Polymers - SC24 Flashcards
What are plastics made from?
What are polymers made of?
Lots of small molecules called monomers joined together
What is polymerisation?
the process in which monomers join together to form a ploymer
What is addition polymerisation?
when alkene monomers break their double covalent bonds between carbons to add on another alkene momnomer. This process repeats to form a long chain polymer
what letter is used in addition polymerisation to represent a large number of repeating units?
Why is poly(ethene) a synthetic polymer?
manifactured in a laboratory
In a repeating unit, what do bond lines passing through brackets represent?
show there is another repeating unit joined on each side / the unit is constantly repeating
Whar are 3 types of naturally occuring polymers?
DNA, starch and proteins
What are the 4 common types of polymer used in every day life?
Poly(ethene), poly(propene), poly(chloroethene) and poly(tetrafluoroethene)
What is the common name for poly(ethene)?
what is the common name for poly(propene)?
what is the common name for poly(chloroethene)?
what is the common name for poly(tetrafluoroethene)
what are the properties of polyethene?
felxible, cheap, good insulator
what are the properties of polypropylene?
felxible, does not shatter
What are the properties of PVC?
tough, good insulator, can be made hard or flexible
What are the properties of PTFE
tough, slippery
Whata re the uses of polyethne in everyday use?
plastic bags/bottles, cling film and polytunnels
What are the uses of polypropene?
buckets/bowls, crates, rope, carpets
what are the uses of PVC?
window frames, gutters, pipes, insulation for wires
what are the uses for PTFE?
non-stick coats for frying pans + kitchen utensils, stain-proofing clothing + carpets
What are plastic bottles made from? (common + science name)
PET (poly(ethylene terephthalate)) - a ployester
what is condenstation polymerisation?
monomers join together and eliminate a small molecule like water
Polyesters are sāā polymers
What is a functional group?
an atom or group of atoms that are responsible for the properties and reactions of the compound
What is the functional group in alcohol?
what is the functional group for carboxylic acids?
What organic compound contains the functional group -COO-?
What is the smell of esters?
How are Esters formed? why is this a condenstation reaction?
when a carboxylic acid reacts with an alchol in the presence of a catalyst.
Because water is also produced
what is the reaction that creates an ester?
carboxylic acid + alchol -> ester + water
what is a polyester?
a long-chain molecules that contains many ester links
What must be included to form a long chain polyester
each monomer must have 2 functional groups (carboxylic acid and alchol), one at the end of the molecule
how is crude oil seperated?
fractional distillation
what happens to fractions produced by fractional distilation?
they are cracked and purifed to produce useful chemicaks
What gases do plastics produce when burnt that are harmful to the environment? why are they harmful to the environment?
CO2 + toxic substances - greenhouse gases contribute to greenhouse effect
What happens when toxic substances are removed from waste gases when buring plastics?
forms toxic ash which must be disposed of safely
What are the 3 main issues with polymers on the environment?
Landfil, toxic gases from burning, toxic ash
what polymer is represented the symbol 1-PET ?
what polymer is represented the symbol 1-PET ?