals
- Dye - tongue, eye, nares, GIT
- Spillage of vacc on animal
- Observe technique
- Lab/biological response - antigen, Ab (serology)
Resp Dx
- Oropharyngeal / choanal cleft swab for bacteriology (Mycoplasma, Pasturella, Avibacterium paragallinarum, E.coli) or PCR (IBV, Mycoplasma, ILT) or microscopy for Trichomonas
- Tracheal swab for bacteriology or PCR
- Serology (paired serum samples or single sample) – ILT, Mycoplasma
- Bacteriology from tissue sample on PME
- Aspergillus PCR on a blood sample
- Environmental assessment
- Fluorescein staining of the eye to rule out ulcer in cases of ocular swelling
Endoparasites Dx
- McMaster FEC
Pasteurella multocida (Fowl cholera)
- C&S
- Resp swab if alive
- PME - lungs + liver
- C&S
- Alive = blood
- PME = liver
Investigating poultry nutritional disorders
- Site visit
- Post mortem (if not a pet) -> histopathology
- Radiography (if cannot PME)
- Mycoplasma investigations - serology Vs PCR Vs culture
- Feed analysis - test a minimum of: Moisture, amino acids, total fat, crude protein, phosphorus, calcium) Compare to nutritional information at the back of the packet and to the most relevant commercial nutritional supplement.