Postlab Quiz 12 Flashcards
Left lung has this many lobes, and the right lung has this many lobes
Flow of air into the lungs
trachea primary bronchus bronchial tree terminal bronchioles respiratory bronchioles alveolar sacs alveoli
Most gas exhange takes place here
alveoli (alveolar sacs)
Some gas exchange takes place here
respiratory bronchioles
Conducting zone of respiratory system includes
larynx thyroid cartilage cricoid cartilage trachea carina right and left primary branchus
Gas exchange takes place in this zone
respiratory zone
Type 1 alveolar cells form thsi
the wall
type 2 alveolar cells form this
look up what surfactant is
Macrophages do this
take out any pathogens or debris inside the alvoli
Flow of O2 and CO2 in the respiratory zone
O2 into the capillary from the alveolus
CO2 into the alveolus from the capillary
Two types of breathing
These contract in normal breathing and have this affect
external intercostals
expansion of the thorasic cavity and lung volume, decreasing intrapulmonary pressure to about -3mmHg
These contract in forced (inhalation) breathing and have this affect
diaphragm external intercostals sternocleidomastoid scalenes parasternal intercostals expansion of lung capacity over what is considered normal decreases intrapulmonary pressure to about -20 mmHg or lower
These contract in forced (exhalation) breathing and have this affect
internal intercostals external abdominal oblique internal abdominal oblique transversus abdominis rectus abdominis force air out of the lungs, increasing intrapulmonary pressure to +30 mmHg or higher
Review the mechanics of breathign
20:30 podcast
What happens during normal expiration
relaxation of the diaphragm and external intercostals, plus elastic recoil of lungs, decreases lung volume and increases intrapulmonary pressure to about +3mmHg
name of the equipment used to determine lung volume, and how it works
Transducermeasures/compares pressures on both sides of the diaphragm to calculate lung volume
Use this when doing the lung volume test to reduce pathogens
progressive condition in which alveolar tissue is destroyed resulting in fewer but larger alveoli
emphysema results in this
decrease in surface area for gas exchange
an obstruction of airflow through the bronchioles occuring in episodes.
What is the obstruction caused by in asthma
inflammation of airway mucosa and bronchoconstriction (conduction zones)
Three experiments of this lab
recording respiratory movements
measuring respiratory volume
measuring pulmonary function
What is pleural mesotheliuma
rare form of cancer involving tumor formation on the pleura
What is the pleura
thin membrane of the mesothelial cells that lines the chest cavity and protects the lungs
Causes of pleural mesotheliuma
exposure to asbestos
This percent of people with pleural mesotheliuma have been exposed to asbestos
What happens after exposure to asbestos
inhaled asbestos fibers attach to the pleural membrane
trapped fibers irritate the pleura causing chronic inflammation and scarring
This eventually causes genetic changes in cells leading to cancer
It may take this long for symptoms of pleural mesotheliuma to manifest
20-50 years
This can serve as precursors to pleural mesotheliuma
pleural plaques
pleural mesotheliuma can be hard to diagnose but these two procedures provide reliable methods of diagnosis
Signs and symptoms of pleural mesotheliuma
diminished lung function shortness of breath persistent cough coughing up blood pain in lower back or rib area painful breathing lumps under the skin on the chest
Another name for shortness of breath
another name for coughing up blood
Treatments for pleural mesotheliuma
pleurectomy/decortication - remove tumor extrapleural pneumonectomy - remove lung chemotherapy radiation palliative care clinical trials alternative therapies
clinical trials for pleural mesotheliuma may incluce
new chemotherapies immunotherapies phototherapy genetic therapy tomotherapy
examples of alternative therapies
Prognosis for pleural mesotheliuma
best rate of survival among types of mesothelioma
often not diagnosed until later stages which makes is harder to treat, and lowers chance of survival
average survival length 10-11 months
one-year survival rate 40%
Five-year survival rate 10%
emphysema is this type of condition, and affects this
restrictive lung volume (x-axis)
asthma is this type of condition, and effects this
obstructive flow rate (y-axis)
three aspects of physical fitness
muscular strength and endurance
cardiorespiratory fitness
inhalation and exhalation call for pressure changes in these structures
When pressure in the alveoli is greater than atmospheric pressure this occurs
when pressure in the alveoli is less than atmosperic pressure this occurs
Forced inspiration and expiration typically are observed during this time
physically stressful conditions
These two things are important in oxygen delivery
capacity of the lungs for air intake
ability of the lungs to move air in and out quickly
Respiratory movements are easily recorded by using this
bellows pneumograph or impedance pneumograph around the subjects chest
define eupnea
normal, unlabored breathing
“quite breathing”
define polypnea
increased rate of respiration
define asphyxia
state of being unable to breath
define apnea
suspension of external breathing
define tachypnea
condition of rapid breathing
define dead space
volume of air which is inhaled that does not take part in the gas exchange
define hyperpnea
increased depth of breathing when required to meet metabolic demand of body tissues (exercise)
define anoxia
absence of oxygen supply to an organ or a tissue.
define dyspnea
shortness of breath or breathlessness is the feeling or feelings associated with impaired breathing
define hypercapnia
a condition of abnormally elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood
The impedance pneumograph measures this
the impedance between two plate electrodes applied to the thorax of the subject
Study all graphs and images from the respiration podcast, and lab manuals chapter 18 and 21
The test for respiratory movements can cause this
cardiovascular stress, and should not be done by students who have any cardiovascular difficulties
Obstructive pulmonary disorder is a term that describes this
a number of conditions that reduce ventilation capacity, including:
chronic bronchitis