Breech GT20a and b Flashcards
What % of term deliveries are breech?
By how much does ECV reduce the chance of breech presentation at delivery?
RR 0.38
What % of primips will have spontaneous versoin after 36/40?
3-7% after unsuccessful ECV
What is the quoted success rate of ECV?
50% (30-80%)
40% pri; 60% multips
When should ECV be offered?
36/40 in primips
37/40 in multips
No upper limit - could be labouring as long as membranes intact
What are the complications of ECV?
Placental abruption
Uterine rupture
Fetmaternal haemorrhage
0.5% rate of immediate C/S
What are the absolute contraindications of ECV?
-Where C/S is required for other reasons
-Placental abruption
-APH in last 7/7
-Abnormal CTG
-Major uterine anomaly
-Multiples (except for delivery of 2nd twin)
-Abnormal Doppler/CTG
-severe PET
-Rhesus isoimmunisation
What are the relative contraindications of ECV?
SGA with abnormal Dopplers Proteinuric PET Oligohydramnios Major fetal anomalies Scarred uterus Unstable lie but may be considered in context of stabilising IOL
What is moxibustion?
Burning dried mugwort at tip of 5th toe (acupuncture point) ?promotes spontaneous version but no strong evidence for use
What % of babies are breech at 28 weeks?
What was the evidence from the Term Breech Trial of planned C/S on perinatal mortality and early neonatal morbidity compared with planned VB at term? And long term?
Reduces both - but ?could strategies for management of breech delivery negate these?
No evidence long term health of baby is influenced by how the baby was born
What was the evidence from the Term Breech Trial on effects of planned CS vs VB for mum?
- Small increase risk in serious immediate complications than VB
- No additional risk to long term health outside pregnancy
- Long term effects of planned CS on future pregnancy outcomes uncertain - 44% incr risk further CS, less urinary incontinence, incr abdo pain but less perineal pain; more constipation at 2 years
What are the unfavourable factors for safe vaginal breech delivery?
- Other contraindications e.g placenta praevia
- Clinically inadequate pelvis
- Footling/kneeling breech
- Large baby >3.8kg
- IUGR <2kg
- Hyperextended fetal neck in labour
- Lack of trained staff at delivery
- Previous CS
What is the rate of ‘interlocking’ of breech/ceph twin?
1 in 817
In what % of cases is 2nd twin non-vertex?