Face (Superficial) and Infratemporal Fossa Flashcards
The muscles of facial expression are innervated by what cranial nerve?
What are the 4 muscles of mastication? What nerve are they innervated by?
Innervated by TRIGEMINAL: V3
- Masseter
- Temporalis
- Lateral Pterygoid
- Medial Pterygoid
What are the names of the three sensory/cutaneous divisions of the Fifth Cranial Nerves? What are the important nerve branches of each?
CN V1 - Opthalmic
- Supratrochlear
- Supraorbital
- Infratrochlear
CN V2 - Maxillary
- Infraorbital
- Zygomaticofacial
CNV3 - Mandibular
- Mental
- Auriculotemporal
Where do the Opthalmic, Maxillary, and Mandibular (CNV) nerves originate from?
The trigeminal Ganglion which sits on the Petrous area of the Temporalis
What is the pterion? What is its clinical significance?
Pterion is the area of the skull where the temporal, sphenoid, frontal, and parietal bones meet
The MIDDLE MENINGEAL Artery (branch of Maxillary) is found underneath this thin area of the skull & trauma to this region can cause an epidurl hematoma
- found by Auriculotemporal nerve
What are the two bones of the edge of the mandible that attach to the temporal bone?
- Coronoid Process (more proximal to front)
2. Condylar Process
What is the HOLE between styloid process and mastoid process called? What runs through this?
Stylomastoid foramen
Facial Nerves
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What is the muscle around the eye called? Around the mouth? What are their functions?
All innervated by CN VII*
- Obicularis Oculi - close eye, wet cornea
- Orbicularis Orus - Narrows orifice of mouth, purses/puckers lip edges
What muscle aids in blowing/whistling/ chewing food? What is it pierced by?
Nerve: Buccal branch of facial nerve (VII)
Buccinator Muscle
- pierced by Parotid Duct (later drains in mouth cavity by the superior 2nd molar)
What muscle allows one to frown/make expressions?
Nerve: Posterior auricular and temporal branches of facial (VII)
Occipito-Frontalis Muscle
What are the branches of the Buccal Motor and Buccal Sensory nerves?
Buccal (M) = Facial Nerve –> VII
Buccal (S) = Trigeminal –> Mandibular V3
What are the three muscles that help close the jaw? The muscle to open?
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Medial head of Pterygoid
Open: LATERAL head of Pterygoid
Once the Mandibular nerve exits through the mental foramen it is called the:
Mental Nerve
What are the three foramen and the nerve that courses through? Are they sensory or motor?
ALL SENSORY** 1 = Ophthalmic n. (C.N. V1) *supraorbital, supratrochlear 2 = Maxillary n. (C.N. V2) *infraorbital foramen 3 = Mandibular n. (C.N. V3) *mental foramen
What are the 5 branches of the facial nerve once it exits the stylomastoid foramen?
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- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Mandibular
- Cervical
What are the six regional lymph nodes of the head?
1 = Occipital nodes - back of scalp
2 = Mastoid (retroauricular)
nodes – behind ear, external auditory meatus
3 = Parotid (preauricular nodes) – back of mandible - front of scalp, lateral eyelids
4 = Superficial cervical nodes - eyelids, cheek, nose
5 = Submandibular nodes - chin, lips, nose, cheeks, gums, tongue
6 = Submental nodes- chin, lips, cheek, tongue, gums
What are the two deep lymph nodes of the head?
A = Tonsilar deep nodes - (jugulodigastric - upper deep cervical) B = Supraclavicular deep nodes (jugulo-omohyoid - lower deep cervical)
What are the three salivary glands?
- Parotid
- Submandibular
- Sublingual
What are the three important Posterior Divisions of the Mandibular Nerve (V3)
- Auriculotemporal N.
- Lingual N.
- Inferior Alveolar N. (to mylohyoid)
What branch of the External Carotid ends as the Angular Artery? [the terminal branch]
Facial Artery
- Angular Artery anastomoses with infraorbital and opthalmic arteries*
The superficial temporal artery runs with what nerve? What branch does it give off?
