Menopause - NICE 23 and TOG - Latest evidence on using HRT in Menopause Flashcards
What is the prevalence of menopausal symptoms?
2/3 have hot flushes, 10-20% severe symptoms
1/3 will have symptoms for up to 5 years
20% symptoms for up to 15 years
What are the risk factors for hot flushes?
High BMI
African American/Caucasian
Surgically-induced menopause (90% within 1st year)
In what % does HRT improve vasomotor symtpoms?
Which botanicals have phytoestrogens?
Soy Red clover (Trifolium pretense) Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Avoid in breast Ca/tamoxifen use - hinder ability to inhibit breast ca
What is the advice re: HRT and gynae cancer survivors?
- ?reasonable in young women with early stage endometrial
- limited data ovarian - no adverse effect on survival/recurrence
- lack definitive evidence in cervical - tend to have ovarian conservation
- Varied evidence breast - systemic HRT likely increases risk recurrence. sparse re: vaginal but no increase in risk
What is the transdermal preparation of oestrogen in HRT?
17-beta- estradiol
What are the cardiovascular benefits of HRT?
- Reduces atherosclerosis
- Increases HDL-cholesterol
- Lowers LDL-cholesterol
- Promotes coronary artery vasodilatation
- Prevents platelet aggregation
- Decreases lipoprotein-a and inhibits LDL-cholesterol oxidation
Which herbal remedies may help menopausal symptoms short term but there is uncertain safety/interactions with other medications?
Isoflavones/black cohosh
What complementary therapies can be suggested if there is a hx of breast cancer or otherwise high risk?
St John’s wort may help vasomotor symptoms
Uncertainty re: doses/persistence of effect
Potential interactions with e.g. tamoxifen, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants…
Not for fluoxetine/paroxetine if hx of breast Ca
How often should women on HRT be reviewed?
3/12 short term symptoms - unscheduled bleeding common for this time
Then annually unless required earlier
What is the effect of HRT with regards to VTE?
Increases VTE relative to baseline population risk
Transdermal preparations back to baseline - consider if high risk for VTE esp BMI >30
If very high risk consider haematological assessment first
What is the effect of HRT on cardiovascular disease?
No increase in risk if commence <60yo
Risk factors not a contraindication if optimally managed
Slight increase in risk of stroke with PO>transdermal prep
What is the effect of HRT on T2DM?
No increased risk or adverse effect on glucose control
What is the effect of HRT on breast cancer?
Oestrogen alone - little/no increase in risk
Combined - increase in risk related to duration of treatment, reduces upon cessation
What is the effect of HRT on osteoporosis?
Risk of fragility fractures decreases while on HRT
Benefit stops when treatment ceased but if on HRT a long time may continue for longer
How is premature ovarian insuffiency diagnosed?
<40 yo
2 x raised FSH 4-6 weeks apart NOT AMH
Which trial looked at whether HRT reduced the recurrence of coronary heart disease in women with established CHD? And what were the findings?
Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study (HERS)
Did decrease recurrence of CVD events but VTE increased - older women, route and preparation may have had an effect
The Women’s Hormone Intervention Secondary Prevention Study - micronised progesterone; more favourable outcome