Poisonous Plants Flashcards
Insoluble oxalate plant targets
Dogs and cats kept inside
Targets: GIT (mouth), eye, resp.
Treatment of Insoluble oxalate plants
Irrigate oral cavity
Oral calcium
Pain meds (NSAIDs)
Alocasia (elephant ear)
Insoluble calcium oxalate
Cats, dogs, horses
CS of elephant ear toxicity
Oral irritation, intense burning
Excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing
Epipremnum aureum (pothos) and Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum sp.)
Dogs, cats, children
Insoluble calcium oxalates and uknown proteins
CS of pothos and peace lily toxicity
Immediate burning and inflammation of mouth and throat
Head shaking, extended tongue
Pain, salivation, dyspnea, V/D
Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)
ICO and unknown proteins
Targets skin, mm, oropharynx
Phildendron in cats
CNS: convulsions and encephalitis in cats
Other ICO plants
Snake plant (sansevieria)
Umbrella plant (schefflera)
Caladium (araceae)
Soluble oxalate plants
Cattle and sheep
Targets GI and kidney
Poor prognosis
Soluble oxalate plant sources
Beats and dock (rumex), halogeton, Greasewood, rhubarb, tropical grasses (setaria, kochia),
Soluble oxalate plant MOA
SO complex with serum Ca forming Ca oxalate → 20% depletion of ionized Ca and functional hypocalcemia → crystals in urine
Soluble oxalate plant CS
Ruminal atony, bloat, twitching, ataxia, teeth grinding, seizures, death
Soluble oxalate plants treatment
IV Ca gluconate, IV fluid diuresis, analgesics, GIT protectants, pain meds
Severe nephrosis with uremia and hypocalcemia
Cardiac glycosides soruces
Fox glove
Lily of the Valley
Asclepias (milkweeds)
Foxglove MOA
Inhibits Na, K ATPase enzyme → elevates intra Na exchanged for Ca → greater myocardial contractility → ↓ resting membrane potential
Treat: symptomatic digoxin FAB
Guarded prognosis
Oleander distribution
Tropical - FL and CA - gardens and yards
Cardiac glycoside affecting cats and dogs
Depression, ↑ RR, teeth grinding, ataxia, paralysis, death
Milk weeds (asclepias)
Tuberosa and Subverticillata
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PAs)
Diseases: Seneciosis, hepatic cirrhosis, venoocclusive disease
Senecia, Crotalaria and cyanoglossum spp
Senecia and Crotalaria spp
Livestock, cattle and horses
Senna/ Cassia spp. (sickle pod, coffeeweed)
GIT, skeletal and heart muscles
Laxative effects
Poison Hemlock (conium maculatum)
Piperidine alkaloids with nicotinic effects
Targets NS
Posion hemlock CS
Mousey odor of breath and urine
Dilated pupils, weakness, staggering, slow pulse, teratogenic, death
Water hemlock (cicuta spp)
Wet moist areas
Resinoids: cicutoxin and cicutol toxins
Water hemlock CS
Rapid onset of violent convulsions
Death within 15-30 minutes
Targets CNS
Lantana cumara
Puppies and cattle
Lantana cumara CS
Liver toxicosis: jaundice
Constipation and loss of appetite
Death angel (amanita phalloides)
Ibotenic and muscimol
Targets the liver
CS: tachycardia, hypotension, ataxia, seizures, coma, death, etc.
Treated death angel toxicosis
Diazepam (symptomatic)
Marijuana (cannabis sativa)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
CS: ataxia, incoordination, depression/ excitement, vomiting and dry mm, hyperthermia and tachycardia
Treatment for THC toxicity
Supportive, ventilation and diazepam
Lillies (lilum sp)
All parts nephrotoxic
Elevated creatinine, BUN, P and K
Acute tubular necrosis
Oak bud poisoning (acorn)
Tannic acid, pyrogallol
Common in cattle and sheep
Gi effects, perierenal edema and icterus
Onion and garlic
N-propyl disulfide
Denatures Hb → heinz bodies and acute hemolysis
Cattle and dogs
Xylitol MOA
Stimulates insulin → severe hypoglycemia → acute hepatic failure and coagulopathies
Sago palm (cycadaceae spp)
Cycasin, BMAA
Cycasin irritates GIT → vomiting
CS: GIT, CNS/ neurotoxic, hepatotoxic
Azaleas and Rhododendrons
Grayantoxin (adromedotoxins)
Binds Na channels in excitable membranes → interferes with normal skeletal, cardiac m. and n. function
CS of Azalea toxicosis
Salivation, lacrimation, V/D, dyspnea, m. weakness, numbness, convulsions, coma and death
Castor Bean (Ricinus communis)
Ricin alkaloid (seeds)
Targets GIT and liver
CS: emesis, diarrhea. nausea, nephrotox
Laxative and induce labor
Daffodil (narcissus)
Lysoin alkaloids
V/D, hypotension, weakness, deaths (rare)
Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale)
Colchicine inhibits spindle formation during cell division
CS: GIT, burning in mouth, neuropathies, arrhythmias , renal and liver failure
Treatment for Autumn Crocus
Colchitine FAB fragments (symptomatically)
Terpenoid saponins
Dogs and cats
Salivation, V/D, heart rhythm abnormalities , seizures, death
Larkspur (delphinium)
Dogs and cats
Diterpene alkaloids
Neuromuscular paralysis, cardiac failure and resp. paralysis
Horse tail (Equisetrum spp.)
