Polyarteritis Nodosa Flashcards
what is polyarteritis nodosa?
necrotising inflammation of medium sized arteries without glomerulonephritis/vasculitis in arterioles, venules, capillaries
aneurysms lead to thrombosis and infarction
cause of HBV-related polyarteritis nodosa
deposition of immune complexes -> activate complement cascade -> inflammation -> vessel wall damage
vasculitis occurs within first few months of infeciton
who is polyarteritis nodosa usually seen in
middle-aged men
presentation of polyarteritis nodosa?
systemic vasculitic features + hep b signs
skin (purpura, rash, punched out ulcers, nodules)
renal (artery narrowing, ischaemia, HTN, haematuria)
GI (abdo pain, melena, jaundice/pruritus due to obstructive hepatic impairment due to hep b)
livedo reticularis
where is livedo reticularis also seen other than polyarteritis nodosa?
antiphospholipid syndrome
ix of polyarteritis nodosa
fbc - elevated wcc
hbv serology - possible hbsag +
esr/crp - elevated
mra - string of pearls appearance (microaneurysms and spasm)
renal biopsy - focal transmural inflammation and fibrinoid necrosis
mx of polyarteritis nodosa
if severe, add DMARD
comps of polyarteritis nodosa
corticosteroid side effects
renal failure
GI complications from ischaemia