Posterior Triangle Flashcards
How many posterior triangles? borders?
2; anterior border of trapezius to posterior border of SCM
How many anterior triangles? borders?
2; spands from midline to SCM
what is another name for shallowest deep cervical fascia?
investing fascia
investing fascia envelopes? is a continuous sheet that encapsulates?
- envelopes the SCM and trapezius muscles
* Continuous sheet encapsulating the neck
what is the superior and inferior border of investing fascia?
- *Superior: Inferior border of the mandible, inferior border of zygomatic bone, mastoid process, ligamentum nuchae, and external occipital protuberance.
- *Inferior: sternum, clavicle, acromion, scapular spine
What are the muscular contents of posterior triangle?
1) Semispinalis capitis
2) Splenius capitis
3) Levator scapulae
4) Scalenes
5) Inferior belly of omohyoid
ansa cervicalis is part of?
cervical plexus
Hyoid bone influences the?
larynx is important for?
1) swallowing
2) talking
3) breathing
* depresses larynx to help change the air way, vocal cords, and swallowing
How is it possible to have superior and inferior omohyoid muscle?
There is a tendon deep to SCM that acts as a pulley, which allows this muscle to change direction and run superiority
what is the deepest layer of deep
cervical fascia?
prevertebral layer
2nd layer of Deep Cervical fascia (aka 3rd layer out of 4) is only found in?
found ONLY in anterior triangle
What layer is the prevertebral layer?
3rd* Deep Cervical fascial layer OR 4th layer overall
the prevertebral layer encloses?
scalenes, vertebral column, and associated muscles
the prevertebral layer extends laterally as the?
axillary sheath
blood supply to posterior triangle comes off the?
subclavian artery
Subclavian eventually turns into? where
Axillary artery at the lateral border of the first rib
3 major branches off proximal subclavian
- Vertebral a.
- Internal thoracic a.
- Thyrocervical trunk
Branches of subclavian; split into ______ and _____ portions
split into proximal and distal portions
*divided by the anterior scalene muscle
What divides the proximal and distal portions of subclavian?
anterior scalene muscle
*everything proximal to anterior scalene is
the proximal part aka first part of subclavian; had 3 branches
describe path of vertebral artery
typically first branch off the proximal subclavian artery. Path:
1) artery skips over transverse process of C7
2) then enters the transverse foramina of C6
3) courses medically through this triangle and then enters into foramen magnum
4) goes to brain and forms the posterior portion of the circle of willis
What is the Area of potential compression of vertebral arteries
Suboccipital Triangle, as the artery courses over the posterior arch of C1 to enter foramen magnum (Between C1 and cranium)
seeing spots
Blood supply to root of neck and thorax (chest plate/intercostals/breast/overlying tissue)?
Internal Thoracic
Vertebral artery supplies what with blood?
Brain via Circle of Willis
What is the second branch of proximal subclavian?
Internal thoracic
Internal Thoracic supplies blood to?
root of neck and thorax (chest plate/intercostals/breast/overlying tissue)
Thyrocervical Trunk supplies blood to?
viscera and muscles of the anterior triangle, deep neck muscles, superficial neck/back muscles, rotator cuff muscles, and shoulder joint
What is the 3rd branch off proximal subclavian
Thyrocervical Trunk
Ascending cervical A is blood supply to?
anterior muscles around vertebra
Transverse cervical a. is blood supply to?
Courses posteriorly; gives BS to the trapezius
Suprascapular a. is blood supply to?
Courses back over scapula
Inferior thyroid a. blood supply to?
Major branch that continues to the thyroid
Thyrocervical Trunk has how many branches? what are they?
1) Suprascapular a.
2) Transverse cervical a.
3) Ascending cervical a.
4) Inferior thyroid a.
Proximal to anterior scalene muscle =
Distal to anterior scalene =
Prox= Proximal (1st part) Subclavian a. Dist = Distal (2nd and 3rd parts) Subclavian a.
The 2nd and 3rd segments of subclavian have how many branches?
1 branch each – costocervical trunk (2nd part) and dorsal scapular a. (3rd part)
costocervical trunk supplies blood to?
2nd segment of subclavian
*BS to deep neck muscles and 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces
dorsal scapular a. supplies blood to?
3rd segment of subclavian
*BS to Rhomboids and levator scapulae (extrinsic back muscles)`
In the posterior triangle there are how many branches of the subclavian artery total?
dorsal scapular a. may be the 3rd segment of subclavian OR…?
deep branch of transverse cervical a.
External jugular vein vein drains?
Drains superficial face
External jugular vein meets up with _____ and together drains into ______?
Meets up with transverse cervical vein and come together to drain into subclavian vein
Transverse cervical vein drains?
all posterior back