Posterior Leg and Sole of Foot Session 34 Flashcards
what is the posterior compartment of leg split into
superficial and deep group of muscles
what r the superficial muscles in posterior compartment of the leg (3)
gastrocnemius, soleal, plantaris
what is the common insertion of all of the superficial muscles in posterior compartment of the leg
calcaneal tendon to calcaneous bone
what is the order of superfifical muscles from most superficial to deep and include the neurovascular bundle
- gastrocnemius
- plantaris
- soleal
- tibial neurovascular bundle
what is the attachment of gastrocnemius
attachment: 2 condyles of distal femur
what is the action of gastronemius (2)
flexes knee, platarflexes ankle
what is the attachment of soleus
soleal line
what is the action of soleus
plantarflexes ankle
what is the secondary action of soleus
contraction compresses the deep veins of the leg for venous return
what is important about plantaris
small superficial muscle belly gives rise to a long tendon
what is the action of plantaris and is it a prime mover
plantarflexes ankle and flexes knee
not a prime mover
what r the deep muscles of the posterior compartment of leg (4)
tibialis posterior
flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
what is the path and insertion of the deep posterior compartment muscles and what r they (3 muscles)
tendons travel posterior to medial malleolus to insert onto plantar surface of bones of feet
tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis and digitorum longus
where does popliteus lie
popliteal fossa in back of knee joint
what is the attachment and insertion of popliteus
attachment- tibia and femur
insertion- above soleul line
attachment insertion and action of tibialis posterior
interosseus membrane, tibia and fibula
tendon attached to multiple bones in the foot
plantar flexes and inverts the foot
insertion and action of flexor hallucis longus
inserts: distal plantar surface of big toe
flexes big toe and plantar flexes the foot
insertion and action of flexor digitorum longus
insertion- distal phalanx of toes 2-5
action- flexion of digits and plantar flexes foot
what does tom dick and very naughty harry stand for and what order do these structures travel
t= tibialis posterior dick= flexor digitorum longus and very naught= artery, vein, posterior tibial nerve harry- flexor hallucis longus medial to lateral
what does tom dick and very naughty harry stand for and what order do these structures travel
t= tibialis posterior dick= flexor digitorum longus and very naught= artery, vein, posterior tibial nerve harry- flexor hallucis longus medial to lateral
how many layers do the intrinsic muscles of the foot have
what innervated the sole of the foot and its muscle and what is this a terminal branch of
medial and lateral plantar nerves
tibial nerve
what re the 2 protective structure of hte foot
thick skin and subcutaneous tissue
plantar aponeurosis
what do the intrinsic muscles of the sole of the foot include (5)
lumbricals, interossei, toe flexors, adductor of big toe and abductors of the big and little toes
what does the popliteal artery split into
anterior and posterior tibial arteries
what does the posterior tibial artery supply
posterior comp of leg and sole fo foot
what does the posterior tibial artery give rise to and what does this supply
fibular artery
lateral compartment
what does the posterior tibial artery bifurcate into and where does these two arteries supply
medial and lateral plantar arteries
supply sole of foot
path of posterior tibila artery
travels posterior to medial malleolus with tendon of tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus
what forms the deep plantar arch (2)
lateral plantar artery and branch of dorsalis pedis
what is the arterial supply to the forefoot and the toes
metatarsal and digitial arteries
what does the popliteal vein form from
ant and post tibial and fibular veins
how does the dorsal venous network of the foot drain (medially and laterally)
medially to great saphenous
lateral to small saphenous
how does the small/ great saphenous veins drain
small saphenous enters popliteal vein in popliteal fossa
great saphenous vein meets femoral vein in femoral triangle
what does the tibial nerve innervate (2)
- posterior compartment of leg
2. plantar surface of foot
path of tibial nerve
travels posterior to medial malleolus with tendons of tibialis posterior, FHL, FDL
divisions of tibial nerve and where does it divide
into posterior medial and lateral plantar nerve
in the sole of the foot
what does the tibial nerve innervate in the foot and what is the exception
all of dorsum of foot except extensor digitorum brevis which is the deep peroneal nerve
spinal nerve dermatomes (L1-S1)
L1 over inguinal ligament L2 upper anteiror thigh L3 medial aspect of knee L4 anteriomedial leg, first digit, L5 anterolateral leg, 2-4th digit S1 5th digit, medial side of foot
peripheral skin innervation of femoral nerve
anterior thigh and anteromedial leg via saphenous
peripheral skin innervation of obturator nerve
medial thigh
peripheral skin innervation of tibial nerve
sole of foot
peripheral skin innervation of superficial peroneal nerve
lower lateral leg
most of dorsal surface of foot
peripheral skin innervation of deep peroneal nerve
1st interdigital cleft