Potter (2019) pp. 371 - 376 Flashcards
Head circumference should be measured routinely until a toddler is ___ years of age.
Slowed growth rates from infants are accompanied by (decreased/increased) caloric need.
Toddlers’ completion of the development of object permanence, their ability to remember events, and their beginning ability to put thoughts into words at about ___ years of age signal their transition to Piaget’s preoperational thought stage of cognitive development.
A ___-month-old child has a vocabulary of up to 200 words and is generally able to speak in two-word sentences. “Who’s that?” and “What’s that?” typify questions asked during this period.
First-person expressions such as “Me do it” and “That’s mine” demonstrate ___-year-old children’s use of pronouns and desire for independence and control.
Despite the expanded vocabulary of older toddlers, the word they use most often is “no” until well into the ___ year.
Until toddlers achieve a higher level of cognitive function, they behave simply to ___ the unpleasant and seek out the pleasant.
According to ___, a sense of autonomy emerges during the toddler years.
May result when toddlers are frustrated by parental restrictions.
Temper tantrums
Children’s moral development is closely associated with their ___ abilities.
The moral development of toddlers is ___.
Toddlers do not understand concepts of right and wrong. However, they understand that some ___ bring pleasant results and others elicit unpleasant results.
Poisonings occur frequently in children nearing ___ years of age because they are interested in placing any object or substance in their mouths to learn about it.
Health care providers need to educate families living in older homes about the risks, screening, and treatment of ___ poisoning.
In automobiles, toddlers must remain in car seats. Under Canadian law, infants up to ___ kg must ride in rear-facing car seats, but it is safer for children to remain in this position until they grow out of these seats.