Embryology Flashcards
What happens to the zone Pellucida once a sperm penetrates the oocyte (corona radiate, zone pellucid, oocyte membrane)?
Zone pellucid becomes impenetrable to other sperms.
What is arrested in prOphase of Meiosis I until Ovulation?
1ry (primary) Oocytes –> 2N
A 2ry oocyte (1N) is arrested in which phase of Meiosis II until fertilization?
Metaphase II until it is fertilized by sperm
Cleavage of the blastomeres occurs where in the female body?
Uterine tube
What is the term for 16-32 cells that have gone through mitotic divisions in the uterine tube?
Morula –> then enters the UTERUS at this size
What is a Blastocyst?
A fluid filled space which appears after the morula enters the uterus
What are the two layers of the Blastocyst?
- Inner cell mass - EMBRYOBLAST 2. Outer cell mass - TROPHOBLAST
When and where does implantation occur?
End of week 1 and occurs in the posterior wall of the superior part of the uterine body (zone pellucid disappears) - ends at week 2
Once the Blastocyst adheres to endometrial epithelial, what begins to differentiate into cytotrophoblast and Syncytiotrophoblast?
TROPHOBLAST - SYNCYtiotrophoblast erods the endometrial blood vessels –> uteroplacental circulation formed
What is an ectopic pregnancy and what are the symptoms?
- Ectopic Pregnancy is implantation OUTSIDE the uterus (common = tubal pregnancy) 2. Symptoms - abdominal pain and missed period
What is the term for an abnormal pregnancy that occurs in the INFERIOR SEGMENT of the UTERUS?
Placenta Previa Symptoms = vaginal bleeding
What occurs during the SECOND week of development? Third? Fourth?
2nd = Bilaminar Disc forms 3rd = Trilaminar Disc 4th week = four limbs appear
During week, what are the 4 “period of 2’s” events?: 1. What does the inner cell mall differentiate to? 2. Outer cell Mass? 3. What two cavities form? 4. The extra embryonic mesoderm splits into what layers?
- Epiblast and hypoblast (bilaminar disc) 2. Cytotrophoblast and suncytiotrophoblast 3. Amniotic Cavity and Yolk Sac cavity 4. Mesoderm –> Somatic and Splanchic Layers
What occurs during the third week of development? (Period of 3’s)
- Primitive streak appears 2. Epiblast (ECTOderm) cells migrate inward to form new cell layers –> ENDOderm and mesoderm 3. Gastrulation –> three germ layers appear (ecto, endo, mesoderm)
What are the two components of the placenta? (which is maternal and which is fetal?)
- Villous Chorion = Fetal 2. Decidua Basalis = Maternal (think: BASE is mom)
What are the three types of Chorionic Villi and what are the components of each?
- 1ry - Cyto and Syncytiotrophoblast 2. 2ry - 1ry and + mesenchyme core 3. 3ry - 2ry +vessels
What are the three types of Decidua and describe each
- Decidua BASALIS = between embryonic pole of blastocyst and myometrium 2. Decidua CAPSULARIS = covers the rest of the embryo 3. Decidua PARIETALIS = lines uterine cavity
List the four types of fetal membranes (Fetal is FOUR)
- Amnion 2. Yolk Sac 3. Allantois 4. Umbilical Chord
What is the function of the amniotic fluid?
Three main: - protective buffer for fetus -room for fetal movement -assist in regulation of fetal body temp
MZ and DZ twins are how many chorions, amnions, and placenta?
a) MZ (one oocyte and one zygote) = one chorion, two amnions, one placenta b) DZ (*think TWOS - 2 oocytes and 2 zygotes) = two chorions, two amnions, and two placenta
What structures arise from the Ectoderm once it forms from the epiblast?
- epidermis, hair, nails, glands of skin - NEURAL CREST and derivatives ( cranial, spinal, sympathetic ganglia and assoc. nerves, PIGMENT cells of the skin)
What structures arise from the Endoderm once it forms from the epiblast?
- epithelial lining and glands of digestive and respiratory tracts
What structures arise from the MESODERM once it forms from the epiblast? *MESO is MASSIVE*
1. Notochord
2. Somite a) sclerotome- vertebrae b)dermatome - dermis of DORSAL body region c) myotome - trunk and limb muscles
3. Intermediate Mesoderm (kidney +gonads)
4. Lateral Plate Mesoderm
a) Somatic
i. Parietal Serosa
ii. Derma of VENTRAL body
iii. Connective tissue of limbs (bones, joints, ligaments)
b) Splanchic Mesoderm
i. Wall of digestive and resp. tracts
ii. visceral serosa
iii. heart iv. blood vessels
What must be degenerated in order for blastocyst implantation to occur?
Zona Pellucida
During the later stages of pregancy maternal blood is separated from fetal blood by what?
Syncytiotrophoblast and Fetal Endothelium
Prechordal Plate marks the site of future what?
Mouth (oropharyngeal membrane)
What is the first indication of gastrulation in the embryo? (Trilaminar Disc)
Formation of the Primitive Streak
Limb buds develop during what time period of development?
Weeks 4 - 8
What promotes growth and development of the limbs?
AER - Apical Ectodermal Ridge –> inductive influence on the limb MESENCHYM
What arises from the Paraxial Mesoderm?
- Dermatome (dermis)
- Myotome (limb muscles)
Bones and Blood vessels form from which limb element?
Lateral Plate Mesoderm
(intermediate = kidney and gonads ** DON’T MIX UP)
What forms from the neural crest cells?
Schwann cells + Melanocytes
What are the steps of limb patterning?
- Limb buds
- Paddle like buds develop from ventrolateral body wall
- Circular Groove appears - separated hand plate from upper limb and foot plate from lower one
- Digital Rays - mesoderm condensations in the hand and foot
- **Notches **- thin membrane separates the rays and digits become separated
- 2nd corcular constriction appears dividing UPPER LIMB (these buds developed 2 days b4) and LOWER LIMB
What are the three axes that limb buds grow in?
- proximal -distal
- anterior - posterior
- dorsal-ventral
Pre-axial (cephalic) will be future _____.
Post axial (caudal) will be future _______.
- Flexor
- Extensor
Proximal to distal growth of the limb buds (from the humerus/femur to the ulna/tibia) is dependant on what type of signaling from the AER?
FGF signaling from the Apical Ectodermal Ridge (AER)
The upper limb rotates in what direction? The lower limb?
upper = 90 degrees LATERALLY (think elbows point out to sides = lateral)
lower = 90 degrees MEDIALLY
What is a dermatome?
Area of the skin supplied by a single spinal nerve and its spinal ganglion
- Amelia
- Meromelia
- Phocomeila
- Amelia = absence of an entire limb
- Meromelia = absence of part of a limb
- Phocomeila = short, poorly formed limb
- Polydactyly
- Syndactyly
- Lobster Claw Deformity
- Polydactyly - extra digit
- Syndactyly - fusion of digits
- Lobster claw deformity - middle finger is absent