Anterior Triangle of the Neck Flashcards
At what vertebral levels are the following structures:
- Mandible
- Hyoid Bone
- Thyroid Cartilage
- Cricoid Cartilage
- Jugular Notch
- Mandible - C2
- Hyoid Bone - C3
- Thyroid Cartilage - C4
- Cricoid Cartilage - C6
- Jugular Notch - T2
What are the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
- ant. border of SCM
- Omohyoid M.
- Post. belly of Digastric Muscle
What are the boundaries of the Anterior triangle?
- Midline of Neck
- Mandible
What are the boundaries of the submandibular triangle?
- Pos. Belly of Digastric
- Ant. Belly of Digastric
- lower border of Mandible
What is the most superficial fascia? What muscles does it enclose?
- divides to envelope Trapezius and SCM
What is the space between the Pre-Vertebral Fascia and the Buccopharangeal fascia?
Retropharangeal Space
What fascia contains most of the viscera?
Pre-tracheal fascia
1. thyroid gland
2. trachea
3. larynx
4. esophogus
What fascia extends over the scalene muscles, legator scapulae, and splenius muscles?
Pre-vertebral fascia
What four structures are within the Carotid Sheath?
- Common Carotid A.
- Internal Carotid A.
- Internal Jugular Vein
What innervates the two bellies of the digastric muscles?
Ant - CN V
Pos - CN VII
What are the strap muscles? What are they innervated by?
- Omohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Thyroid
All innervated by Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3) except for Thyroid which is innervated by a diff branch of C1
What muscles are innervated by the Trigeminal Nerve CN V?
Mylohyoid and Ant. Belly of Digastric M.
What muscles are innervated by the Fascial Nerve CN VII?
Stylohyoid and Pos. Belly of Digastric M.
What muscles are innervated by the Vagus Nerve CNX?
Cricothyroid - tightens the vocal chords to speak
& intrinsic muscles of the larynx –> Superior Larangeal and Recurrent
** Palatoglossus
What three muscles are innervated by Hypolglossal nerve CN XII?
- Genioglossus
- hyoglossus
- Styloglossus
What are the scalene muscles innervated by?
Cervical Nerves –> Ventral Rami
Levator scapula is innervated by what?
Cr-C5 and Dorsal Scapulary Nerve
Splenius and other back muscles are innervated by:
Cervical nerves –> Dorsal Rami
What is the blood supply to the inferior part of the neck?
What is the blood supply to the SUPERIOR part of the neck?
External Carotid Artery
What are the different parts of the External Carotid Artery?
1 = (S) Superior thyroid artery 2 = (A) Ascending pharyngeal 3 = (L) Lingual - tongue 4 = (F) Facial. 5 = (O) Occipital – to back 6 = (R) Posterior AuRicular – back of ear 7 = (M) Maxillary – terminal branch 8 = (S) Superficial temporal – terminal branch
What nerve is found between the Common Carotid A. and the Internal Jugular Vein?
Vagus Nerve
What are the SUPRAHYOID muscles?
- Digastric (V, VII)
- mylohyoid (V)
- geniohyoid (C1)
- stylohyoid (VII)
- hyoglossus (XII)
What are the the four INFRAHYOID muscles? What is their function?
fx: move the HYOID BONE
1. Omohyoid
2. Sternohyoid
3. Sternothyroid
4. Thyrohyoid –> C1 innervates!!!
First three : C1-3, ansa cervicales
The ascending pharyngeal artery is a branch of which artery?
External Carotid Artery
On CT your patient shoes a large spur on the C3 pedicle that is compressing the nerve between C3 and C4.
Which muscle would you suspect would have some weakeness?
Which cranial nerves innervate structures in the neck?
CNV - anterior belly of the digastric m. + mylohyoid)
CNVII – posterior belly of digastric +stylohoid
CNX – cricothyroid muscle of the larynx
CNXI – spinal accessory SCM + trap
CNXII – hyoglossus
Your patient comes to the ER with an arrow piercing the crycoid cartilage. Which vertebra is most likely to be in the CT when viewed in the transverse plane?
What Cranial Nerve(s) are responsible for:
- Swallowing
- Talking
- Chewing
- IX and X (9 and 10)
- X
If you were to sever the sympathetic chain ganglia what would be the result?
Horner’s Syndrome
- Miosis (constriction of pupils)
- Ptosis (droopy eyelid)
- Anhydrosis (lack of sweating of the face)
What is the exception to the rule for the Autonomic System and is it Parasympathetic or Sympathetic?
-. don’t synapse at the chain ganglia but instead synapse in near the target organ
(acting like parasympathetics)
Does the sympathetic or parasympathetic system follow the carotid artery?
SYMPATHETIC (follows Carotid to the head)
What are the innervations of
- Styloglossus
- Stylohyoid
- Stylopharyngeus
- 12
- 7 (stylohyoid is pierced by the posterior belly of the digastric muscle)
- 9
What nerve pierces the superficial temporal artery (usually splits)
Auriculotemporal Nerve
Which Cranial Nerve moves the tongue to one side?