Antenatal Screening - TOG article Flashcards
What happens to the serum markers a-FP, HCG, inhibin A, unconjugated oestriol in trisomy 21?
aFP - very decreased
HCG - raised
inhibin A - raised
uE3 - dereased
What happens to the serum markers a-FP, HCG, inhibin A, unconjugated oestriol in trisomy 18?
aFP - decreased
HCG - very decreased
inhibin A - unaffected
uE3 - very decreased
What happens to the serum markers a-FP, HCG, inhibin A, unconjugated oestriol in open neural tube defects?
aFP - very raised
HCG - unaffected
inhibin A - unaffected
uE3 - unaffected
Where is PAPP-A synthesised and what is its mode of action?
What is the significance of a PAPP-A <0.4-0.5 MoM?
Increases bioavailibiilty of insulin like growth factor
(Protease for IGF binding protein 4)
Associated with adverse fetal outcome - miscarriage, PET, hypertension, LBW, PTD
What is b-HCG, where is it synthesised, what gestation does it peak and what is its function?
Glycoprotein (244 amino acids 36kDa)
Stimulates progesterone synthesis by the corpus luteum to maintain pregnancy
With which hormones is the a-subunit of the HCG molecule identical?
What is the significance of low levels of HCG in the first trimester?
Low birthweight
Increased rate of spontaneous miscarriage
What is the significance of high levels of HCG in the second trimester?
Large for gestational age placentas
Retroplacental haematomas
Low fetoplacental weight ratio
What is aFP, where is it synthesised and when does it peak?
Single polypeptide fetal glycoprotein with 3-5% carbohydrate 69kDa
Fetal yolk sac then by the fetal liver
Peak 13/40
Which 2 placental conditions are associated with unexplained maternal serum aFP?
Chorionic vilitis
Vascular lesions of infarction or thrombosis
Adverse obstetric outcomes
What is unconjugated estriol (uE3), where is it produced and when does it peak?
Oestrogen hormone
Produced in syncitiotrophoblast from DHEAS (precursor from fetal adrenal gland)
First detected 9/40, plateaus 31-35/40 then rises again from 35-36/40
What is the significance of absent or undetectable uE3?
Placental sulphatase deficiency Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Anencephaly Various metabolic disorders Adverse obstetric outcomes
Which serum markers are measured in the combined first trimester screening test?
Which serum markers are measured in the quadruple second trimester screening test?
Which serum marker is associated with severe pre-eclampsia (but with low sensitivity)?
Elevated inhibin A
Which serum marker is associated with abnormal placentation/morbidly adherent placenta?
Raised unexpected maternal serum AFP
How does BMI influence serum markers?
Tend to be decreased in raised BMI
How does being Afro Caribbean influence serum markers?
Higher levels of AFP, HCG, PAPP-A
How does IVF pregnancy influence serum markers?
HCG - Tend to be 10% higher
uE3 and PAPPA tend to be 10% lower
How does insulin dependent DM influence serum markers?
Lower levels of AFP and uE3
How does smoking influence serum markers?
PAPPA, HCG tend to be 20% lower
Inhibin levels 60% higher