Policies , Procedures And Regulations Flashcards
What are regulations ?
Regulations - laws issued by the government
What are codes of practice ?
Codes of practice - guidelines , sometimes based on legal regulations which explain how members of a profession have to behave
What are guidelines ?
Guidelines - advice from regulatory bodies about how to follow codes of practice in the workplace
What are policies ?
Policies - a service providers statement of intent followed by a description of procedures to be followed to ensure that codes of practice and regulations are adhered to
What are procedures ?
Procedures - step by step instructions that employees must follow when completing a particular task to the standard required by an organisation
What are the main purposes of policies and procedures ?
-the needs and interests of at risk adults and children are always respected and upheld
-the human rights of people at risk are respected and upheld
-interventions and responses are appropriate ,timely , ethical and professional
-all decisions and actions are taken in line with legislation which is active at the time
How does the use of policies , procedures and regulations ensure that staff do what ?
-work together to prevent and protect service users from abuse
-empower and support people to make their own choices
-investigate actual or suspected abuse and neglect
-provide services to people who are experiencing abuse , neglect and exploitation
What does it mean when health and social care workers follow policies and procedures ?
They are ;
-implementing best practice to meet needs
-using the relevant skills required to work in their area
-working effectively with colleagues
-working within the law
Adhering to guidelines that are designed to keep them safe at work
-minimising risk to themself and the service users
-more protected if something goes wrong