Epilepsy in Pregnancy - GT68 Flashcards
What is the prevalence of epilepsy in pregnancy?
How many infant are born to women with epilepsy every year in the UK?
How many deaths in 2009-2012 were attributable to epilepsy in MBBRACE 2014?
12 were SUDEP - poorly controlled seizures contributing factor (tonic clonic highest risk)
When are women no longer considered to have epilepsy?
- Seizure free last 10 years (5 years off AEDs)
- Childhood epilepsy syndrome that reached adulthood seizure- and treatment-free
Which type of epilepsy occurs more frequently after sleep deprivation?
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy - sudden jerks may cause falls/dropping objects including baby
What are the differential diagnoses for first seizures in pregnancy?
- Eclampsia
- Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
- Posterior reversible leucoencephalopathy syndrome
- Space occupying lesions
- Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
- Cardiac - Syncope 2dry to arrhythmia, aortic stenosis,
carotid sinus sensitivity etc - Metabolic - hypoglycaemia, hyponatremia, Addisonian
crisis - Non epileptic attack disorder
Which AEDs have the lowest risk of congenital anomalies in the fetus?
What are the associated congenital anomalies with sodium valproate?
Neural tube defects Facial cleft Hypospadias Lower IQ Increased rates of childhood autism
What are the associated congenital anomalies with phenobarbital and phenytoin?
Cardiac malformations
What are the associated congenital anomalies with phenytoin and carbemazepine?
Cleft palate
What are the generalised congenital anomalies associated with AEDs?
Congenital heart disorders
Neural tube defects
Urinary tract abnormalities
Skeletal abnormalities
What is the incidence of congenital malformations in women taking a) valproate and b) on polytherapy?
a) 10.7/100
b) 16.8/100
(Background 2.3%)
What is the risk of recurrence for women with epilepsy with a previous child with a major congenital malformation?
What % of women with epilepsy do not experience a seizure in pregnancy?
How many women with epilepsy are estimated to discontinue AEDs when pregnant?
15% (may be higher with valproate)
By how much do levels of lamotrigine fall in pregnancy?
Routine monitoring not recommended but take individual circumstances into account
What are the pregnancy outcomes in WWE compared to without?
Spontaneous miscarriage (1.54 OR) APH (1.49) Hypertensive disorders (1.37) IOL (1.67) CS (1.40) PTD (1.16) FGR (1.26) PPH (1.29)
If taking AEDs further increase in: IOL, FGR, PPH, NICU admission
How frequent are tonic-clonic seizures in labour in women with WWE?
then in a further 1-2% in the first 24 hours after delivery
Can consider clobezam (long acting benzo) if very high risk of seizures
1% of pregnant women with epilepsy status epilepticus
How should status epilepticus (>5mins) be treated in WWE?
Left tilt, O2
IV lorazepam - 0.1 mg/kg (usually a 4 mg bolus, with a further dose after 10−20 minutes) or diazepam IV slowly 5-10mg
If no accesss - PR 10-20mg diazepam repeated once after 15 mins or buccal midazolam 10mg
Consider IV phenytoin if not settling; tocolytics if hypertonic and expedite delivery if FH not recovered after 5 mins
Inform neonatal team
Which intrapartum analgesic should be avoided in WWE?
Pethidine - metabolised to norpethidine which is epileptogenic in high doses
Which GA agents should be avoided in WWE?
Pethidine, ketamine - lower seizure threshold
Sevoflurane - epileptogenic
How should the dose of AED be modified postnatally?
Usually taper down gradually to prepregnancy dose over 10/7
What is the advice re: WWE on AEDs and breastfeeding?
To be encouraged - risk of adverse congenital outcome not increased
Which contraceptives are not affected by enzyme-inducing AEDs?
Which are the enzyme-inducing AEDs and which contraceptives may be rendered less effective with their use?
- Carbemazepine
- Phenytoin
- Phenobarbital
- Primidone
- Oxcarbazepine
- Topiramate
- Eslicarbazepine
May affect COCP, POP, Transdermal patches, vaginal ring, progesterone only implants
Which are the non-enzyme inducing AEDs and which contraceptives can be used?
Valproate Levitiracetam Gabapentin Vigabatrin Tiagabine Pregabalin
All methods OK
Which AED levels can be affected by oestrogen-containing contraceptives and can increase the number of seizures?
Lamotrigine monotherapy