Toxicosis in 1-4 weeks
Thiaminases inhibit vit. B1
CS: unthriftiness, WL, emaciation, coma and death
Cocklebur (Xanthium)
Inhibits ATP transport in mitochondria
Prog: poor to guarded
CS of cocklebur toxicosis
GI: colic, tenderness, liver toxicosis
NS: depression and convulsions
Path: centrilobular necrosis, hemorr. nephritis
Pigweed (amaranthus retroflexus)
Oxalates and nitrates
Swine and livestock
Perirenal edema and ascites
Bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum)
Thiaminase → inactivates VB1
Enzootic hematuria in cattle and sheep
Bracken Staggers
Horses and pigs (acute form)
Treat: Thiamine solution
Poor prog in cattle, good to guarded in horses
Tall Fescue toxicity (lolium arundinacea) diseases
Ergot alkaloids
Fescue foot, summer slump, summer syndrome, summer fescue toxicosis, fat necrosis, lipomatosis
Fescue toxicosis CL
Lameness, heat intolerance, alagacia, prolonged gestation, abortions, fetal dysmaturity, dystocia, retained fetal mem.
Sudan grass (sorghum spp.)
Hydrocyanic acid, nitrate and photosensitization
CS of sudan grass toxicity
Dyspnea, bloat, staggering, convulsions, death
Bright red blood to dark chocoalte
Sudan grass treatment
CN: Na nitrate and Na thiosulfate
NO3: methylene blue
Night shade (atropa belladonna)
Pigs most affected
Anticholinergic. parasympathetic (hyoscine/ atropine alkaloids)
CS of night shade
CNS: rendering n. endings in involuntary m. paralysis, mydriasis, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, confusion, convulsions
Jimson Weed, Angel’s trumpet
Hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine
Anticholinergic, parasympatholytic
Jimson weed toxicosis CS
Flushed skin, thirst, mydriasis, visual problems, wander, m. twitching
Hallucinations, delirium, resp. tachycardia, death
Choke cherry (prunus spp)
Cyanogenic glycoside
Blood bright cherry red but can’t deliver oxygen
Choke cherry MOA
Cyanide combines with iron in cytochrome oxidase → prevents terminal O2 transfer and blocking cellular resp. → oxyHb can’t relaease O2 for electron transport
Red Maple (Acer
Anorexia, pale mm, red-brown urine
Tx: charcoal, mineral oil, fluids
Locoweed (atragulus and oxytropis)
Obligate selenium accumulator
Locoweed CS
Chronic syndrome, depression, emaciation, incoordination, dull coat, alopecia, abortions, neurologic effects
Yew (taxus)
Cattle, horse, dog, cat
CS: sudden death from acute cardiac failure, tremors, dyspnea
Seizures in dogs
Yellow Star Thistle/ Yellow Knapweed (Centura spp.)
Nigropallidal encephalomalacia - chewing disease
Yellow star thistle lesions
Liquefactive necrosis
Necrosis of substantia nigra and globus pallidus
Stinging nettle/ bull nettle, nettle spurge
Hairs with histamine, ACh, serotonin and formic acid
MOA: Parasympathomimetic stimulatin from ACh
Stinging Nettle CS
Salivation, burning of mouth, m. weakness, trembling, vomiting, dyspnea, borchoconstriction, ↓ HR and irreg beat
Stinging nettle treatment
Atropine, antihistamine
Dogs and cats
V/D, depression, hypersalivation, tremor, anorexia, electrolyte imbalance
Good prog
Tulip and Narcissus bulbs
Dogs, cats, horses
Tulipalin A and B
Highest conc in bulb
Dogs, cats, horses
Sesquiterpene, lactones, pyrenthrins
V/D, hypersalivation, incoordiantion, dermatitis
Ilex (American Holly)
Dog, cat, horses
Dogs and cats
Anthraquinones, anthracene glycosides
Vomiting, urine color is red
Oxalic acid, phytolaccatoxin
Targets GIT: bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, hemolytic anemia, convulsions
Pokeweed lesions
Ulcerative gastritis, mucosal hemorrhage, congested discolored liver
Corn plant/ Dragon tree
Dogs and cats
GIT: V/D, gastroenteritis, drooling, lethargy, dilated pupils
Aconite (shedding blood- weapon!)
↑ salivation, V/D, BP, heartbeat irreg., coma and death
Black walnut (Jugans nigra)
Cs: laminitis and distal edema
Perilla Mint
Cattle and horses
Pungent odor
Perilla ketone
Targets the lung
Tx: antihist, steroids, abx
Perilla mint CS
Resp. distress, dyspnea, pulmonary emphysema and edema
Pleural effusion
Eupatorium rugosum (White snakeroot)
Causes milk sickness and death in early US settlers
White snakeroot CS
Depression, ataxia, tremors, seizures, coma and death
CHF and hepatoxicity
Primary photosentizing plants
St. John’s wort
Spring parsley (cymoptesus)
Duthman’s breeches
Primary photosentization
Ingested or through skin (makes skin cells more sensitive to sunlight)
Signs: itching, redness, swelling, sloughing
St. Joh’s Wort
Dogs, cats, horses
Ulcerative and exudative dermatitis
Used for antidepressants, anti inflamm, wounds, chronic fatigue, PMS, menopausal issues
St. John’s Wort adverse
↑ BP, hallucinations, ↑body temp
Secondary photosentization
Most common
Failure to excrete phylloerythrin from chlorophyll → absorbed and released light energy → phototoxic rx
Secondary photosentizing plants
Agava Lechigeulla