Postpartum and Antepartum Haemorrhage - GT52, GT63 Flashcards
What is classified as a ‘minor’ PPH?
What is classified as a ‘major’ PPH?
> 1L or clinical shock
Major moderate =1001 to 2000ml
What is classified as a ‘major severe’ PPH?
> 2L
How many direct deaths were due to haemorrhage in 2011-2013?
Where does this rank in causes?
2nd highest cause of direct death
What are the risk factors for PPH (+OR)?
- Multiple pregnancy (3.3)
- Previous PPH (3.6)
- PET (5)
- Fetal macrosomia (2.11)
- Failure to progress in 2nd stage (3.4)
- Prolonged 3rd stage (7.6)
- Retained placenta (7.8)
- Placenta accreta (3.3)
- Episiotomy (4.7)
- Perineal laceration (2.4)
- GA (2.9)
Which uterotonics/medication should be given at time of delivery to reduce the risk of PPH?
- 10iu IM oxytocin if no risk factors
- 5iu IV oxyrocin at CS slowly +/- IV tranexamic acid if increased risk (decreased >1L loss at CS)
- Syntometrine if no problems with BP (5x risk of elevating) and high risk for PPH
What is carbetocin and what are the recommendations for use?
Longer acting oxytocin derivative
Not superior to oxytocin for risk of PPH but decreased need for further uterotonics at CS
What is the EBL in the presence of BP <80mmHg systolic, worsening tachypnoea and tachycardia and altered mental state?
Usually >1.5L
When does the RCOG recommend a consultant attends in a case of PPH?
If >1.5L and ongoing
How often should obs be measured for minor PPH (500-1000ml)?
15 mins
How much fluid can be infused while awaiting blood in a major PPH?
Up to 3.5L warmed crystalloid (initially 2L isotonic, then crystalloid/colloid)
Hydroxyethyl starch should not be used
What blood parameters should be aimed for in massive blood loss?
Hb >80
Plt >50
APTT and PT <1.5 x normal
Fibrinogen >2g
When should FFP be considered in haemorrhage?
If ongoing bleeding after 4 RBCs
Then maintain 6:4 RBC:FFP
Dose of 12-15ml/kg until results of coag known. >15ml/ kg if coagulopathy
Consider early if AFE or abruption (disordered coag)
What are the drawbacks of early FFP?
Risk of TACO - Transfusion associated circulatory overload and transfusion-related acute lung injury
What should be considered if 8 RBCs have been transfused with ongoing bleeding and no haemostatic/plt tests available?
give 2 pools cryoprecipitate
1 pool of platelets