Posterior Triangle, Brachial Plexus Flashcards
What is found in the superficial cervical fascia?
fat, cutaneous nerves, vessels, and PLATYSMA
What fascia envelopes all structures of the neck except the platysma?
Investing Fascia (splits to include trapezius and sternocleidomastoid)
What is within the carotid sheath?
carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve
What fascia surrounds the vertebral column and muscles associated with it?
Prevertebral fascia
The trachea, esophagus, and thyroid gland is enveloped by the _______ fascia.
Pretracheal Fascia
What are the boundaries of the posterior triangle?
Sternocleidomastoid (Anterior)
Trapezius (posterior)
Clavicle (inferior)
- roof = investing fascia, platysma, superficial fascia
-floor = pre vertebral fascia over scalene
What are the branches of the subclavian artery
VITamin C and sometimes D
- Vertebral A.
- Internal Thoracic
- Thyrocervical Trunk (SITA)
i. Suprascapular
ii. Inferior thyroid
iii. Transverse cervical
iv. Ascending cervical - Costacervical
i. Deep Cervical ii. Supreme Intercostal - Dorsal Scapular
Where does the brachial plexus pass between?
Anterior and Middle Scalene
The phrenic nerve sits on top of which muscle?
Anterior Scalene
Dorsal scapular nerve pierces which scalene?
Middle Scalene
What are the muscles WITHIN the posterior triangle
- Omohyoid
- Splenius Capitis
- Levator Scapulae
- Scalene Muscles
Anterior Scalene
O: Anterior tubercles of transverse processes of C3-C6
A: elevate 1st rib (inspiration), flex and laterally flex neck
Middle Scalene
O: transverse processes of C1-C2, posterior tubercles of transverse processes C3-C7
A: elevate 1st rib (inspiration), laterally flex neck
Posterior Scalene
O: posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C4-C6
A: elevate 2nd rib (inspiration), laterally flex neck
Upper root damage results in ______
Erb’s Palsy
Klumpke’s Palsy is due to damage of the____
lower root of the brachial plexus.
3 Musketeers Assasinated 5 rats, 5 mice, and 2 unicorns
Musculocutaneous - C5, C6, C7 Axillary - C5, C6 Radial - C5 to T1 Median - C5 to T1 Ulnar - C8 & T1
O: Anterior and superior manubrium and superior medial third of clavicle
I: Lateral aspect of mastoid process and superior nuchal line
A: Flexes and laterally rotates cervical spine. Protracts head when acting together . Extends neck when neck already partially extended
N: Spinal accessory nerve (lateral roots C1-5)
Platysma is innervated by which nerve?
Cranial Nerve 7
The axillary artery and brachial plexus originate from:
between Anterior and Middle Scalene
Spinal Accessory nerve innervates what two muscles?
Trapezius and Sternocleidomastoid
Transverse cervical nerve is motor. True or False?
False, it is SENSORY (cutaneous) to the skin
The external jugular vein travels over which muscle?
The posterior Chord of the brachial plexus contains which three nerves?
- Upper Subscapular (to the subscapularis muscle)
- Middle Subscapular – Thoracodorsal
- Lower Subscapular (to Teres Major)
What two triangles are formed by the omohyoid muscle?
- Superior = Occipital Triangle
2. Inferior = Omaclavicular Triangle
The suprascapular artery anastomoses with what two arteries?
Transverse cervicle artery and Circumflex Scapular Artery
What nerves of the cervical plexus are motor and which are sensory?
Ansa cervicalus - Motor (innervates omohyoid)
& Phrenic = Motor
- Great auricular, lesser occipital, Transverse Cervicle, and Supraclavicular = SENSORY
Musculocutaneous nerve innervates what three muscles?
Biceps Brachii
Corachobrachialis (pierced by the nerve itself)
The vagus nerve (CN X) travels with what two blood vessels?
Internal Jugular Vein
and Carotid Artery
Outside the dura mater is ___ and inside the dura mater is ____
outside = Peripheral Nervous System
inside = CNS