- Auricular Temporal Nerve
2. Transverse Facial Artery
How can you distinguish external and internal carotid?
External carotid has branches
What artery enters the submandibular gland?
Facial Artery
What are the two terminal branches of the external carotid? What are the three branches by the hyoid bone?
- Maxillary (deep to Masseter and Zygomatic arch)
- Superficial temporal Artery ( can take one’s pulse here)
- Superior thyroid (below hyoid)
- Lingual (above)
- Facial Artery (above hyoid) –> should be highest*
The maxillary artery enters the pterygopalatine fossa through the:
Pterygomaxillary Fissure
Your patient has a thrombus in the maxillary artery at its initial branching from the external carotid. Which of the follow would till be normally vascularized? A: the mandible B: the dura (middle meningeal artery ) C: the Maxilla (superior alveolar A.) D: the buccinator m. (Buccal Branch) E: Parotid Gland
E: Parotid Gland
Your patient complains of numbness on the left side of their face over the chin. You suspect they have a lesion of the:
Mandibular Nerve
You are a second year resident and your attending instructs you to cannulate the parotid duct. Where would you look for the opening?
Across from the upper second molar
What are some important branches of the axillary artery?
MAXILLARY Artery dives across the face
- Inferior Alveolar – in mandible, to the teeth (runs with inferior alveolar nerve)
- Middle Meningeal – enters the skull to supply the DURA MATER; goes into the SKULL to supply the DURA (weak point in this area, the temporal region)
- Deep Temporal A – deep to temporalis muscle
- Buccal A. – Buccinator M. (to the cheek)
- Masseteric Branches – to Masseter
Auriculotemporal Nerve, Lingual nerve, and Inferior Alveolar Nevre (with nerve to mylohyoid attached) are all part of which branch of which Cranial Nerve?
Mandibular Branch of the Trigeminal (CNV3)
What muscle opens the jaw? What muscles assist in opening the jaw?
Lateral Pterygoid (muscle of mastication: V3)
Assisted by–>
- Geniohyoid
- Mylohyoid
- Digastric
- Infrahyoid (Strap muscles –> move the hyoid bone)
What nerve runs with the Superficial Temporal Artery
Auriculotemporal Nerve
Out of which foramen does the Facial nerve come out of at the anterior portion of the face?
Stylomastoid Foramen
What muscle closes the eye? What is it innervated by?
Orbicularis Oculi –> VII
The buccal Nerve of the Mandibular division of Trigeminal (v3) provides sensory or motor function to the inside of the cheek?
Buccal from VII (Facial) is motor –> To Zanzibar By Motor Car
Describe the Parasympathetic pathway of the Parotid Gland:
- Glossopharyngeal = CN 9 (IX)
- PRE-ganglionic fibers in LESSER PETROSAL N.
- POST-ganglionic cell bodies in OTIC GANGLION
- Post ganglionic fibers reach the PAROTID gland via the AURICULOTEMPORAL Nerve (a branch of 5)
5 = taxi cab for 7 and 9
Describe the Parasympathetic pathway of the Submandibular and Sublingual Glands:
CN SEVEN = Facial
- PRE-ganglionic fibers in CHORDA tympani n. which joins the LINGUAL N. (of V3)
- POST ganglion cell bodies in the SUBMANDIBULAR GANGLION
How do sympathetic (post-ganglionic fibers) reach the glands?From Where?
* follow blood vessels to the gland
Where does the middle meningeal artery supply blood?
Where is the SYMPATHETIC CHAIN GANGLIA found? What happens if this is cut?
Behind the VAGUS NERVE
- Destroys the sympathetic response* –> No fight or Flight
- Miosis, Ptosis, Anhydrosis (constriction of pupil, droopy eyelid, lack of sweating) = HORNER’s Syndrome