Placenta Praevia, Accreta and Vasa Praevia GT27 Flashcards
What constitutes Type 1 and 2 Vasa Praeva and what is the incidence?
Type 1 - 2dry to velamentous cord insertion in single/bilobed placenta
Type 2 - between lobes of placenta with one or more accessory lobe
1 in 2000-6000 pregnancies
1 in 300 IVF
What is the perinatal mortality rate with vasa praevia?
60% (97% if diagnosed antenatally)
What are the risk factors for placenta praevia?
Placental anomalies
LLP in T2
Twins and higher order
When should placentae be re-scanned in pregnancy?
Asymptomatic minor praevia 36/40
Major PP or ?accreta; previous CS with PP/anterior placenta over scar 32/40
When would CS be likely in placenta praevia?
If edge is <2cm from internal os in T3 - consider TVUS if engaged prior to CS
At what gestation should CS be performed for abnormal placentation?
Not before 38/40 for praevia
36-37/40 with steroid cover for accreta
What is the follow up if placenta accreta is retained?
- Warn risk of bleeding/infection
- Prophylactic abx
- USS and serum b-HCG once weekly (but doesn’t guarantee resolution)
- UAE and methotrexate does not reduce risk
- No date re: progonisis/future pregnancy
What is the management of vasa praevia?
- Cat 1 CS if presents with bleeding, in labour
- If confirmed at term elCS 35-37/40
- If identified T2 repeat imaging T3
- If confirmed - admit 28-32/40 with steroid cover
What is the strongest predisposing risk factor for placenta praevia?
Maternal age >40 - x9